No more "Boy Scouts"....rebrand to welcome the girls

Hell, if girls had been allowed maybe my Boy Scout group wouldn’t have folded

A lot more guys would want to be in the Scouts

God forbid if I would ever volunteer to chaperone. No wait! Kind of did that at a summer camp

All good !!!

Hell!! Great idea more moms and dads would sign up to help!!
Not a bad move, imho. Even back in the dawn of time when I was in high school, it was referred to as "scouting" not "Boy Scouts".

Most memorable scouting memory: I once got on a plane in Salt Lake City to return home from a business trip. About 100 passengers were also aboard, boys returning from their pilgrimage to Philmont Scout Ranch, the "Ranger School" of scouting. None of these kids had had a shower or bathed in two weeks. The amount of teen body odor on that plane was unbelievable.
Fake News!
…because unless there’s a pic of a POC, or a trans child, or, better yet, a trans child of color then, of course, it’s of no interest. Fake news!
I don’t think this is a breaking story. We have friends with 11 year old twins, boy and girl, who have been in scouts together for a number of years.
They've been talking about doing this officially for years and years. I'm shocked it took this long to pull the trigger.
I don’t think this is a breaking story. We have friends with 11 year old twins, boy and girl, who have been in scouts together for a number of years.

That's nice. What does that have to do with the official name change, a.k.a. the story?

You Deplorables really have reading comprehension issues. 🤣
That's nice. What does that have to do with the official name change, a.k.a. the story?

You Deplorables really have reading comprehension issues. 🤣
I get it. You’re pissed the rebranding doesn’t include a swastika.
Fun anecdote that just happened. A friend posted this link on FB. An ex's mother replied, "Nothing is sacred anymore." I reminded her that she used to cheat on her husband with randoms she brought home from the bar while he was out of town.

n0ThInG iS $@cR3d
I get it. You’re pissed the rebranding doesn’t include a swastika.
You are the one who was looking forward to wearing your armband. But then again, your guy dropped out of the race.

It’s okay though.

Hahah, such a funny joke you made- projecting your passion onto others.