Noam Chomsky: Trump the ‘one Western statesman of stature’ pushing peace in Ukraine


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
Famed leftist MIT professor Noam Chomsky has credited former President Donald Trump for being one of the few prominent statesmen in the West actively pushing for peace in Ukraine as opposed to escalating war with Russia.

"Well, there is, fortunately, one statesman in the United States and Europe, a high political figure, who has made a very sensible statement about how you can solve the crisis. Namely, by facilitating negotiations instead of undermining them and moving toward establishing some kind of accommodation in Europe, in which there are no military alliances, but just mutual accommodation.

I think DeGaul had a similar vision. Emmanuel Macron, in his initiatives trying to contact Putin, suggested something similar. So, going back to the one Western statesman, he didn’t mention all of this, but he suggested something similar. Move towards negotiations and diplomacy instead of escalating the war. Try to see if we can bring about accommodation, which would be roughly along these lines.

His name is Donald J. Trump."