Now There's A Surprise...Muffie Is "Officialy Pissed Off"...


Lits. Only GENIOUS...
Feb 21, 2001
I was under the impression Muffie always walked the earth like Angie Dickinson in Big Bad Momma...

Its an "official pissed off" Muffie tonite...Run for cover people, the angry woman who carries a thesauras with her at all times, has cranked up the cunt-o-meter to full blast...

I'm sure tonite will be jammed packed with the Muffin Murderers full metal jacket of the following disses...

"You greasy mullethead"...
"Put a bag over her face"...
"You're a fat pig"...
"He drives a primered Camero"...
"Haha, you have a small penis"...
"Hiya piddles, stop stalking me"...
"You're ugly"...
"Lose some weight Snoopy 2"...

All these age old classic disses that really knock the snot off a baby's face coming from the same person who posted an entire topic about arguing and flaming people with "intelligence"...Muffie uses her typical angry woman approach, the hit n run, method of attacking...Muffie struggles all day to come up with a sentence or two that will demonstrate her wit and sharp tongue and when that fails she resorts to the "Haha, you are a big fat ugly slob" assault...

Note to board...I'm only posting these comments because I noticed that Muffie, the big, bad, angry woman, of porn declared a state of "official pissed offness" tonite and that you people who fear Muffie would have ample warning to sign off and come back tomorrow...

hanns and kid rock going at it.

That makes three "Muffie bootlickers" to the rescue in minutes...

What on earth was I thinking when I decided to post this lil' spoof about Muffster and her declaration of being "officially pissed off" tonite...

Fear the Lit. Police!!!

Monkey pictures are fucking hilarious. Make it a monkey flipping the shit and man, you've got a golden insult to any shrivelsacked potty drinker you want to aim it at.

I piss in your general direction.

KID ROCK1 said:
What on earth was I thinking when I decided to post this lil' spoof about Muffster and her declaration of being "officially pissed off" tonite...

Fear the Lit. Police!!!


Not fear, joy. You make us funny, and you make us laugh, well at you, but hey, you at least serve a fucking purpose so shut your ungrateful fucking mouth and take it up the ass like a man.


Or spooky fish is going to eat your head.
Please, KR, tell me why...

Lit's only genious doesn't know how to use the possessive apostrophe in his title?

Hey, what can I say? I mean, I am only here to defame KR1 for being a massively flaming....


Now I wish I'd not have reamed his tight brown eye out over Starwars the other day. :D

You ask, he probably hates me. Then send it to me to post it on a page we can all link from to harass others with.

Starfish said:

Now I wish I'd not have reamed his tight brown eye out over Starwars the other day. :D

You ask, he probably hates me. Then send it to me to post it on a page we can all link from to harass others with.


just pm him.... tell him all the sweet things you've told me.

he'll respect you for it.

The last time his brown eye was tight was probably at his prom.
Go for it I don't give a shit.

Hey, I just want introductory status. I introduced your sorry ass to it, so I rule and you are a poser, but that is okay.

I've had my fun here. One more to KR from the indiginous people of his hairy asslands.

They send a message:
Use soap from now on, you dirty stinky fuck! Our people are dying down here!

The indigenous people of your asslands

This was the forwarded picture attached to the message that is quoted above.
*bratcat* said:
He doesn't want to resurrect the thread about me, Muff, so he had to turn to you. Have fun with him. :)

True, he got bored with that thread in about the same amount of time he got bored with you.

So, are you emailing me those transcipts or posting them? Can't wait!!