Nora and Eummy...

Eumenides is the bestest teddy bear around. =)
*GASP* Thanks a bunch Zmey! See if I keep you!

I am a teddy bear of the bestest quality. But, I'm not tired. What's a girl to do?
Eumenides said:
*GASP* Thanks a bunch Zmey! See if I keep you!

I am a teddy bear of the bestest quality. But, I'm not tired. What's a girl to do?

Go to work for me and I will go back to bed, but then who will be my teddy bear?

Unless you teach drama, I cannot do your job. :D As for the teddy bear problem, I dunno who's going to solve that.
Eumenides said:
Unless you teach drama, I cannot do your job. :D As for the teddy bear problem, I dunno who's going to solve that.

Don't sell yourself short. My job has a lot of drama involved. You just have to learn to drive a forklift as well.

Zmey said:
Well then it's nice to meet you *kisses Eummy's hand*

*in best southern drawl* Likewise. :)

This is a refreshing thread. It has nothing to do with auto-oral or lipstick and men.
Saint Valentine said:
Don't sell yourself short. My job has a lot of drama involved. You just have to learn to drive a forklift as well.


I can barely drive a car. Golf carts give me trouble.
G'night St V =)

Silly, Zmey, that would be a very crowded dream. You, me, Eumenides, St V, Harrison Ford, Robert Plant, my 12th grade English teacher and Ithaqua's boss (but I refuse to repect him in the morning!).
Nora said:
G'night St V =)

Silly, Zmey, that would be a very crowded dream. You, me, Eumenides, St V, Harrison Ford, Robert Plant, my 12th grade English teacher and Ithaqua's boss (but I refuse to repect him in the morning!).

Better then running along in a desert naked :p

nit Valentine
Zmey said:
Better then running along in a desert naked :p

nit Valentine

Depends on whether you're riding a nuclear warhead while moaning "My life for you!" (and 30 brownie points if you get the reference!)
Nora said:
Depends on whether you're riding a nuclear warhead while moaning "My life for you!" (and 30 brownie points if you get the reference!)

Them nukes ain't good for my libido... I'll be dead but I still wonna have a hard-on :p

...anyway if you refuse to dream of me I'm not letting you go. You may as well get comfortable on my lap.
Nora said:
Hey! I slipped you into the dream-orgy!!!

To many guys ... I'm not big on competition. I usually monopolize the market but scaring the competition with my dildo rifle
Eep! Sounds scary!!! lol

Ok, I'll go to bed now and see what happens. lol G'night.