Newly single male looking to make friends with a larger lady


Really Experienced
Sep 25, 2007
So here I am finding myself single again. Haven't been on lit in ages but it's worked for me in the past so here I go again!

Looking for intelligent and independent preferably plus size women who would like to talk to a geeky guy who is kinky but not 100% sex all the time.

My hobbies include reading, (Sci fi/fantasy and lately nonfiction) , gaming (video, card, and some board), guitar although it's been way too long since I've practiced, modeling (as in plastic models, full airbrush, custom paint, the whole nine yards) , photography (boudoir/erotic and wildlife, specifically birds).

Kinky interests include pic trading, very mild water sports (watching only), spanking, somewhat risky play, and 20 intimate questions.

If you read this and find yourself interested, please send me a message! If not interested and you've read this far anyway then I appreciate your time!
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Wanted to say hello


How is the search going? I'm fairly new to Lit, but keep an eye on the personal board.
Your post caught my attention, we have a few things in common. I'm a gamer, and I love the sci-fi and fantasy genre, with a chunk of post apocalypse/dystopia chucked in.
I put my own post on here a few weeks ago and to be honest, like most women I'm sure, the onslaught on my poor inbox was a bit overwhelming. .
So I hope you are getting a more focused and interesting set of replies than I got 🙂
And if not a little bump won't hurt
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