Not Looking For Flat Chested Bitch or Anyone To Be My Bitch..........


Really Experienced
Jun 5, 2002
Just looking for someone to talk to......................:) in savannah...................
I must be missing something.....

How is it that you're the self-described "Queen of Freakiness", yet you say "I'm too shy to express my sexual needs except over the phone to people I don't know."

Maybe you want to amend your description to something like "Queen of Imagined Freakiness"?
Re: I must be missing something.....

gamslover910 said:
How is it that you're the self-described "Queen of Freakiness", yet you say "I'm too shy to express my sexual needs except over the phone to people I don't know."

Maybe you want to amend your description to something like "Queen of Imagined Freakiness"?

I know I'm not supposed to feed the little swamp dwellers but seriously weren't you issued a sense of humor. If you were, you need to take it back, its defective.

If you read the line with an open mind you will see that it is talking about phone sex. Duh

As to if my freakiness is imagined or real, the title was chosen for me by the Duchess of Decadence who is also my girlfriend. Check with her and have a nice day.


PS.......Jim....there is something pokey in your lap but I think if I move just right I can address that issue as well. Do you mind?
move a little to the right........ :)

dahlin, there's always something pokey in my lap when you're around, and you know you DON'T have to ask my permission...........
Re: I must be missing something.....

gamslover910 said:
How is it that you're the self-described "Queen of Freakiness", yet you say "I'm too shy to express my sexual needs except over the phone to people I don't know."

Maybe you want to amend your description to something like "Queen of Imagined Freakiness"?
who the hell are you "virgin" to be attacking Georgia Girl????????...........get a life and more experience before you come in here criticizing one of the "main" lit people...................jeesh!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: