not sure which is stranger in this religious story... the 'jezebel spirit' comment or the opening being a shirtless sword-swallower up on a pole, lol


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
an outspoken pastor (driscoll) was booted off the stage at the 'Stronger Men's Conference' in Springfield, Missouri. It reads like a Simpsons or South Park skit!

John Lindell, lead pastor of James River Church, ordered Driscoll to leave the stage after he criticized Magala's performance and told the audience to stand up against members of the LGBTQ+ community.
the reason he was asked to leave was not directly the anti-trans comments, the anti-women term of 'jezebel', but the fact that he'd not made his complaint about the performing artist first in private to the lead pastor.

I'm wondering who decided that a half-naked man up a pole swallowing a sword (smirk) was the ideal start to the conference?

as for the fucker complaining, no huge surprises there except that he was welcomed to the conference in the first place:
In 2014, Driscoll was investigated by church leaders after he was accused of bullying members, threatening opponents and overseeing the mismanagement of church funds, reports the news outlet.

The pastor, who founded the church in 1996, was later ousted from the church in 2014. His departure was brought on by a 2013 radio interview during which he was accused of plagiarizing another pastor's work.