NYPD cadets


One Sexy Mama
Feb 23, 2002
I was on the subway today, coming home from studying when a bunch of NYPD Cadets got on the subway. Trite, but all that could go through my head were things like

"There's something about a man in uniform"

"Hey, I wonder if they have handcuffs"

"Nice hands....Wow, nice ass"

"He can protect and serve me anytime"

Anyways...so I think I need to write a story involving one of them. But how do I get the protagonist, chick on subway and the strange cadet together? I saw one of them with a ticket pad and I thought about him writing a ticket for being too cute, but that sounds terribly trite. Plot is not as difficult, and I think I have plenty of places to take it, but I need to get them together. No rescue scenarios, please.

subway stops, and they get pushed together, she ends up with her hand on his (insert body part) his friends laugh and his hand is on her (insert body part) they laugh more especially when he asks, "Do you need any help getting off?"

this leads to friends offering up his phone number and so on.


one of them trips over something and they end up touching.....etc


they are both standing and when subway stops and he touches her inappropriately, he apologizes, she says she didn't mind...etc....they keep seeing each other in odd places. Perhaps they run into each other in park, outside an appartment building, at a baseball game, newstand...numbers are exchanged phone tag is played, etc etc


one of them deliberately bumps into other to cause an accident etc etc

(maybe I'm thinking too much....i suddenly have urge to write a story about a police cadet....)
intriguess said:

subway stops, and they get pushed together, she ends up with her hand on his (insert body part) his friends laugh and his hand is on her (insert body part) they laugh more especially when he asks, "Do you need any help getting off?"

This is what I have...but I think I may change it to your suggestion...what do you think? Hey hugs...I'm taking your challenge and playing the alphabet game :)

I was exhausted. Five hours of prepping for next week’s class had me ready to nap on the R train, as I headed back to my little studio in Queens. I sat with my head leaning back against the NYC subway map, my favorite CD blocking out all the exterior noise, my arms hugged around my heavy backpack, and my eyes almost closed. I was about two minutes from falling asleep then and there when the train stopped at 23rd street and 5 NYPD cadets got on the train in full uniform.

“Oh my” I whispered to myself. I have a major weakness for a man in uniform. Maybe it was because I spent my early years on an army base, or because my first lover had been a Fireman; there it was. Instantly images of fun with handcuffs sprang to mind and I blushed as I caught myself staring. One of the cadets, a tall brunette with blue eyes and wicked dimples flashed me a grin and a wink. I smiled back and shrugged. Mentally I reviewed my outfit; sneakers, jeans, black turtle neck and black leather jacket, not bad. I had my contacts in, thank god. Hair? Luckily I had brushed it into a pony tail before leaving NYCC. Well, if I didn’t look hot, I at least looked presentable.

We exchange smiles and glances for two more stops. Mentally I’m trying out lines, looking for the courage to hit on him. Hmm… ”Want to serve and protect me?” No, that’s not only trite, it’s also pathetic and obvious. “You have the cutest dimples.” He probably gets that all the time, since he does. “Hi.” Short and sweet, but what do I follow it up with? I remove the headphones and put them away while I continue to ponder my approach.

At 34th street, most of the crowd in our end of the car clears out, most likely to hit the huge sale at Macy’s. The two seats next to me open up and the cadet sits in the one directly next to me. I turn my head and meet his eyes. I give him a smile that says “well?” and raise an eyebrow.

“I’m Adrian.” He breaks the ice! Thank god, I hate doing it.

“Zoe.” I took the hand he offered and we shook.

“Look, I never do this, and I’m gonna risk letting you humiliate me so I can never ride the R again, but do you want to go grab a drink or something? Right now?” The smile he gave me made me think he did this *all* the time; cocky and sexy all at the same time.

I laughed. “I never do this either, but since you’re a cop I suppose it would be okay.”

He laughed and said “Well, cop in training. Sure you want to risk it?”

“I think I can handle a cup of coffee. Want to get off here?” I asked as the train screamed to a stop at 42nd street.
YOu are on the subway and someone picks your pocket or touches you inappropriately. The young cadet decides to use his new training to help the damsel in distress.

This leads to that, a tear, a hug, a tingle up the spine and the rest just happens.....

Glad I got put some steam in your sails.....looks like you have a good thing going but it does need a little more spark...I tend to use humor to pull people together...it's relaxing..it covers the awkwardness...and makes for a good time so that they will want to see each other again
I like it so far.

Glad to inspire yo in the name game. I borrowed yours for my crossdressing story- i hope Katherine is ok with it.
sirhugs said:
I like it so far.

Glad to inspire yo in the name game. I borrowed yours for my crossdressing story- i hope Katherine is ok with it.

Laughs...from her various uses in my stories, Katherine is a girl open to *everything*
MissTaken said:
YOu are on the subway and someone picks your pocket or touches you inappropriately. The young cadet decides to use his new training to help the damsel in distress.

This leads to that, a tear, a hug, a tingle up the spine and the rest just happens.....


Hmmm, this might work even better...I'm not closed to completely throwing out my opening...but of course I'm keeping the names ;)
better opening????

