Next up: Gay marriage.

I would like to think you'd be less concerned with gay marriage & more concerned with the fact the last time a team from Canada won the Stanley Cup was 1993.
I would like to think you'd be less concerned with gay marriage & more concerned with the fact the last time a team from Canada won the Stanley Cup was 1993.
You would think so, yet here he is declaring his next target
Oh it will go far beyond that. Now....maybe you understand why I say states have to leave. And if you don't get will. But every week we wait....the move death and violence it perpetuates. There is no way of saving the US
Gay marriage will remain legal but the cops are going to crack down on sodomy law violations.
Oh it will go far beyond that. Now....maybe you understand why I say states have to leave. And if you don't get will. But every week we wait....the move death and violence it perpetuates. There is no way of saving the US
The US will survive just fine, its pretty hard in the grand scheme of things to kill a country. not impossible mind you but I'd be shocked if America ends.
This is just the start of many conservative Dominionist causes (read religious liberty). Liberty 🗽 for those on the ‘right side.’ These protections should be about doing no harm and not discriminating but that is exactly opposite of what they do.
Yup, he indicated that the cases involving same sex marriage, same sex relationships/privacy bedroom laws as such, contraceptives, should be "re-examined". They are that deranged. I wouldn't choose an abortion, but I don't ever want to restrict anyone's choice on that personal matter, we never know what someone else is dealing with in their lives. It's not a simple decision, and this will lead to more botched abortions. Fuck that Uncle Tom and his POS MAGA wife. Of course, he won't go after interracial marriage, we know why. Elections have consequences, folks need to wake the hell up. I wish Thurgood Marshall would have held on a lot longer until a Clinton presidency, he must be spinning in his grave right now.
Thomas is getting a good drubbing about the connection with interracial marriages, including quotes from Ginni's family at the time of their marriage to the effect that "He's a nice guy. You would hardly know he was black."
Are you implying that those in the developing world are homophobic bigots? Racist.
I'm would actually flat out state that there is a direct correlation between Abrahamic Religions and homophobic bigots. It applies mostly as much to Catholics (Regardless of nation of origin/race) as it does Muslims and I feel like Jews just have enough problems that they don't choose that fight. Its not a lack of sympathy just do they REALLY need to make one more enemy?
The US will survive just fine, its pretty hard in the grand scheme of things to kill a country. not impossible mind you but I'd be shocked if America ends.

Funny. That's the same type of attitude people displayed about SCOTUS with the prospect of Trump being elected. That Roe wouldn't be overturned and that nothing would substantially change. See how that worked out for us.
The US will survive just fine, its pretty hard in the grand scheme of things to kill a country. not impossible mind you but I'd be shocked if America ends.
I bet Greece said that. And Rome. And Egypt. And Incas. And Myans. And countless others. The USA now has a choice. Fascism. Or death.
Greece is still there. Rome got a name changes. Egypt and China are both still there. So basically you've accomplished proving that colonizers can destroy things.