No Panties

I'd like to verify she is not wearing panties. Finding a woman who is not wearing panties is a huge turn on.
When I was dating the wife I told he I did not want her to wear panties. She agreed. I would send one of her friends to her house to make sure she was complying. She was but it was a big turn on for her to have to prove she was complying to the agreement.
I agree, except for the last part. I think a dress or skirt below the knees produces a special, anticipatory thrill (I have read stories by women where they say they catch and hold their breath) as you gather it on your wrist and reach upward. Even the few seconds that takes gives her ample time to think about what will happen next, and those tend to be pretty happy thoughts.
This right here is so unbelievably sexy. Especially when he is moving slow and you feel his fingers gliding closer, the seconds feel like eternity and you're ready to beg but can't even breathe. Mmm.