non-consent/non-human/impregnataion stories


Jan 30, 2003
I personally would like to see more non-human (i.e., do, horese, etc) and impregnation stories that aren't of the "loving wife" variety.... Like interracial-gang-bang-who's-the-daddy-stuff or lonely housewife taking the family pet as a lover... anyone else?

I'm all for the impregnation stories too. Kinda taps the same taboo-ness that incest does.

I didn't read it nor do I remember it's name, but there is a story somewhere on Lit that concerns a woman's rape and impregnation by a plant. Probably like those out-there hentai movies (hence why I didn't read it). About as non-human as you get.

There was a writer who wrote interracial stories where well hung balck men raped housewives of friends. Naturally, their girth and youthful sexual drive converted these demure housewives into cum-guzzling open-leged whores. He often featured impregnation in his stories. He went by the name of mkarl. You can still find his stuff on the net I imagine, as well as the abndoned whiteshadows site.

But I talk too much. Good luck!
impregnation stories

I like writing non consent seduction/impregnation fantasies. I have written a couple that are posted on Lit. Check them out if you'd like. I plan on doing many more, so any ideas or suggestions will be appreciated.

There seems to be a wealth of stories like this on Lit...

This got me wondering why it is so erotic to read about ourselves or the ones we love having sex and/or being impregnated by other people, I was wondering what the psychology of that behavior was, and I pulled up some works, theories about how as we were evolving, the trait of women being impregnated by men other than their husbands was actually beneficial as it diversified the gene pool, and thus the behavior triggered an endomorphic response that sent pleasure signals back to the brain. Now of course men are supposed to respond with rage as this puts the continuation of their specific line of traits into jeopardy, so Im not clear as how this can be arousing for men unless it is the instinctive realization for the need of the diversification of humanistic traits superceeds their own desire for their personal continuation of traits.

Sorry, Im a nerd, I love this stuff...

And if you will now excuse me, I have to go jerk off to the Discovery Channel. Theres a program on about the migratory habits of Elks. :D
Re: Agreed

flawed_ethics said:
I didn't read it nor do I remember it's name, but there is a story somewhere on Lit that concerns a woman's rape and impregnation by a plant. Probably like those out-there hentai movies (hence why I didn't read it). About as non-human as you get.

Anyone remembers the horror movie classic "Evil Dead" ? A woman was raped (but not impregnated) by a tree ....

Originally posted by jekka
I personally would like to see more non-human (i.e., do, horese, etc) and impregnation stories that aren't of the "loving wife" variety.... Like interracial-gang-bang-who's-the-daddy-stuff or lonely housewife taking the family pet as a lover... anyone else?

Later today, there wil be a movie on tv over here. I saw a small report about it in the tv mag: A woman becomes pregnant, and everybody (especially her husband) is happy .... well, both are white, but the baby is black ....
From LunarSolstice

Now of course men are supposed to respond with rage as this puts the continuation of their specific line of traits into jeopardy, so Im not clear as how this can be arousing for men unless it is the instinctive realization for the need of the diversification of humanistic traits superceeds their own desire for their personal continuation of traits.

I for one agree with the above statement. I cannot see how this is arousing to any husband who has caught his wife cheating. In my stories, I have the wife doing this behind the husband's back, but if I ever do write a story where the husband finds out, it will definitely not result in pleasure for the poor guy.

Now, as far as the whole impregnation thing goes, for myself it is a turn on because I like to see a woman so into the sex she is being given, that she can refuse the man nothing, including giving up the one thing that should be saved for her husband, her womb. I know this is a chauvinistic type of fantasy dealing with male domination, but it is just that for a lot of people, a fantasy.

I know we kind of got off the subject, but as most of my stories center around this theme, I would like more feedback into this niche. I think I may start my own thread so as not to disrupt this one too much, so if you have any feedback, for or against this particular story idea, look for a thread on it.


i think one reason so many people find impregnation such a hot topic is because of the need to reproduce. it was touched on earlier that we have an instinctual need to reproduce, and reading about it only serves to make that need much more tangible.

i'm getting alittle fruedian here, but as a civilized society, we're not allowed to express such needs and instincts, but when we find ourselfs confronted with it, we can't help ourselves.
LMAO...Nascar, I love the Evil Dead trilogy!

I agree with the last two posts as well, especially Seduced. There is a certain erotic aspect to a woman so taken by a man, that the posibility of a life long consiquence isnt a factor...
I wouldn't mind seeing some classic incubus/succubus nonconsent stories. It's probably been done in Lit plenty of times, I just haven't ran across them yet.

I sort of wrote a non consent story about a demoness taking advantage of a priest called "The Harvest" in the NonHuman section.

I'll admit I'm not too big on the whole preggers twist. I've got two me...there's nothing sexy or exciting about being knocked up. I guess that's my opinion.:p
Incubus/succubus is one of those themes I expect I'll get around to one of these days. Got a sort of incubus in my first horror novel, though not exactly the classical one. Fascinating critters, those.

I've also done an angel/demon story (Infernal, in the Novels & Novellas section).

Mary -- it's not just your opinion; I didn't find being pregnant that much of a turn-on either. It was an amazing experience, granted, but not what I'd consider sexy. Being uncomfortable all the time and always having to pee ... maybe I'm weird, but it didn't get my motor revving ;)

NASCAR > Evil Dead ... what a hoot! Gotta love Bruce Campbell.

Re: Re: Agreed

NASCARaddicted said:
Anyone remembers the horror movie classic "Evil Dead" ? A woman was raped (but not impregnated) by a tree ....

Later today, there wil be a movie on tv over here. I saw a small report about it in the tv mag: A woman becomes pregnant, and everybody (especially her husband) is happy .... well, both are white, but the baby is black ....

That happens. We had sheep on our farm when I grew up. I remember these twin ewes, one white, one black. We mated them with a white ram, and the white ewe had black lambs, and the black ewe had white lambs.

Mother Nature has a very kinky sense of humour...;)
How about this. Just an idea.

Yung girl (18) moves to Europe to be a model. She isn’t making it and she’s financially desperate when a guy offers her a job in a porn video, but she must do it with a dog!
Re: Re: Agreed

NASCARaddicted said:
Anyone remembers the horror movie classic "Evil Dead" ? A woman was raped (but not impregnated) by a tree ....

I thought I was the only one that saw that movie. The chick was hot, eventhough she wasn't protray as such. It was an awsome rape scene for a movie that old. The limbs wrapping around her legs and forcing them apart; tairing her clothes....

But it wasn't scary though, I thought. It had something to do with an Indian machine man or something, I forget