No Shit, About Time!

"Those democrat debates are a farce! The moderator is in their pockets! He/She/It didn't ask a single hardball question!

We need to get us one of those."
Blamin' the moderators has been one of the top ways Republicans have sought to evade personal responsibility. What will you use to fill the void?
Damn, they finally figured it all out.

You're a smart one, old vetteman.

Don't let anyone tell you any different.
"Those democrat debates are a farce! The moderator is in their pockets! He/She/It didn't ask a single hardball question!

We need to get us one of those."

And he's only bitching about the primary debate moderators.

Which apparently favored the democratic candidate.
Wait, what?!

Presidential-election-campaign debates are run by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates. (Bipartisan rather than, like the League of Woman Voters, nonpartisan; so 3rd-party-candidates who want a debate-lectern are SOL unless the Republicrats are feeling generous that year.)

The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) began in 1987 by the Democratic and Republican parties to establish the way that presidential election debates are run between candidates for President of the United States. The Commission is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation as defined by federal US tax laws,[1] whose debates are sponsored by private contributions from foundations and corporations.[2]

The CPD sponsors and produces debates for the United States presidential and vice presidential candidates and undertakes research and educational activities relating to the debates. The organization, which is a nonprofit corporation controlled by the Democratic and Republican parties, has run each of the presidential debates held since 1988. The Commission is headed by Frank Fahrenkopf, a former head of the Republican National Committee, and former White House press secretary Michael D. McCurry.[3] As of 2011,[4] the Board of directors consists of Howard Graham Buffett, John C. Danforth, John Griffen, Antonia Hernandez, Caroline Kennedy, Newton N. Minow, Richard D. Parsons, Dorothy Ridings, and Alan K. Simpson.

So the RNC already has input. What more do ya want?!
Wait, what?!

Presidential-election-campaign debates are run by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates. (Bipartisan rather than, like the League of Woman Voters, nonpartisan; so 3rd-party-candidates who want a debate-lectern are SOL unless the Republicrats are feeling generous that year.)

So the RNC already has input. What more do ya want?!

The CPD runs the prmiary freakshow too?
The CPD runs the prmiary freakshow too?

No, primary debates are put on by a collection of entities. All the early primary states try to have one of their own.

The problem you have as a political party is that if you start rejecting too many people as being "biased," the perception will be that the ones you find acceptable must be willing to toe the party line, and not too many journalists want that sort of label.

Essentially, what they're looking for is someone who will try to further the message the party fathers want to get across, and not allow any embarrassing disunity to make it on the air. So Chris Wallace is probably at the leftward edge of what the GOP will find acceptable.

It's funny that Vette implicitly rips Stephanopoulos as some sort of Democratic activist, because in 2008, he and his colleagues at ABC ran one of the worst debates in world history, the Obama/Clinton debate in Pennsylvania.
Yeah, go ahead, have easy debates and end up with Rick Perry on the ticket. And then watch what happens when the candidate goes into a real debate with someone who won't go easy on them. It'll be hilarious.

Let's be honest, if a candidate sucks, you should know that before he's your only choice. When do you ask a girl the hard questions, before or after you propose? You don't want to get stuck with someone who looks pretty but has a rotten core. The harsher the debate environment is, the better the product. Don't blame moderators for having a shit crop to pick from to begin with, Republicans, when you kicked out Huntsman as early as possible.
waaaa waaaa debates are hard and we can't answer things without sounding like the absolute tools we actually let's stack the deck, the peons won't know different... lolz
They must have finally figured out the scam, the dummies:

No more Stephanopoulos? RNC wants role in picking 2016 primary debate moderators

Read more:

Its a little late now, but better late than never I guess.

I would have taken a MUCH harder line against bias decades ago. That goes not only for debates but for going on any interview shows.

Any media personality who shows bias, you need to go after and dig up dirt on THEM. Turn the tables. Hire private investigators to dig up dirt on media people and networks. I stopped having tolerance for media bias by about 1985. Its unacceptable.

The childish internet liberal filth like those vomit bags in this thread can whine all they want. The more they whine the better. It shows they can't risk a level playing field.

My latest varmint call is working just fine.:D


Its a little late now, but better late than never I guess.

I would have taken a MUCH harder line against bias decades ago. That goes not only for debates but for going on any interview shows.

Any media personality who shows bias, you need to go after and dig up dirt on THEM. Turn the tables. Hire private investigators to dig up dirt on media people and networks. I stopped having tolerance for media bias by about 1985. Its unacceptable.

The childish internet liberal filth like those vomit bags in this thread can whine all they want. The more they whine the better. It shows they can't risk a level playing field.

