Not just between you and your doctor


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
anymore. Apparently, at least in the state of MD, your medical info can be shared with law enforcement and any other 'appropriate' authority (appropriate is undefined). And any correspondence between you and your medical provider is now a matter of public record.

Share with the Sheriff.

Meanwhile, in the state of FL, your pricing is dependent on your credit score.

Credit worthiness drives medical pricing.

There is a comment in the credit report news item that is of interest if it can be verified to be true.

it gets worse, if you have a medical bill placed on your credit report after Jan 1, 2014 it now stays on for life, not the 7 years as before , hence, you will never have good credit, which in turn will lower your quality of life, forcing you and your family on welfare health care. Yup, Single Payer has arrived and this is how you stay in power and keep tabs on the rebellious .

1984 seems to have been delayed by 30 years.

That information is vital so that the iPAB can make better decisions as to who deserves treatments and who has earned end-of-life counseling and hospice.

Okay, :eek: , maybe not the hospice. You might be a gun owner. Go blow your brains out.
That information is vital so that the iPAB can make better decisions as to who deserves treatments and who has earned end-of-life counseling and hospice.

Okay, :eek: , maybe not the hospice. You might be a gun owner. Go blow your brains out.

Dude, the wealthy and the politically connected are going to have concierge medical services. All of the rest will get the scraps.

Dude, the wealthy and the politically connected are going to have concierge medical services. All of the rest will get the scraps.


Is that not always how it is comrade?

When good intentions rule...

Happy happy happy!

Soon *fingers-crossed* we will get huge concrete behemoths called People's Housing in order to enjoy our right to shelter.

Interesting that you should mention that. There is some buzz starting in DC about the need for more 'public housing' projects. why not, they worked so well before.

Interesting that you should mention that. There is some buzz starting in DC about the need for more 'public housing' projects. why not, they worked so well before.


"You cap your health care budget, and you make the political and economic choices you need to make to keep affordability within reach."
"And it's important also to make health a human right because the main health determinants are not health care but sanitation, nutrition, housing, social justice, employment, and the like."

Donald Berwick
Death Panel Czar

It seems that health is a very intricate and highly connected piece that touches every aspect of our lives. I see Social Justice as very, very important in controlling the flu...
wow, right to death panels again.

and 1984 too!

Well done.

*mandatory inclusion of Stalin, Socialism and Nazis in this thread
I would not call them Death Panels, but Quality of Life Panels.

If Republicans ever win again, perhaps aberrant sexual practices will be factored in.


kbate... Do you really see yourself as representational of the Libertarian School of Thought?
"The primary function of regulation in health care, especially as it affects the quality of medical care, is to constrain decentralized, individualized decision making."
Donald Berwick
Death Panel Czar

“Some years down the pike, we’re going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death panels and sales taxes.”
Paul Krugman
kbate... Do you really see yourself as representational of the Libertarian School of Thought?

Do you?

Do I have to follow you into the idea that destroying all government (with exception of the giant standing military) is the only possible way to secure the greatest individual liberty for the most people.
Do you?

Do I have to follow you into the idea that destroying all government (with exception of the giant standing military) is the only possible way to secure the greatest individual liberty for the most people.

Why do you have to fall into that fallacy of, "If you do not want my level of government, then you do not want ANY government." Similarly, you add an interesting twist, "If you do not want my level of military, then you want unlimited military."

Now, back to the original question, I would have to say yes, for while I embrace the economics of the Libertarian, I also embrace the Social Positions whereas you continually call for government Interventionism to enforce your Social Position by force and celebrate your superior morality for having done so. The rest of us are content with the education of dialog and a gradual changing of minds as versus putting a gun to people's heads and telling them to change, or else...
wow, right to death panels again.

and 1984 too!

Well done.

*mandatory inclusion of Stalin, Socialism and Nazis in this thread

I'd be interested in hearing how you characterize the trajectory. NSA, IRS, ObamaCare, etc. The country is beginning to resemble nations that we used to openly mock.

And since you've openly mentioned Hitler and Stalin I should remind you that they were only trying to remake society into what they thought were the best for their nations. One can point to modern examples of the same types of individuals, albeit not as ruthlessly extreme. Maduro in Venezuela comes immediately to mind.

The rest of us are content with the education of dialog and a gradual changing of minds as versus putting a gun to people's heads and telling them to change, or else...

Are you fucking serious?

After what your buddies in Washington have been doing to my country?

Get real.

I'd be interested in hearing how you characterize the trajectory. NSA, IRS, ObamaCare, etc. The country is beginning to resemble nations that we used to openly mock.

And since you've openly mentioned Hitler and Stalin I should remind you that they were only trying to remake society into what they thought were the best for their nations. One can point to modern examples of the same types of individuals, albeit not as ruthlessly extreme. Maduro in Venezuela comes immediately to mind.


