Nice shoes, wanna .... Part 2.


Really Experienced
Jan 2, 2004
Hey hi. Now that I have your attention I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Keleigh and if you look you will see I've been here for a while but no one really knows me . I think cause I am a people watcher and I'm kind of shy.
I'm in my later 30s, I have naturally very dark brown hair, but my hairdresser keeps changing it when he does my touch ups so that I can continue to pretend I'm 23 so I am not sure what color it is right now. Calico maybe.
I've got curves. I'm willing to bet I've got more curves than a lot of you would like, I should probably lose 20 pounds but that would mean giving up time doing other things I like and I'm a good cook, but at least the curves are in the right places. I have terrible eyesight so I wear glasses or contacts, which is a shame since my eyes are probably my best feature, and I get described as cute or adorable more often than sexy or beautiful. I talk too much and it isn't always about sex.
Since you can no longer be disappointed in what I have to offer because you didn't know, let me tell you what I do have to share with someone.
I'm funny
I'm smart
I have an evil sense of humor
I like to laugh
I am cute-ish in a elfish kinda way I guess
I am way above average on the conversationalist scale
I like people.
I have varied and numerous interests.
I have boobs.
Now that I have your attention again---
Why am I here and what am I looking for?
(copy and pastes my own variation of everyone else's sad story- if you really want to hear it I'll share it with you but I am not going to pretend my version is unique.)
I'm married.
My husband has chronic pain issues and depression because of it.
I'm lonely and he ignores me.
I miss being wanted
I want to be needed
Is it right? Of course not.
Am I just being honest? Yes
I'm looking for a friend, not just someone who is looking for a quick fuck or an online talking sex toy. Would I like it to turn into something with a little meaning? Maybe, I don't even know myself. I'm not looking for a replacement husband or someone to run away with, but I don't fuck strangers either. I want someone I can connect with and talk to and flirt and enjoy.
I am not looking for players or to be the next in a long line of conquests. I've been here a long time. I probably know more about most of the people on here than anyone would realize, simply by reading what they write. Sorry, that's probably creepy but I do. It was never my intention to be stalkerish, it just felt like walking into the cafeteria midyear senior year and trying to find a lunch table. So I know who most of the game players are and I've seen horror stories and train wrecks. I've never looked to get involved and I've probably exchanged PMs with a dozen people over the years. None of them more than a half dozen I'd bet.
I don't know if anyone is interested in something like this, if you are, drop me a line.
I look forward to hearing what you have to offer.
This was my original post about a year ago... but once bitten twice shy and all that crap. I was goign to just resurrect my old thread but it got moved to the playground and wasn't really gonna work over there. :)

It's still what I want, it's still what I'm looking for, if anyones looking.
I'm sorry to hear about what you are going through but I hope that you'll be able to find some more friends (myself included) to chat with. I hope you find what you are looking for.
I'm sorry to hear about what you are going through but I hope that you'll be able to find some more friends (myself included) to chat with. I hope you find what you are looking for.

Hi and thanks. Friends are good right?
Nice to meet you, sorry to hear about your not feeling wanted at home, I'm always looking for friends to talk to, so if you'd like to talk just let me know.
I'm new round here. You sound like you have a clear idea of what you want. If you want to chat sometime let me know.
I've read what you wrote.......

I also pretty much understand, I'd like to think I can hold a decent conversation and have been told have a good sense of humor know dozens of dirty jokes to make you bust out laughing if not to at least bring a smile or grin to your face If by chance this maybe peaks your interest drop me a line and hope you have great luck in finding what your looking for.

:D :rose:
Hope everyone is having getting ready for a nice holiday weekend!
friends are hard to come by, especially here the majority after one thing mainly.

Am sure you look amazing the way you are, its the person inside that makes a friendship work not the outer beauty stuff. I wear glasses also...though it feels weird now when i wear contact lenses. Sorry i seem to digressing from the topic :p

Everybody wants somebody that can make the smile or laugh and protect them whenever they are hurting. I am sorry to hear about your husband. Some times bad things happen to good people.

I could always do with a friend though am not always here but kind of floating around most of the time. if you would like to chat send a pm. if not good luck with everything. x