Not that I'm all that big of a GWB fan, I'm not at all - but explain to me the.......

Uber Sparky

Literotica Guru
Jul 9, 2002
rationale those 'who think he's nuts to go to war' use...

Do they really think he's doing it for global oil dominance?

To avenge his Daddy's legacy?

To bolster the sagging US economy?

Just because he's a tough guy and likes war?


These folks really think that Sadam has nothing to hide - that Bush is totally bullshiting - lying?

C'mon. That would mean that these people opinions of Bush would actually place him on par with Sadam. His equal - at the bottom of the moralistic pile of humanity.

Like I said - I'm no big GWB fan - at all and far from it...

However - he's nowhere near the scum Sadam is. And it's very very hard to believe that a populace as sophisticated as we have here in the US would have voted, essentially a mad-man i- nto a position of power such as he has been elected.

I'm certain that he pretty much knows what the fuck he's doing. I'm certain that he can't let us in on what he knows.

Like I said - I'm no big fan - but where the hell is yer trust?
Re: Not that I'm all that big of a GWB fan, I'm not at all - but explain to me the.......

Uber Sparky said:

And it's very very hard to believe that a populace as sophisticated as we have here in the US would have voted, essentially a mad-man into a position of power such as he has been elected.

I'm sure we wouldn't elect someone suffering from the early stages of Alzheimer's disease either.
Agreed on the humanitarian issues - just added pepper and late too.

But as important as that issue is for you CB - it's a minor issue here.

As far as spreading the attention - you really think the US has enough power to put attention everywhere it's needed.

I don't - so where is there a greater priority than Iraq?

As for RR being elected - don't buy it in the least - his doctors didn't even know.
Re: Not that I'm all that big of a GWB fan, I'm not at all - but explain to me the.......

Uber Sparky said:
... And it's very very hard to believe that a populace as sophisticated as we have here in the US would have voted, essentially a mad-man i- nto a position of power such as he has been elected ...

The populace did NOT vote him in. Al Gore received a larger percentage of the popular vote. Ostensibly, the electoral college voted him in, but even that is debatable. IMO, he was installed as president by his Daddy's supreme court.

And yes, his hard-on for Iraq has everything to do with Oil, covering up his failures, and the Bush family vendetta against Saddam. And while he's throwing all of the United States' resources into his misguided attempt to rule the middle east, North Korea is threatening to distabilize the entire pacific rim by building a nuclear arsenal.

Time will tell the true tale of Dubbya Bush. My guess is that by the time he's throw out of office, we'll be trillions of dollars in debt, whomever we install in Iraq to succeed Saddam will have turned on us, and Americans won't be able to travel safely anywhere outside of our own borders.
Yeah right - keep livin' that fantasy...

I'll bet you play with those puppets in strange ways.

Yeah - you're credible!?!

Boy howdy boys and girls - the presidents nuts! Let's tell everyone!

What a rube.
Re: Re: Not that I'm all that big of a GWB fan, I'm not at all - but explain to me the.......

Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
The populace did NOT vote him in. Al Gore received a larger percentage of the popular vote.

Get over it already. If you throw out the fruits and nuts in Califoria, and New York, who elected Hillary, Bush wins the popular vote by 3,000,000.

You don't put resources into states you have already in the bag, or have already lost just win the popular vote. Just like in football, you don't care how many first downs a team gets, just the points.

I've asked for facts, and...

nobody has come forth with anything other than 'he's doin' it to avenge his daddy.'

And - really - if you knew me, you'd fucking know - I hate politics, I hate most politicians (isn't GWB one?) I hate our US 'antiquated' system of so-called governing us - and I hate war.

I asked for factually based logic and have received none - you call that spin?

Show me something - put your money where your ass is.

I want to believe - but particularly after todays presentation at the UN - I would need something, anything - convincing - to see the other side.

Now - all you whacked conspiracy theory folks who 'just love to believe that our lives or so much more fantastically wild' than most of us want to believe? You all can simply go away.

Give me something real. I'm beginning to doubt that there is anything.
Sparkster.... I just submitted your CD info into CDDB calling the album uber spark... and grabbing it into mp3.. I plan to scare the shit out of my brother with it later
Great! I could never do anything but...

give my music away.

I mean - it pretty much blows.

I'd feel guilty otherwise.
Bush Bashing.




Re: Great! I could never do anything but...

Uber Sparky said:
give my music away.

I mean - it pretty much blows.

I'd feel guilty otherwise.

I wont bullshit you... we both know it aint brilliant, but it is nice and different. So hey, why the fuck not, its better than boybands.
posted by Uber Sparky:

Not that I'm all that big of a GWB fan, I'm not at all - but explain to me the.......

rationale those 'who think he's nuts to go to war' use...

Do they really think he's doing it for global oil dominance?

To avenge his Daddy's legacy?

To bolster the sagging US economy?

Just because he's a tough guy and likes war?



I for one think we're nuts to go to war by ourselves. I believe we should allow the UN to do what is necessary, and what it as an organization set out to do. We shouldn't be trying to jump in
and play the tough guy part. And before anyone says it, no the UN hasn't done a quick job of it, Yes they have let Saddam play shell games with them .

But just like our justice system, the wheels may grind slow, but a day of reckoning will finally come, if it is allowed to run it's course. And it should be done by all the members of the UN, which is as it should be.

