Nonsexual things that feel orgasmic

Getting a massage. I’m not talking about happy ending stuff, just a wonderful full body massage that releases the tension in my muscles, having nearly my entire body rubbed and stroked… I get to the point where I hate for it to end!
Ok, hear me out before judging me. I haven’t done this in years.

When I was in HS and tanning beds were a thing, the best feeling for me was to go tan. On a cold winter day, laying in the hot bed, with the cold fan blowing down over my naked body. The combo of hot and cold made me 💦
Ok, hear me out before judging me. I haven’t done this in years.

When I was in HS and tanning beds were a thing, the best feeling for me was to go tan. On a cold winter day, laying in the hot bed, with the cold fan blowing down over my naked body. The combo of hot and cold made me 💦
I don’t think that sounds weird. I am bald and the feeling of the sun beating down on my bald head feels sooooo good.

Even in the winter, it just feels really good. Sometimes I don’t even wear a hat unless it’s really cold when I’m working outside.
I don’t think that sounds weird. I am bald and the feeling of the sun beating down on my bald head feels sooooo good.

Even in the winter, it just feels really good. Sometimes I don’t even wear a hat unless it’s really cold when I’m working outside.
That kind of warmth just hits different. I hateeee being cold.
Omgosh, any product that has a clean linen/fresh laundry scent.
Holy shit, yes, my eyes roll into the back of my head 🤤.

Honorable mention is the smell of a really fresh & potent cleaning agent, such as Lavender Fabuloso.
That draining feeling of emptying your bladder after holding it for half an hour too long and not being sure you're going to make it. I think that actually ranks higher than orgasmic.
I know some of you are going to go, "Oh, why would you say that?" and then there will be those who will go, "Yep."

When you finally get that chance to pee when you've been waiting so long because of being stuck in traffic, or too far between rest areas, or whatever. Just that sense of relief!
That draining feeling of emptying your bladder after holding it for half an hour too long and not being sure you're going to make it. I think that actually ranks higher than orgasmic.
Hah! You must've just submitted this as I was writing mine!