Nipple Clamps

Personally, I like the alligator clamps, with covered ends. I *once* had them put on me without the screw to loosen them, though, and it was painful. Fun, for about a minute and a half. I use the larger ones, just because they've got better chain, and I'm very large breasted.

If you're having trouble with the sensation level, though, clover clamps are a little less intense. They're also easier to work if you're pretty dextrous.
Personally I like the new (pink!) vibrating nipple clamps available on

They're operated with individual watch batteries in each clamp (they come with two sets of batteries.)

The clamp is clothespin style and adjustable.
I like the alligator clamps too, Lav.

And they double as a cable clamp for my webcam when not in use. :)
Here's a question . . .

Anybody use nipple clamps while they are breastfeeding? I mean, not while in the process of course.

My son only nurses maybe once or twice a day and I am just DYING to get a pair.
Red, although I'm not a lactation specialist, i don't think it would do any harm to use them. It's not much more than the nipple stimulation your partner could give you with his fingers, if he pinches hard that is.
Persephone36 said:
Personally I like the new (pink!) vibrating nipple clamps available on

They're operated with individual watch batteries in each clamp (they come with two sets of batteries.)

The clamp is clothespin style and adjustable.

I ordered these recently and one arrived in non-working order...returning or using the warranty was not worth the cost of shipping, fees, I just got another set and used the third working one as a clit clamp....

Wow, what a set, I was amazed at the power in that little thing. I call it my "instant orgasm" clamp. My only complaint would be the clamp is not nearly tight enough, even with the little screw tightener thingy.
Thank you Ruby. Now then, what kind to buy? I have large nipples and am new at this. I read about the tweezer type that can be ajusted, but a friend of mine told me that they frequently loosen up.

Any suggestions?
redelicious said:
Thank you Ruby. Now then, what kind to buy? I have large nipples and am new at this. I read about the tweezer type that can be ajusted, but a friend of mine told me that they frequently loosen up.

Any suggestions?

I was just about to ask the same question.
Sounds like there is a science to these nipple clamps :)

I've seen some very interesting homemade clamps. My favorite is the two chopsticks with the ends tied together.

Gator clips don't work on those with large nipples. Tweezer clips are better for those. I've seen some funky looking clips in pics bought at home depot, but don't have a link. I still think my test tube holders have promise if I can find a way to tighten them up.
WriterDom said:
Gator clips don't work on those with large nipples. Tweezer clips are better for those. I've seen some funky looking clips in pics bought at home depot, but don't have a link. I still think my test tube holders have promise if I can find a way to tighten them up.


How do you keep the tension on the tweezer clips from slipping? I have heard that this is a problem.


redelicious said:


How do you keep the tension on the tweezer clips from slipping? I have heard that this is a problem.



I haven't had a problem. I guess a small rubber band behind the sliding ball would help.
WriterDom said:
Gator clips don't work on those with large nipples.

They don't?

I just looked at mine and they open up to about 3/4 of an inch.

Are your nipples larger than that, Red?
WriterDom said:
Gator clips don't work on those with large nipples. Tweezer clips are better for those. I've seen some funky looking clips in pics bought at home depot, but don't have a link. I still think my test tube holders have promise if I can find a way to tighten them up.

Hmm I would like to see a pic of these. If they are the rubber covered gator type YEOOOW those can have some bite to them. They are used for clamping metal together. Now ofcourse you can put some rubber bands around the handles if they are the kind I am thinking of to keep them from closing fully.

Clothes pins work for me but I am a cheapskate any way.
lavender said:

I have large nipples and the gator clips work just fine with me

I don't know what large is to you. To me, it means you couldn't fit them inside a coke bottle
Uh oh... please tell me we aren't going to have a "size matters" discussion about nipples... LOL.

Don't get my started on my microscopic clit. I really got gyped in that department.