Not who she appears/ not a transsexual story


May 19, 2011
-David Linwood goes to a Bryce Univerity with an all girls Margaret college attached as a sist college. It's 10 mins away.
-David is a masters student and a TA. So he has a few undergrad girls makeing hints.

->One day on the main campus he finds an iPad, he drops it off at security and thinks nothing of it.
->A few days later a girl Andrea Andrews who he dosent know adds him on Facebook. Thinking it might be a student he teaches he rejects it.

->She sends him a message apologizing for being forward and tells David it was her iPad he found.
-She also tells him she goes To Margaret College(She's 20 and he's 24)

-They talk for a month and he finally pushes for there meeting.
-She's hesitant and David things its him.

->She closes out one night with a Facebook message with her phone number.(She has no photos on facebook.
-The next morning he calls her, he realizes she has a beautifull voice, like an Opera singing angel.

->She plans a date with him at a ice cream shop

->What she says next freaks him a bit. Her real name is Sarah & untop of that she tells him, don't get freaked out, there are going to be some people with me.

-->He goes to the ice cream shop, which has a police car, with a few Tahoes and Suburbans, out front.

-->Beyond his better judgement he heads inside. After all he did nothing wrong. He soon rationalists that there secret service.

-Going inside he sees 9 suited men spread out on the right sections of the icecream shop. His eyes linger as he notices that there protecting a local campus celeb. The Presidents Daughter Sarah Burton goes to Margaret College.(He still hasn't seen his Sarah's face mind you)

She says she'll be wearing a red jacket, and she'll call to him. He's sitting on the other side when he sees the Presidents daughter looks at him, smile waves in his direction and rises to her feet to walk over.

-He looks around to see who she's waving to, he's a historian after all he's not keen on politics but he's interested
-The secret service shift to his direction.
-His body freezes when she says his name and sits at his booth.
-"No fucking way." he responds.

-->"Why didn't you tell me your Sarah Burton?"

-->"I'm sorry, I had to lie I really did. Sometimes I just can't be the Presidents Daughter. I just need to be me."

-She goes onto to whisper to him that the iPad is the only way of communicating the secret service/her dad does not know she has, meaning they can't track it.

-Two hours later it's dark outside and there talking like old friends.

->The next day he responds on Facebook
-She replies I'm glad you replied, I was afraid I scared you off .

-They end up going out, dating and he's taking it slow. Until one night she arrives at his apartment, without the secret service, she spends the night and they have sex.

--In the morning her detail is outside and they are pissed. David doesn't see her for a week.

->Then he gets a phone call, the phone call.

-->He knows the voice. The President is on the phone and he attempts to lay down the law, saying David is to not see his daughter sgain. David grows some balls and refuses on the grounds that he loves her.

-The President smiles on the other end knowing his daughter had said the same thing. The president makes David promise not to pull Sarah away from her security detail.

-David is also ordered to appear at Camp David for Tanksgiving Dinner.
-Two weeks later David arrives at the White-house with Sarah, preparing to go to Camp David with President Burton for Thanksgiving.

-President Burton has David wait in the Oval office for two hours before he goes in to meet the 24 year-old boy fucking his 20 year old and youngest daughter.

-David is left to sweat and stew, and then is immediately put off balance by the President, (The President is a former four Star General)