Non Consent anyone?

May 16, 2002
I'd like to star in a non consent RP. Anyone interested in taking advantage? ;)

Stats: 5'7, 130, 34B-24-34, long black hair, Asian descent.

I walked rapidly across the school's deserted parking lot, pulling my boyfriend Rashauns letter jacket tighter around me. I can't believe how long cheerleading practice lasted, I think to myself, as I hurry toward my car. I'm the last girl here because I'm the damned captain and had to complete some forms on the newest member of the squad. I look around the parking lot wishing for a moment that there was at least one or two people around. This place was kind of scary at night. Especially with half of the lights broken. I laugh at myself, wondering what could actually happen to me? God, what a chicken shit I am. I finally see my Civic parked in the last row of the lot. Thats what I get for being late to school again. I pick up the pace, watching the ground and my feet as I jog the final few yards to my car.

I'd been stalking Malia a long time. Football practice was over and after a long shower I got dressed. Almost everyone had left as i wandered out to the parking lot to get my car. Mine was the only one there excvept one, which I recognized as hers.

She was still here! I went over and saw that her car was empty. Opening thre back seat door, I climbed in and found the floor was covered with pop cans and bottles and wrappers from a fast food joint. I pushed all that stuff aside and hid, crouching low so she wouldnt see me when she came out to the car to go home

ooc: 6'4" 230 lb tackle on the football team. Never dated - very shy around girls. Very smart in class but a total nerd. One of the few black guys in the school
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I finally make it to my car and use the key to unlock the drivers side door. I slide in, and pull the door shut. Starting the ignition, I turn the heater on and slide the new Eminem cd into the sound system.

"God, I need to clean my car." I say out loud, as I switch on the headlights and head out of the parking lot.

When she got in and started the car, I stopped masturbating and rose up behind the seat and cupped her breasts with my hands. I kissed the back of her neck and told her to stop. She did and I reached over her and pulled the keys from the ignition.

She started to holler for help and then seemed to realiaze there wasnt any. We were the only ones there in the remote parking lot behind the school and football stadium. "WHO ARE YOU?", she asked

I quietly told her I was the one on the football team that loved her. I pulled her up from the sea and over the back to join me in the back seat. Pulling her to me I kissed her and foced her to open her mouth. She resisted and tried to turn away, but soon melted into the kiss and when I licked her lips her mouth opened

She asked again "WHO ARE YOU?"

I told her that when she took off her panties and sat on my lap, Id tell her. She knew she might as well, as if she hadnt Id have ripped them off. Id seen her panties enough watching her cheerleading and fantacized about her doing it nude. She slipped them off and laid them on the seat between us. I picked them up and held them to my nose and they smelled and tasted just as Id always imagined, having read about it inb porn stories on the net

I took her hand and put it on my hard cock. Again she resisted, but soon was caressing it nicely. I pulled her over to straddle me, and she sank down on it. She was so warm and wet. It was wonderful, and again asked who I was

I told her I was the one on the football team that loved her., She started to explore with her hands, and rubbed the top of my shaved head and found my earring, and knew right away that I was Kirk, and kissed me voluntarily, and slipped her tongue in my mouth
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I decide that the best way to get out of the situation I'm in is to pretend I'm enjoying myself. I slip my tongue into Kirk's mouth, a nauseous feeling spreading in my stomach. However, I feel it working already, because he groans and cups my ass in his hands. I move up and down on him rapidly, wanting to get him off and out of my car and my life forever.

"Who does he think he is?" I think to myself, thinking he can rape me?! I decide that when he is finished, I'll drive immediately to the hospital and file a report. Everyone in town knows who Kirk is. The only black guy on the football could anyone not know who he is? And to think that I used to think he was hot. Not anymore...he definitely fucked up his chances tonight.
Frank "Tank or Horse" Baker:

Since those asshole kids had shot up the high school in Colorado, the county school board has been paying deputy sheriffs to patrol the school grounds in the county to be sure there isn't a repeat of Colombine here and to stop the vandalism and graffitti that happens now and then too. It's cheaper to pay us a bit a day than to put in a closed circuit tv system to span the county.

I was cruising past the high school in the unmarked car provided by the school board, along with master keys to all of the schools in case we need access to one, complete with radio and computer linked to the S.O., when I spotted a lone Honda Civic parked in the deep shadows at the back corner of the parking lot.

'Probably a couple of kids enjoying an early night screw,', but I'm paid to check it out.

I kill the lights and engine and coast to within 100 feet or so of the back of the car. The fogged up windows gives me a good indication that my hunch was right.

Smiling to myself and licking my lips in anticipation, hoping she was at least good looking, I get out and approach stealthily big flashlight in hand. After all I'm a healthy male and like watching and seeing naked females, if they're not fat that is.

The rap crap coming from the radio lets me know I don't have to try and be quite so quiet, but I still try to remain where I can't be seen as I approach.

One window is cracked open and I'm able to get close without being noticed in the dark and wearing my dark uniform jumpsuit and peek inside.

'Well, well. A big black kid is fucking a little oriental chick and is she hot looking,'I think with a smile. 'I'd like lots of pieces of that slut myself, I think again as I adjust the crotch of my jumpsuit and keep watching her riding his respectible cock.