Blood dripped from the crude, gray tone axe blade and pooled just a few inches from the heavy armored foot of the Gnolls leader. His fist clenched in triumph as he looked about the small clearing of trees. His war cry echoed through out the small forest as his men finished dispatching the small band of human warriors sent to stop them.
His massive, muscular frame covered with chain mail armor moved over to the edge of the cliff and gazed down toward the small establishment of humans. A hunger filled his eyes as another war cry escaped his lips, his cry was joined by the others and the eerie sound of a woven pack could be heard down in the villa...
The small outback town was nothing more than several merchant buildings tossed up to get the town started, for most of the people whom flocked here was people wanting to hit the virgin mountain range in hopes of finding the veins of rich minerals.
The land was beautiful, there was a huge lake and several small rivers and creeks connecting to a massive forest and several leagues of fertile grasslands in which formed a blissful opportunity for a thriving city.
However, this dream was hindered to the numerous attacks of wolves and other strange creatures that most of the commoners that came have never seen before nor heard of... THey sent many men into the forest and mountain ranges to seek out and stop this beast of burden, but the men never came back… So they decided to send out letters to the far reaches of the land asking for brave souls to come and assist them....
The keeper shifted his eyes over to the reinforced oak door. The approaching storm made the hinges squelched and pop as if someone was entering his establishment. The tavern of the Welcoming Wizard was lightly illuminated and kept warm by a single but large, center of the floor fireplace. There were several tables for patrons to sit around and talk of their daily dues. But this night the tavern was empty for the men wanted to be home with their families for the men of arms that left the day before hasn't returned nor sent anyone back with good news.
Baylor looked over at the two barmaids that were sitting on the stools next to him when the howling echoed from above the cliffs… “Not again!” exclaimed one of the maids whom began to cry… “We are all going to die?” she managed to mutter out between the gulfs of air... “Elizabeth, it’s going to be okay, someone will answer our letters requesting help...” Baylor eyes fell to the door once more wishing that it would be right now... He feared that the men of arms have met their fate.
Elvenoff held the small parchment that fell from the dead mans hand. It was clearly a call for help. He looked upon the dead mans face and saw the terror in his eyes. The call was to a town called Nightspire and a small map was drawn for those whom wished to go there. Elvenoff stood and pushed back his long blond hair from his eyes. His ocean blue orbs looked about the area for any signs of what has done this deed, but came up with nothing.
At the small tavern the Baylor continued to keep the young maids comfortable as possible as time passed on. The night falling heavy upon the town as fear rose among the townsfolk. Baylor looked upon the heavy door once more as the noise from the hinges creaked, but this time a rather tall, muscular man entered. His chain mail armor glistened in the firelight..."Greetings I am Elvenoff and I have come to your calling." Baylor rose and greeted him… "Come.." his hand gestured to a table for the man to take a seat.. “Let me get you something to eat and drink then we can talk…” Baylor hurried to the back and began preparing a meal for the newcomer...
His massive, muscular frame covered with chain mail armor moved over to the edge of the cliff and gazed down toward the small establishment of humans. A hunger filled his eyes as another war cry escaped his lips, his cry was joined by the others and the eerie sound of a woven pack could be heard down in the villa...
The small outback town was nothing more than several merchant buildings tossed up to get the town started, for most of the people whom flocked here was people wanting to hit the virgin mountain range in hopes of finding the veins of rich minerals.
The land was beautiful, there was a huge lake and several small rivers and creeks connecting to a massive forest and several leagues of fertile grasslands in which formed a blissful opportunity for a thriving city.
However, this dream was hindered to the numerous attacks of wolves and other strange creatures that most of the commoners that came have never seen before nor heard of... THey sent many men into the forest and mountain ranges to seek out and stop this beast of burden, but the men never came back… So they decided to send out letters to the far reaches of the land asking for brave souls to come and assist them....
The keeper shifted his eyes over to the reinforced oak door. The approaching storm made the hinges squelched and pop as if someone was entering his establishment. The tavern of the Welcoming Wizard was lightly illuminated and kept warm by a single but large, center of the floor fireplace. There were several tables for patrons to sit around and talk of their daily dues. But this night the tavern was empty for the men wanted to be home with their families for the men of arms that left the day before hasn't returned nor sent anyone back with good news.
Baylor looked over at the two barmaids that were sitting on the stools next to him when the howling echoed from above the cliffs… “Not again!” exclaimed one of the maids whom began to cry… “We are all going to die?” she managed to mutter out between the gulfs of air... “Elizabeth, it’s going to be okay, someone will answer our letters requesting help...” Baylor eyes fell to the door once more wishing that it would be right now... He feared that the men of arms have met their fate.
Elvenoff held the small parchment that fell from the dead mans hand. It was clearly a call for help. He looked upon the dead mans face and saw the terror in his eyes. The call was to a town called Nightspire and a small map was drawn for those whom wished to go there. Elvenoff stood and pushed back his long blond hair from his eyes. His ocean blue orbs looked about the area for any signs of what has done this deed, but came up with nothing.
At the small tavern the Baylor continued to keep the young maids comfortable as possible as time passed on. The night falling heavy upon the town as fear rose among the townsfolk. Baylor looked upon the heavy door once more as the noise from the hinges creaked, but this time a rather tall, muscular man entered. His chain mail armor glistened in the firelight..."Greetings I am Elvenoff and I have come to your calling." Baylor rose and greeted him… "Come.." his hand gestured to a table for the man to take a seat.. “Let me get you something to eat and drink then we can talk…” Baylor hurried to the back and began preparing a meal for the newcomer...