“God I hate the train at rush hour.” I thought as I was jostled yet again by about 20 more people than this subway car was meant to hold. I tried my best to hold onto the overhead bar, which at my height is no mean accomplishment, without falling into the people seated next to me. I tried to not make eye contact, to keep my precarious balance and to keep a firm hold on my purse and briefcase as the train screamed down the tracks towards 34th street. I was praying that enough people would get off so that I could get a seat. At the stop, no one near me got off, but my day was partially brightened by the arrival of 5 NYPD cadets in full uniform. They laughed as they tried to find enough space to stand together. Luckily that meant they were standing next to me. Suddenly standing didn’t seem so bad.

“Oh my” I whispered to myself. I have a major weakness for a man in uniform. Maybe it was because I spent my early years on an army base, or because my first lover had been a Fireman; there it was. Instantly images of fun with handcuffs sprang to mind and I blushed as I caught myself staring. One of the cadets, a tall brunette with blue eyes and wicked dimples flashed me a grin and a wink. I smiled back and shrugged. Mentally I reviewed my outfit; sneakers, jeans, black turtle neck and black leather jacket, not bad. I had my contacts in, thank god. Hair? Luckily I had brushed it into a pony tail before leaving NYCC. Well, if I didn’t look hot, I at least looked presentable.

I glanced back at them, less obviously this time and allowed myself to indulge in minifantasies as I took in each one. Hmm, the sexy Black cadet had the best hands I’d seen in awhile…I imagined him using them on my breasts, teasing my nipples into hard points, and then using them on my clit to bring me to a mindless orgasm. His friend was also sexy, with dark hair and wicked dimples…I bet he’d tickle you until you begged him to do anything else to you, at which point he’d flash those dimples and whip out the handcuffs. And the blonde looked so young and innocent I could imagine playing teacher with him.

Maybe if I’d been paying more attention it never would’ve happened. When the train stopped for 57th street, I felt a shove from behind, causing me to fall into the arms of the dimpled cadet and the weight of my briefcase was suddenly gone. If it had been my purse I would’ve been pissed, but could have dealt with the loss of my 10 dollar Gucci knock-off. However, my briefcase had my laptop, my cell phone and all my notes in it.

“My briefcase!” I looked up and saw a short guy in a Yankees jacket dodging through the doors and into the crowd. I pushed away from the cadet and yelled “don’t let the doors close!”
Hug is right

You're off to a great start. One minor suggestion. Cops come in many shapes and sizes, but my hunch is a young cop -- or a cadet -- still wonders if he has what it takes. Zoe -- great name -- should have to coax it out of him before he really takes charge... if that's what you want him to do. Have fun... Seems like your off on a great ride.
maybe the sequel can be FDNY? After 9/11 I expected a flood of firefighter stories- its such a classic cliche female fantasy. But haven't seen any.

I just did a search on story index. 18 fireman stories, including 3 recent, so lots of room for more. none of the recent ones resemble your nypd plot. the two most recent, the fireman detail is not central to story.
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sirhugs said:
maybe the sequel can be FDNY? After 9/11 I expected a flood of firefighter stories- its such a classic cliche female fantasy. But haven't seen any.

I just did a search on story index. 18 fireman stories, including 3 recent, so lots of room for more. none of the recent ones resemble your nypd plot. the two most recent, the fireman detail is not central to story.

Well, coincidentally, Zoe mentions in passing that her first lover was a fireman (in her why am I so turned on by men in uniform musings). Definitely some possibilities there. I still need to write my xmas story. Maybe Zoe goes home and because she's missing Adrian (and they're in that amibiguous new couple or are we a couple phase) she ends up hooking up with her old flame? Or maybe her old flame transfers to the nyfd and now she has to choose between her old b/f and her new one?
both good possibilities. Of course, you could just do both- first , A and Z visit home for holidays, re-igniting Fireman Bob's candle. So Bob transfers to FDNY to win Z back....classic triangular tension!
sirhugs said:
both good possibilities. Of course, you could just do both- first , A and Z visit home for holidays, re-igniting Fireman Bob's candle. So Bob transfers to FDNY to win Z back....classic triangular tension!

wow...that never even popped into my head...that's a great idea! Mind if I go with it depending on the reception of Protect and Serve?
deliciously_naughty said:
wow...that never even popped into my head...that's a great idea! Mind if I go with it depending on the reception of Protect and Serve?

mind? that's why I suggested it.
sirhugs said:
both good possibilities. Of course, you could just do both- first , A and Z visit home for holidays, re-igniting Fireman Bob's candle. So Bob transfers to FDNY to win Z back....classic triangular tension!

My holiday story contribution...hehehe...

hugs...would you mind taking a look at it?
MsLinnet said:
Cadets why not something to do with the training collage

I think I may do a spin off for the innocent looking cadet...Zoe will introduce him to a friend of hers and she'll give him the "training" he needs :)
deliciously_naughty said:
I think I may do a spin off for the innocent looking cadet...Zoe will introduce him to a friend of hers and she'll give him the "training" he needs :)


Love it
