No longer human


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
With the death of civilization since the 1960s/70s, people are no longer human beings. The things which separated us from animals have dwindled to near nothing. With a few geographic holdout regions, much of humanity has returned to the level of grunting beasts (in the worst sense of that term).
Foul language in movies and music, ugly architecture and deliberately unpleasing "art," broken homes and illegitimate child bearing, homosexual perversion, and a rejection of the humility of recognizing a higher power above us are just some of the factors that have ended human life on our planet for most intents and purposes.
Jack Crabb: Do you hate them? Do you hate the White man now?

Old Lodge Skins: Do you see this fine thing? Do you admire the humanity of it? Because the human beings, my son, they believe everything is alive. Not only man and animals. But also water, earth, stone. And also the things from them... like that hair. The man from whom this hair came, he's bald on the other side, because I now own his scalp! That is the way things are. But the white man, they believe EVERYTHING is dead. Stone, earth, animals. And people! Even their own people! If things keep trying to live, white man will rub them out. That is the difference.
And who said anything about being human? isn't that the t.v. series?
"For most intents and purposes" I am the classic cartoon figment of your imaginación :catgrin:
With the death of civilization since the 1960s/70s, people are no longer human beings. The things which separated us from animals have dwindled to near nothing. With a few geographic holdout regions, much of humanity has returned to the level of grunting beasts (in the worst sense of that term).

So what are we then? Cats?

Please say cats.
With the death of civilization since the 1960s/70s, people are no longer human beings. The things which separated us from animals have dwindled to near nothing. With a few geographic holdout regions, much of humanity has returned to the level of grunting beasts (in the worst sense of that term).

There's something to what you say, ruse. The 60s were merely an inflection point in a much larger process though, and Darwin is more to blame than the hippies.

I recommend John Gray's Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals.
There's something to what you say, ruse. The 60s were merely an inflection point in a much larger process though, and Darwin is more to blame than the hippies.

I recommend John Gray's Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals.

Darwin has nothing to do with it since it is not an evolution, but a cycling, one that has been known for centuries.

Evolution takes time and our grave error is that each generation sees that it has clever new gadgets and declares that they are the ones we've been waiting for, the evolved, which is clearly wrong for they are merely the deluded happily going down the same road into tyranny or girding for the familiar battle against it.
Darwin has nothing to do with it since it is not an evolution, but a cycling, one that has been known for centuries.

Evolution takes time and our grave error is that each generation sees that it has clever new gadgets and declares that they are the ones we've been waiting for, the evolved, which is clearly wrong for they are merely the deluded happily going down the same road into tyranny or girding for the familiar battle against it.

Obama's iron fisted reign has you in a gloomy Machiavellio-Spenglerian mood.

My point about Darwin is that there's a whole lot more to ruses' woes than "the 60s", as if everything were fine until then and all we need to do is get back to the administration of JFK when Sinatra was top ten.
Obama's iron fisted reign has you in a gloomy Machiavellio-Spenglerian mood.

My point about Darwin is that there's a whole lot more to ruses' woes than "the 60s", as if everything were fine until then and all we need to do is get back to the administration of JFK when Sinatra was top ten.

Oh, I think it actually goes back to JIMMAH!

;) ;)

You are right in your contention about the woes, but very wrong to conflate it with Darwin.
With the death of civilization since the 1960s/70s, people are no longer human beings. The things which separated us from animals have dwindled to near nothing. With a few geographic holdout regions, much of humanity has returned to the level of grunting beasts (in the worst sense of that term).
It may look that way from the perspective of someone who don't understand what a human being is. And I'm sure it must look frightening.
Oh, I think it actually goes back to JIMMAH!

;) ;)

You are right in your contention about the woes, but very wrong to conflate it with Darwin.

Darwin is merely a shorthand. A lot more detail could be gone into, but that would be casting pearls before ruse.
Darwin is merely a shorthand. A lot more detail could be gone into, but that would be casting pearls before ruse.


And if it was his blog, I could not fault you.

Let me back up. JIMMAH! kinda made me embarrassed to be a Democrat, but my studies of liberty and economics after the trauma of 9-11 coupled with the behavior of the Left (politically, the National Socialist Democratic Party) over Iraq and the current rhetoric over something as meaningless as the debt ceiling limit are what has caused my firm conviction that the West has begun a process of withering and dying on the vine. We are at war with ourselves and one needs look no farther than the President's red-line of no negotiations with Republicans while at once wooing actual red-line nations into negotiations...

;) ;)
With the death of civilization since the 1960s/70s, people are no longer human beings. The things which separated us from animals have dwindled to near nothing. With a few geographic holdout regions, much of humanity has returned to the level of grunting beasts (in the worst sense of that term).

Ah the good old days when America was racially segregated. THAT was when civilization was at it's best, eh Ruse?

And if it was his blog, I could not fault you.

Let me back up. JIMMAH! kinda made me embarrassed to be a Democrat, but my studies of liberty and economics after the trauma of 9-11 coupled with the behavior of the Left (politically, the National Socialist Democratic Party) over Iraq and the current rhetoric over something as meaningless as the debt ceiling limit are what has caused my firm conviction that the West has begun a process of withering and dying on the vine. We are at war with ourselves and one needs look no farther than the President's red-line of no negotiations with Republicans while at once wooing actual red-line nations into negotiations...

;) ;)

Despite witnessing it with my own eyes from a mile away, I found 9-11 and the Bush wars far less traumatic and politically inspiring than the GFC and the antics surrounding it, but both events are just different aspects of the same thing viewed from different angles.
Despite witnessing it with my own eyes from a mile away, I found 9-11 and the Bush wars far less traumatic and politically inspiring than the GFC and the antics surrounding it, but both events are just different aspects of the same thing viewed from different angles.

I must need more coffee, for the GFC reference is going over my head.

:eek: I am not a smart man.
Logical outcome of centralized fiat banking.

You must mean Bretton Woods...

;) ;)

Bretton Woods, Jeckyll Island, Woodrow Wilson (and Theodore Roosevelt and William McKinley), JP Morgan, Abraham Lincoln, the telegraph, the steam engine, the Bessemer Process and a whole lot of other shit.

In short, everything.