The reason data submitted on the exchanges can be transmitted to law enforcement is because, like any government form, you are swearing that the financial data you are giving them is accurate and honest. If later found to be untrue, you can be (about one in a hundred thousand odds) be prosecuted and your application will be evidence. You see, if you sign up for MedicAid - your assets are open to the MedicAid people to count - every month and every time a bill comes to them for payment. This is an anti-fraud measure that you would be angry about were it not included.

ObamaCare overall is a rather benign bit of government intrusion into our economy. Its successor will not be as benign because it will be necessarily comprehensive and government run. So far, all the government is doing is more income redistribution in order to funnel money to private insurance companies and yell, "see, you're insured and nobody loses." When that fails, the next step is to create a national health system - and the taxes already being collected for MedicAid, CHIPs and Obamacare can fund it. Neither is the end of freedom, innovation and life. As I said when the ACA was under study and being passed, I wish they'd stop and think and get it right before passing a law, but the Democrats knew they had 18 months to get it done and that was that. I'm not in government and I don't get to slow them down.

How do I feel about the NSA monitoring us? I hate it, but now that the scope of their activities has become public, the agency can be properly regulated and brought back into its charter role of 'gather foreign electronic intelligence'.

The whole of "Homeland Security" should be revisited and perhaps eliminated. We need to get rid of the idea that millions of islamic terrorists are just out there on the phones talking about plots. We need to make the idea of war with the USA something to fear again, rather than an opportunity to kill Americans for the TV cameras. Had the two SEAL raids been completed in silence rather than published before the SEALs returned home - I'd be happy and ignorant and the terrorists would still be dead and in custody (or not as the case may be).

The IRS? Those who use the IRS (from Nixon to Obama) as a weapon should be prosecuted and those IRS employees who participate in this kind of extracurricular activity should be fired with prejudice and prosecuted if possible.

What else? Our form of government cannot survive the information age. Freedom, as envisioned by the hallowed "Founding Fathers" cannot survive the data age. We are entering a new time, one in which 1984 will appear to be the good old days. How can we get good government when a congressman's every utterance, memo and communique are tweeted to campaign donors before they have a chance to think it over? Our government reflects our society, and our society is 'Reality TV, Twitter and Facebook'.

What we are seeing, is the death of an empire, and it isn't socialism killing it, it is technology. We are seeing the death of Keynes (although it will be another half century before the burial). We cannot go backwards to a nation with 8 million people and unlimited natural resources so we need to find a way for 400 million to profit from limited resources.

I'm an anachronism - I do none of the above, I'm unconnected, out of touch and a dinosaur. I read hardcover books rather than headlines and 140 character blurbs.

And that's all for now, back to fluffing with dolf and girlsmiley.
Why do you have to fall into that fallacy of, "If you do not want my level of government, then you do not want ANY government." Similarly, you add an interesting twist, "If you do not want my level of military, then you want unlimited military."

Now, back to the original question, I would have to say yes, for while I embrace the economics of the Libertarian, I also embrace the Social Positions whereas you continually call for government Interventionism to enforce your Social Position by force and celebrate your superior morality for having done so. The rest of us are content with the education of dialog and a gradual changing of minds as versus putting a gun to people's heads and telling them to change, or else...

Why do you fall into the fallacy of, "If you want anything I do not want, you want complete Socialism/Statism."

You embrace only the economics of the extreme libertarian/anarchist. You have no love for social equality or freedom, you quite like the use of force to protect your favoured classes.

You also fall into the fallacy of "call for government intervention". I do not. I am looking for government to get out of most social engineering, you are fighting for the status quo - which coming from the 'founders and the 1891 democrats - has limited who may be free.
Why do you have to fall into that fallacy of, "If you do not want my level of government, then you do not want ANY government." Similarly, you add an interesting twist, "If you do not want my level of military, then you want unlimited military."

Now, back to the original question, I would have to say yes, for while I embrace the economics of the Libertarian, I also embrace the Social Positions whereas you continually call for government Interventionism to enforce your Social Position by force and celebrate your superior morality for having done so. The rest of us are content with the education of dialog and a gradual changing of minds as versus putting a gun to people's heads and telling them to change, or else...

Are you fucking serious?

After what your buddies in Washington have been doing to my country?

Get real.


It is not your conversation that you are jumping into.

As usual, your thinking process is a heck of a lot less than the thought that you put into your fantasy teams.

What buddies am I purported to have in Washington and do you consider it your country because you stole it from the Redskins?

Fuck? I doubt that you can even get laid.
Why do you fall into the fallacy of, "If you want anything I do not want, you want complete Socialism/Statism."

You embrace only the economics of the extreme libertarian/anarchist. You have no love for social equality or freedom, you quite like the use of force to protect your favoured classes.

You also fall into the fallacy of "call for government intervention". I do not. I am looking for government to get out of most social engineering, you are fighting for the status quo - which coming from the 'founders and the 1891 democrats - has limited who may be free.

I did not employ that. I merely, and correctly point out the contradictions you present to us on a daily basis as you argue for Democrat ideas.

"You also fall into the fallacy of "call for government intervention". I do not. I am looking for government to get out of most social engineering..."

Tell us kbate, then how does government get the most out of "Social Engineering" if it is not through the positive interferences of Interventionism?

I am most certainly not fighting for the status quo for that is a interventionist/progressive/quasi-Socialist state. What I argue is for an examination of the road that is leading us down and choosing to not follow the Siren's Song of the Judas Goat of Social Justice. I argue for and end to Progressive Socialism by mechanisms such as the fair tax and the repeal of the 17th Amendment. I argue for an end to government looting us of Capital and then giving it to cronies in the name of Science. I argue for a government that cannot mandate you to buy a product which they intend to control in the long run as a means to control you and me.
It is not your conversation that you are jumping into.

As usual, your thinking process is a heck of a lot less than the thought that you put into your fantasy teams.

What buddies am I purported to have in Washington and do you consider it your country because you stole it from the Redskins?

Fuck? I doubt that you can even get laid.

I know. You are so smart. We are so dumb. Whatever.

Being so smart and all of that you must know that your buddies are the tea baggers and weak speaker that are controlling your party now. So the richness of this
The rest of us are content with the education of dialog and a gradual changing of minds as versus putting a gun to people's heads and telling them to change, or else...
is ironic beyond words.
"The IRS? Those who use the IRS (from Nixon to Obama) as a weapon should be prosecuted and those IRS employees who participate in this kind of extracurricular activity should be fired with prejudice and prosecuted if possible.

"What else? Our form of government cannot survive the information age. Freedom, as envisioned by the hallowed "Founding Fathers" cannot survive the data age. We are entering a new time, one in which 1984 will appear to be the good old days. How can we get good government when a congressman's every utterance, memo and communique are tweeted to campaign donors before they have a chance to think it over? Our government reflects our society, and our society is 'Reality TV, Twitter and Facebook'.

"What we are seeing, is the death of an empire, and it isn't socialism killing it, it is technology. We are seeing the death of Keynes (although it will be another half century before the burial). We cannot go backwards to a nation with 8 million people and unlimited natural resources so we need to find a way for 400 million to profit from limited resources."


The IRS should not exist as it does now.

We fear information? How can we survive it? One might submit that when you have sound principles and foundational philosophy that one cannot fear tweets any more than Thomas Paine feared the printing press...

It is the idea of the altruistic Social State and Social Engineering that is killing the West. Technology increases Capital. Period.
I know. You are so smart. We are so dumb. Whatever.

Being so smart and all of that you must know that your buddies are the tea baggers and weak speaker that are controlling your party now. So the richness of this

is ironic beyond words.

I did not know that Teabaggers [sic] were in control of the Libertarian Party.

I did not know that about the lunatic Bob Barr when I voted for him.

I think you are projecting your inadequacies.

Try harder to get laid.

Pay a whore.
I did not employ that. I merely, and correctly point out the contradictions you present to us on a daily basis as you argue for Democrat ideas.

"You also fall into the fallacy of "call for government intervention". I do not. I am looking for government to get out of most social engineering..."

Tell us kbate, then how does government get the most out of "Social Engineering" if it is not through the positive interferences of Interventionism?

I am most certainly not fighting for the status quo for that is a interventionist/progressive/quasi-Socialist state. What I argue is for an examination of the road that is leading us down and choosing to not follow the Siren's Song of the Judas Goat of Social Justice. I argue for and end to Progressive Socialism by mechanisms such as the fair tax and the repeal of the 17th Amendment. I argue for an end to government looting us of Capital and then giving it to cronies in the name of Science. I argue for a government that cannot mandate you to buy a product which they intend to control in the long run as a means to control you and me.

Removing laws which were enacted to create legalized bigotry is not interventionism. I am merely pointing out the contradiction. You simply selected the 1891 democratic party as your "Golden Age lawmakers" and anything newer therefore is "interventionism".

Your last sentence begins well enough, but then runs into the absurd and finally the paranoid - which is why there is no point in discussing the middle.

It demonstrates that you have reached the edge where paranoia defines your 'philosophy' and that reason has fled.

The IRS should not exist as it does now.

We fear information? How can we survive it? One might submit that when you have sound principles and foundational philosophy that one cannot fear tweets any more than Thomas Paine feared the printing press...

It is the idea of the altruistic Social State and Social Engineering that is killing the West. Technology increases Capital. Period.[/QUOTE]

The FairTax isn't fair, or you wouldn't have the "prebate" to cover the poor. Try a new idea without your income redistribution. The 16th amendment isn't going away nor is a department to collect taxes.

Thomas Paine got to review and rescind his words before they went to press. Microphones don't allow that.
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