News For americans offended by Canda's Prime ministers aid calling bush a moron


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
the person has resigned, and will no longer hold thier top aid position.

What this means in Canada's Liberal Socialist government means is in about 6 weeks she will be rehired and placed in a different position with more money.

All Hiel Crietien
But Bush is a moron...

I thought you conservatives were all for speaking freely and forgetting about this Political Correctness crap? :D
crysede said:
But Bush is a moron...

I thought you conservatives were all for speaking freely and forgetting about this Political Correctness crap? :D

I can say can say that....but is it right for one of our top aids to say it to a journalist?? I don't think so!
Todd-'o'-Vision said:
the person has resigned, and will no longer hold thier top aid position.

Total fucking bullshit

It was a private conversation.

It shouldn't have been picked up by the media.

Also, it's true.
I just wanted to add that this is proof we're in a McCarthistic world- and sadly it's Joe not Charlie (does anybody get that? Besides DCL).

You can't express the fact that you don't like a man who is putting RACIAL PROFILING on your borders without your permission, has taken your soverenty away, unwarrented and continutes to charge illegal tarrifs on your products and won't repay the tarrifs when he gets caught?

Maybe we are the great satan.
Pamela said:
I can say can say that....but is it right for one of our top aids to say it to a journalist?? I don't think so!
In an interview, obviously not, but it was an off the record comment that was over heard - why is it OK to insist top aids have to be PC at all times just in case they are over heard, while insisting that the rest of us should never have to be PC because it denies our right to free speech?
Ridiculous to lose your job because of calling someone a moron. If all private conversations were made public, unemployment would skyrocket.
What about those american politicians who called some journalist an "asshole"? They kept their jobs.

Even more ridiculous when the woman's opinion is the same as the global majority.

The King of saudi arabia said the same thing, just in a more intelligent, veiled way.

okay, so HE won't lose his job, but still.... political correctness is intellectual fascism.
Spinaroonie said:
I just wanted to add that this is proof we're in a McCarthistic world- and sadly it's Joe not Charlie (does anybody get that? Besides DCL).

You can't express the fact that you don't like a man who is putting RACIAL PROFILING on your borders without your permission, has taken your soverenty away, unwarrented and continutes to charge illegal tarrifs on your products and won't repay the tarrifs when he gets caught?

Maybe we are the great satan.

Spin, that's the biggest load of crap you've ever posted. (and who the hell doesn't know the difference between Charlie McCarthy and Joesph McCarthy.)

1. The border between Canada and the U.S. has TWO sides. And it's not racial profiling to check people based upon know probabilities. And we don't have to ask Canada's permission to do what we want on our side of the border. Canada didn't ask our permission to trade with China for 40 years before the U.S. opened trade with China (nor should they). Canada doesn't ask our permission to trade with Cuba or to vacation there.

2. What illegal tarrif's are you talking about?

You may be the great Satan, but I think you're more likely REDWAVE in drag.
crysede said:
Probably lumber.

That's not something I follow, but damn, why would we charge tarrifs on lumber? We produce it cheaper than Canada, and Canada can sell all they can produce to the Japanese and Europeans.

Maybe there are some specialty woods, like birch, poplar or maple, but pine construction lumber is in abundant supply right now. The prices are pretty high, but that's because of demand created by overseas markets. Canada would benefit from that just as much as the U.S.
What a stupid move. We finally have a politician with the balls to speak her mind, and they punish her.
Texan said:
That's not something I follow, but damn, why would we charge tarrifs on lumber? We produce it cheaper than Canada, and Canada can sell all they can produce to the Japanese and Europeans.

Maybe there are some specialty woods, like birch, poplar or maple, but pine construction lumber is in abundant supply right now. The prices are pretty high, but that's because of demand created by overseas markets. Canada would benefit from that just as much as the U.S.
It's rather complicated (ie, I'd annoy the hell out of everyone if I actually posted the articles necessary to explain it), but here's a link to full coverage of it:
You must realize this being canda and in control by the Liberal Socialist party lead by Jean Cretien, this lady has not lost her job.

she willingly resigned, which means in canda as a government member meands a 6 week vacation, a pension and a guarenteed job at double the pay in a new government position.

So just wait 6 weeks and you will once again be able to hear her call Bush a Moron again.
Todd-'o'-Vision said:
You must realize this being canda and in control by the Liberal Socialist party lead by Jean Cretien, this lady has not lost her job.

she willingly resigned, which means in canda as a government member meands a 6 week vacation, a pension and a guarenteed job at double the pay in a new government position.

So just wait 6 weeks and you will once again be able to hear her call Bush a Moron again.

How very true. :confused:

I need a government job!!!
crysede said:
In an interview, obviously not, but it was an off the record comment that was over heard - why is it OK to insist top aids have to be PC at all times just in case they are over heard, while insisting that the rest of us should never have to be PC because it denies our right to free speech?

No one is denying her the right to speak any way she wants to. If someone makes a racist comment everyone else may have to allow them to say it but that doesn't mean they can't ostracize the person. Free speech comes with social penalties... She screwed up and should have known better. Every 1st term politician knows that every word they utter is scrutinized.

Free Speech doesn't trump bad judgement. In the realm of political life bad judgement is a harbinger of death (metaphorically speaking..).
Where the hell is this "Canada" everyone keeps talking about? Did Uncle Sam make another land purchase and no one told me?
Texan said:
Spin, that's the biggest load of crap you've ever posted. (and who the hell doesn't know the difference between Charlie McCarthy and Joesph McCarthy.)

1. The border between Canada and the U.S. has TWO sides. And it's not racial profiling to check people based upon know probabilities. And we don't have to ask Canada's permission to do what we want on our side of the border. Canada didn't ask our permission to trade with China for 40 years before the U.S. opened trade with China (nor should they). Canada doesn't ask our permission to trade with Cuba or to vacation there.

You may be the great Satan, but I think you're more likely REDWAVE in drag.

1. My generation, sadly.

2. The border is a mutual border, we're supposed to work together (insert random American arogance comment here). There is a difference between talking with our northern neighbors and sending the national guard in to tell the RCMP to go run along.

3. It IS racial profiling when you start researching people by their ancestory and last names.

4. I am male, sir.
Todd-'o'-Vision said:
Liberal Socialist government

Chretien's government took Mulroney's centrist Conservative agenda from the 1980's and delivered it for the 90's with almost no policy changes whatsoever.

Mulroney's agenda was patterned almost entirely off of Reagan/Bush.

To call the federal Liberals policy agenda and legislative record "socialist" is therefore a complete misnomer.

Make fun of his h'accent instead.

Texan said:
That's not something I follow, but damn, why would we charge tarrifs on lumber? We produce it cheaper than Canada, and Canada can sell all they can produce to the Japanese and Europeans.

Maybe there are some specialty woods, like birch, poplar or maple, but pine construction lumber is in abundant supply right now. The prices are pretty high, but that's because of demand created by overseas markets. Canada would benefit from that just as much as the U.S.

Canada has traditionally had a frikkin' strong lumber industry. Selling to the US is a big part of that. Canada has some incredible woods on the high end.

As for why the tarrif? that may be why it's illegal.
Texan said:

1. And we don't have to ask Canada's permission to do what we want on our side of the border.

2. What illegal tarrif's are you talking about?

3. You may be the great Satan, but I think you're more likely REDWAVE in drag.

1. There's the isolationism again.

2. There's the lack of awareness....biggest trade dispute our countries have ever had, btw.

3. There's the standard end-of-post ad hominem comment.