No more Mongadishu's..........

Its spelled Mogadishu and from what I read they were damaged, not destroyed. The difference between the two is like a car wreck, there is repairable damage and a collision that causes it to be "totaled” (i.e. beyond repair). The M-1 Abrams tanks are repairable.
Lost Cause said:
This time we had armor that wasn't allowed by the last administration.
If you want to read about a similar 24 hour gunbattle involving the 7th cavalry, losing 3 M-1's for the first time in battle, all along a fortified route, read on!

There were plenty of other reasons we got fucked over in Somalia besides not having the 10th mountain divisions armor.

No night vision goggles, extra water or ceramic armor plates can all be added to that.
Frimost said:
Its spelled Mogadishu and from what I read they were damaged, not destroyed. The difference between the two is like a car wreck, there is repairable damage and a collision that causes it to be "totaled” (i.e. beyond repair). The M-1 Abrams tanks are repairable.

And they are still too heavy to cross many bridges.
Problem Child said:
That's interesting since the battle began at 8:30 monday night local time.

Yeah the bullshit in this thead is starting to make me dry heave.
Problem Child said:
That's interesting since the battle began at 8:30 monday night local time.

Yeah, I watched "Meet the Press" Sunday a.m. asshole.