Do I think the chest beating by the president has to do with the economy? Of course. What better way to take the eyes of the public off a problem then to have another one that you keep yelling about and pointing to?
Is it about oil? Of course. Actually it more about M-O-N-E-Y, those that have it and those that want more.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying those are the only reasons for the war drums, but it does have a lot of influence on it.

Just because he's a tough guy and likes war you say?

Nope, if he liked war he would have been making strafing runs on NVA convoys in 'nam or bombing runs over the North, instead of sitting in a bar, AWOL from his Guard unit getting blasted. A tough guy? Yea right! Wannabe maybe. He does however want to be the one moving the pieces, without first having experianced what it's like to spill the blood.

These folks really think that Saddam has nothing to hide - that Bush is totally bullshiting - lying?

C'mon. That would mean that these people opinions of Bush would actually place him on par with Saddam. His equal - at the bottom of the moralistic pile of humanity.

Like I said - I'm no big GWB fan - at all and far from it...

However - he's nowhere near the scum Saddam is. And it's very very hard to believe that a populace as sophisticated as we have here in the US would have
voted, essentially a mad-man i- nto a position of power such as he has been elected.

I'm certain that he pretty much knows what the fuck he's doing. I'm certain that he can't let us in on what he knows.

Like I said - I'm no big fan - but where the hell is yer trust?


Anybody with half a brain and one good ear knows Saddam is hiding not only nerve gas and biological agents, but is working on a nuclear device. That isn't and never was a question to me. The question has always been and still remains; Who is going to go get him? I think the most appropriate choice is the UN. We should have done a long time ago what Powel did today, give the security council evidence of Saddams games and lies.

He knows what he's doing? Get fucking real! GWB doesn't know and never has been able to tell his ass from a hole in the ground. But he is just smart enough to surround himself with people that do. The only reason the man is in the white house is his daddy's name and connections and the huge amounts of money thrown at him when he ran for president. Remember that? He had three times the amount of money ANY candidate has ever raised BEFORE he declared he was going to run. Does that tell you anything? It does me.

Where's my trust you ask?
It got blasted out of my head with this statement:

"The US Government has determined that Agent Orange is not responsible for illnesses in those who served in the Vietnam theater of action."

I wonder why I don't trust the government, or those who run it? Must be I'm just one of those off the wall crazys!

Comshaw C.O.F.
Your 'day of reconing'...

as 'it runs its course,'

sounds okay.... but....

What if it actually leads to a 'day of reconing' and 'its course' is the near anihilation of all mankind?

I don't know if waiting around for the polically correct folks at the UN to make a decission is a safe thing to do...

It doesn't seem to me that waiting on them, the UN, has ever done the globe any good what-so-ever.

Just a bunch of handshaking, good PR.
Geez - don't go off the deep end...

you know I care about human rights...


as far as 'labeling' specific issues here?

It seems to me to be trivial.

The greater issue being the 'simple survival of the entire planet.'

I mean how can 'you CB' give a shit about human rights...

If your not here?

That's all I meant.

First things first - let's get the bulk of us living semi-peacfully, the emphsis on the word 'living' and then we'll concentrate on the fuckers who breach human rights.
I can give a fuck how the UN is viewed. I just don't want Us to be the strong arm guy all the time. We don't need it and the rest of the world needs to do their part.

As for, how did you put it;
"What if it actually leads to a 'day of reconing' and 'its course' is the near annihilation of all mankind?"

I suppose you don't believe that if Saddam and his cronies have enough of anything to annihilate the world, that they would hesitate to use it when we come for him?

They can't have enough nuclear stuff to do it, they haven't had enough time to build them or enough delivery systems.

Chemical agents wouldn't do it. They may be able to kill a few million, but not to annihilate the world.

That leaves biological agents. What kind? Unless the've done some really advanced gene manipulations the standard bio agents wouldn't do it. Small pox, Ebola, anthrax, we have inoculations against the ones that spread wildly and know how to contain the rest.

If you mean annihilation of Israel, yes that's possible, very. But with the things he has, it's possible right now as well as later. So why not let the UN take the heat instead of us? And why not let the French and Germans die along with us on the battle field? As I said, and thourghly believe, it should be a combined UN effort. I don't believe Saddam will be able to do any more damage then he can right now if he wanted to.

First off, hey...

when yer the 'biggest guy on the block' (the strong arm) - hey, yer the strong arm - a simple and undeniable fact. The way it is.

Doesn't mean you have to swagger or let it go to your head -and I don't perceive that here. I guess some do but I don't. I guess they watched too many John Wayne movies.

As for annihilation (thanks for the correct spelling, I don't care but I did get it from the Shebabe, Terp Journalist but nobody's perfect) - of course not - don't think the bad guy can do that - alone.

I think this though...

Leave him alone for a while and he multiplies - he gains stronger allies - he gives stuff to them - he teams up with other guys with bad weapons....

nope - he needs to go down now.

You can't give him time. Bill Clinton has given him far too much allready.

Read it in the Washington Post today - not a pro-Bush paper. Not an anti-Clinto paper - but if you read it today - you might think different. Interesting - seems to me Bill baby made the Saddam bed we are all lying in today.

Thanks Bill (and beleive me I love the guy) you blow your horn like Nero.
Re: Bush Bashing.

Jabo 69 said:

Does anyone really thing that no matter who were president right now that they'd be doing anything different than GWB regarding the war situation?