[NonCon/DubCon] [Objectificafion] Bad Ending/Betrayal


Jan 22, 2024
This is very specific, can't find with Lit filters, so curious if anyone knows any stories like this or hoping it might give someone an idea. Might wanna skip if very dark or mind break isn't your cup of tea:)

The basic premise is a female's partner (husband or bf) gets bored of her (just an example reason) and ends up pushing her towards being more of a prostitute, eventually resulting in her being one permanently with no connection to him or simply ending up the group fucktoy of a gang. Bonus points if there's a timeskip epilogue of her being messed up and mind broken.

A short example is "An Ordinary Day For Him, An Extraordinary Day For Her" doujin by Kizuki Rey. [Check it out, its short and pretty much the whole basic idea]

The story "Kunoichi In The Prison Camps" by The_Dark_Watcher also has a lot of epilogues that go along the line of what I'm thinking of.

That's all, thank you for reading!