Nov 2012 - Who will be left standing


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
on to a very important subject, The Walking Dead!

Will Rick still be in charge?
Will Lori have her baby?

Will Carl become Zombie food?

Yes, yes and no. I think someone will try and take the baby, Claire style.
Rick will be in charge if not for the entire season for most of it. There currently isn't anybody else who can remotely hope to fill that role and considering where they should be going in the story we probably aren't adding anybody who could take that roll.

Lori is unlikely to have her baby, best guess is miscarriage followed by dead Carl but I would vastly prefer dead Lori. The reality is that it's unlikely they'd kill Lori and Carl in the same season and Carl's a kid, they have this bad habit of growing up faster than the story progresses though they could attempt a time skip of a few years.