I wonder if anyone can answer our question! My wife has 4ga 5/8 seamless nipple rings,she is pregnant and wants to breast feed, Can anyone tell us if she can do it or would a differant type of jewlry be required?
As a pierced female and an ardent bf advocate, normally i would say no problem.
Butttttt 4 ga is huge. i wonder if some of the milk ducts might not have been damaged either in the piercing or in the stretching
You may want to find a La Leche League leader, or e'mail a breastfeeding expert to get a better answer; a good resource is www.breastfeeding.com ... they have links to Dr Jack Newman, *the* leading bf expert in North America, and he does an amazing job at getting back to you via e'mail.
Also, the forums at breastfeeding.com are amazingly helpful places The debate forum can be a smidge tense but i know there are plenty of pierced ladies there who may be able to help more.
LOL, I think it's amusing that the breastfeeding expert is a man, but be that as it may...
I would get in contact with a La Leche League group in your area. Here is a link to their site which should help you contact someone near you. http://www.lalecheleague.org/
Many hospitals also have on site lactation consultants if you want to go that route.
I think it's a wonderful thing that you are seeking out this information. Good luck and enjoy the pregnancy.