NSW now having fire emergencies, as heatwave covers the state.

Yes it's been a hot one.

8pm and the temperature here in Sydney is 40C.

135 fires across the state.
I was sitting in the traffic today and saw this young blonde couple walking in the heat, it was over 40C and outside the car felt like an oven. I wound down the widow, asked where they were going and gave them a lift. I said "you look German", they said "close, Dutch, what made me say that?" I said "I knew they were fresh off the boat, because only new arrivals would be walking in this heat".
I used to live in the New England area, north of you. I could look out from our front verandah when the bushfires were on and count thirty sometimes fourty odd fires on the ranges.
11.20 pm and its still 35 celsius (95 F) here, right on Sydney harbour. Gotta be at the airport at 6.30 am.Time for bed. :)
11.20 pm and its still 35 celsius (95 F) here, right on Sydney harbour. Gotta be at the airport at 6.30 am.Time for bed. :)

The harbour is only ever two to three degrees cooler from where
I live. I look out my window and see North Sydney, the Bridges, Centrepoint tower. So not far. The airport's only 15 mins from the city, but parking's a bitch there now, unless you cab it.
Toss another Oz on the barbie of global warming.

You can drive down through parts of South Australia and see deserted vineyards, deserted cottages, where the early German settlers set up shop over a hundred years ago. Now it's barren, dry and desolate. The clime changed and they had to walk out, leave everything.

To say global warming is a recent occurrence is debatable.