Now how cum I didn't get congrats on 10,000 posts?

Did you start a thread telling everyone that you'd hit 10,000 posts? :rolleyes:

Congratulations all the same. :rose:
not only did you hit 10k posts, but you did it from the confines of you near-death bed. Now THAT'S dedication!

First you were too fast. I saw ya at 9994 and the next thinng I knew you were at 10009.

You must've been FLIRTING or something.

Now you're just tooooooo late. A couple days anyway.

Man, get your timing right, would ya!!!:p
Congratulations people.

I feel cheated with just congrats!

I want to Add ulations :D ...
Christ, I thought making it to 500 was a big deal. No way am I congratulating you on makes my milestone seem so much LESS worthy! <grin>
Congratulations! We should really do something to celebrate - how'bout you drive your tractor through my haystack? :D
SINthysist said:
Is it because I've done it before?

That, and you're only up to about 1,000 meaningful posts. (among all of your aliases combined.) :p
Congrats AJ. I didn't congratulate you earlier because you've been off flirting somewhere.
Wait a minute, forget the 10,000 posts, somebody identify the thread where SIN was flirting......

I think i'd congratulate him for that.
morninggirl5 said:
Wait a minute, forget the 10,000 posts, somebody identify the thread where SIN was flirting......

I think i'd congratulate him for that.

I think it was this thread that he made a jump to the dark side.:D
I'm the only unfunny one on this thread...


Congrats Riles on 500 posts. WTFawk took so long? Everyone else, you made my day. Now having confessed to lack of life, I bid you fond Adieu...
I didn't hear the alarm on your odometer go off, hey congrats.......champagne compliments of the house.