Nothing to see here, Justa bit of Florida sunshine with a chance of hurricane.

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Posting again so soon... well I just had to say that I absolutely LOVED this picture very much. It's so erotic. I also loved the ThongThursday video thing... very arousing indeed. You are truly gorgeous and though I have joined this party late, I hope to stick around for more :)
Love the quick cube shots, it’s rainy and cold over here but things just warmed up dramatically :devil: Sorry to hear about your feeling blue, hope things change and brighten up, anything we can do to help?
I'm not going to be popular here, but don't feel you have to keep posting everyday, take a week off, hell, take a month!
I mean it has been a little intense to say the least. Even if you didn't post for 6 months, guys (including me btw) will still be trawling ampics and will still be sending PM's to encourage further "disclosures". My point? Take time out, kick back and do cube boobs, thong removal etc for your own amusement, you don't need to suit anyone but yourself, go ogle some guys in Target 😉.

I bet, we had an open relationship briefly before we married, it didn't stick (apparently he thought the idea of open was good when he could screw my friends, but oh so not good when I would screw his so ya know lol)

A common attitude, I’m afraid. We’ve been open for most of our marriage, and that’s coming up on 14 years. We have rules in place that work for us. I’m sorry it didn’t work out in your case.
I'm not going to be popular here, but don't feel you have to keep posting everyday, take a week off, hell, take a month!
I mean it has been a little intense to say the least. Even if you didn't post for 6 months, guys (including me btw) will still be trawling ampics and will still be sending PM's to encourage further "disclosures". My point? Take time out, kick back and do cube boobs, thong removal etc for your own amusement, you don't need to suit anyone but yourself, go ogle some guys in Target 😉.

For the record . . . I'll be in Costco today.

These are so amazing , live those eyes and the smile

managed to find a few minutes. of free time

ahh, a moment to sit back and relax.
And I am even showing my geeky side with my fancy Alexa socks. Amazon has a pretty good idea there actually, rather than pay developers to develop skills, just give bored geeks echos and swag to build them. I am up to 2 echos and 2 echo dots so I am done, I mean how many ways do I need to talk to Alexa. Well unless they offer a show or spot or something I don't have. At first, I thought it might be a bad idea on their part, as well... some people will try to sneak dirty things in....but everything sneaky I tried, they bounced back. Even just an error, they caught it, and bounced it back. Anyway Boobs and fancy Alexa socks.

happy Tuesday.

some fast cube shots because A) busy, and B) just not feeling it. Honestly, online with my bored moms club spending money. Retail therapy ;)

Thanks for your Tuesday shots! I think they inspire a bit of cock therapy since I could use a good workout gliding between your amazing tits! Thanks!
well happy friday.

fulfilling another request with items from my phone. the request was basically tits and stockings, which I actually have less images of than one would expect. If I am wearing stockings, I am wearing an outfit. Of course, if I am wearing a slutty outfit, my tits do keep falling out, and eventually I stop putting them back, so I bet if I take screen shots of the videos I can add more, so that is on my todo list, but here are images related to stockings and tits.

SO... I have now gone through all 42 pages (42 as of this typing) of your thread. I have already posted twice, so I am sorry for the third post before you even seen one.
First, these images are absolutely stunning and arousing.
Now I have to say that you are one of the koolest women on here. Not only are you beautiful, sexy, alluring and oh so desirable... but you are funny, candid and truly a spectacular person. I hope to continue following your thread going forward, because you are just so amazing. Plus... BOOBS!! lol
Seriously though... boobs, brains, body and personality... you're a quadruple threat kind of woman.
Thanks for sharing, and I am going to be back many times I am sure. :kiss::rose:
happy Tuesday.

some fast cube shots because A) busy, and B) just not feeling it. Honestly, online with my bored moms club spending money. Retail therapy ;)

I don't think there's a person on this forum who hasn't gone through a phase of "not feeling it." Sometimes breaks are needed for a recharge, and sometimes those breaks last longer than others. And yeah I get the spending money thing. I am frugal as fuck but not afraid to spend my money on something I think is worth buying. Too bad the things I want are typically expensive. :(
happy Tuesday.

some fast cube shots because A) busy, and B) just not feeling it. Honestly, online with my bored moms club spending money. Retail therapy ;)

Well thank you for posting on a day that you are busy and not feeling it... Hopefully things will be better as the week progresses sexy lady!!!!:rose::rose:
A big thank you

You are incredibly candid, funny and sexy! Many of your feelings are not gender specific...we all share similar joys, frustrations and sometimes just have to say WTF! But, without a doubt, you are definitely one of the coolest people I've "met" on here. Who wouldn't enjoy having a Bud Light with you?
and for today's attempt at slutty cubicle pictures....well my phone has a self timer with 3 shots every 3 second option. I use it because I can pick the one I like best

one, 1st attempt

fuck I hear someone coming

hi, what can I do for you...nothing to see here ;)
Just composed a reasonably long PM to you, but it was rejected as your inbox is full. I'll try again later.....
managed to find a few minutes. of free time

ahh, a moment to sit back and relax.
And I am even showing my geeky side with my fancy Alexa socks. Amazon has a pretty good idea there actually, rather than pay developers to develop skills, just give bored geeks echos and swag to build them. I am up to 2 echos and 2 echo dots so I am done, I mean how many ways do I need to talk to Alexa. Well unless they offer a show or spot or something I don't have. At first, I thought it might be a bad idea on their part, as well... some people will try to sneak dirty things in....but everything sneaky I tried, they bounced back. Even just an error, they caught it, and bounced it back. Anyway Boobs and fancy Alexa socks.

You are a goddess.
You are such a sexy woman!! Your body is a gift.....:rose:

I could spend all day here in your thread......:heart:
and for today's attempt at slutty cubicle pictures....well my phone has a self timer with 3 shots every 3 second option. I use it because I can pick the one I like best

one, 1st attempt

fuck I hear someone coming

hi, what can I do for you...nothing to see here ;)
Consider me ridiculously in lust with you ... *smiling*
Sorry you are feeling blue or Grey as you put it. Your admirerers will understand. Everyone gets there it's you're attitude and openness that draws everyone to you. You're charms while certainly phenomenal it's your personality that makes you unique and rare, and keeps everyone coming back for more.

May the sunshine of FL lift you from your grey and if not there is always beer/booze/wine or your particular poison.
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