Now the UK's intelligence reports have been...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
discovered to be a 12 year old thesis written by a student rumours are now spreading that our latest maps of Iraq were drawn by 7 year olds practicing finger painting and our battle plan was devised by teenagers using GI Joe action dolls...

p_p_man said:
discovered to be a 12 year old thesis written by a student rumours are now spreading that our latest maps of Iraq were drawn by 7 year olds practicing finger painting and our battle plan was devised by teenagers using GI Joe action dolls...


Bet that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.
So, have you enlisted yet?
p_p_man said:
discovered to be a 12 year old thesis written by a student rumours are now spreading that our latest maps of Iraq were drawn by 7 year olds practicing finger painting and our battle plan was devised by teenagers using GI Joe action dolls...


And to think that your Intelligence Service was once the envy of the free world. Guess you'll never live Philby down.

It's a real shame when we have to inherit your techniques and reputaiton just because we share a not so common language.


What this fuck up has done though...

is to give added impetus to the anti-war movement...

Hell, what parent wants to see there children go to war based on a student's paper...

Re: What this fuck up has done though...

p_p_man said:
is to give added impetus to the anti-war movement...

Hell, what parent wants to see there children go to war based on a student's paper...


LOL, trying to 'uncast' the die?

I am glad to see this building Peace-at-all-costs movement and I welcome it.

When the dust settles, and they see the celebrations in Iraq as it fall peacefully by coup, they will have to eat one big fawking crow. They should be sentenced to reading Sun Ztu and the art of winning without fighting.

It's also good that they keep giving rays of hope to the Iraqis because as we prove each ray of hope to be false, the populace and military sinks deeper and deeper into despair. That's why the UN is being used by the Administration. They understand the psychology of war and the fickle nature of Iraq's new allies.

We need people like p_p_man on our side to help keep the psych on Saddam!

:nana: :nana: :nana: