Nora, I'm working as fast as I can!


I Am Little Spoon
Aug 10, 2002
yes, ameliabedelia! Now don't distract her! She's doing my evil bidding. *smiles*

*cracks the whip*

Back to work, woman!
C is for cookie, and that's good enough for me!
I think you should really have someone there to taste those, you know... just to make sure the recipe came out okay.

I *woeful sigh, wrist to forehead* would perform this daunting task if you were to ask it of me.
You're such a good girl, Eumenides! *muuuuuahhhhhh* You rock.

Sure thang, SD. You can come taste, but leave that freak-ay ring at home! you'll scare my cats!
Dude, you cheek scratch my cat with that and I'm gonna be facing a trip to the emergency vet. Which is about 30 minutes away. So pick one...fresh hot cookies or wearin' the ring? ;)
Piping hot cookies with Ghiradelli double chocolate chips...

And your sister being an emergency vet doesn't help my babies when you poke their eyes out! Unless she wants cookies, too?
I wouldn't poke their eye out lol, and if I did, she could stitch 'em up. Just like she had to do with one of her cats that I know call cyclops :)

mmmmmmm cookies

this isn't helping is it?
SpectralDragoon said:

this isn't helping is it? lol

I think I'm gonna go make some cookies and EAT THEM ALL MYSELF! lol

g'night =)