
bashfull said:
Falling into your arms, savoring the scent of our bodies merged, I bury my face in your hair. Nuzzling your neck, nibbling your ear, feeling your breathe, the warmth of your legs still enwrapping me...all sensations savored. Rising on one arm, I look into your eyes, seeking the truth of this...a dream? or perchance fantasy come alive?

Words need not be spoken between us, our emotions are as open to each other as our bodies. Knowing what I am thinking, you smile, and brush a bead of moisture from my brow.

See, I consider this "sensuous".

I can actually see it...feel it...taste make the act of being sensual and becoming sexual very sensuous.

When there is emotion involved both sexual and sensual can't really explain the feeling. But sensuous can.

Your words make a person want to reach out...devour them. Become surrounded in that "dream" you have created..

Ok...I will stop now since I think I am rambling... :eek:
Honey123 said:
See, I consider this "sensuous".

I can actually see it...feel it...taste make the act of being sensual and becoming sexual very sensuous.

When there is emotion involved both sexual and sensual can't really explain the feeling. But sensuous can.

Your words make a person want to reach out...devour them. Become surrounded in that "dream" you have created..

Ok...I will stop now since I think I am rambling... :eek:

No, please don't. Though you are not only honoring me, darlin', you are making me blush as well.
bashfull said:
No, please don't. Though you are not only honoring me, darlin', you are making me blush as well.

In all the right places I hope.. ;)

tell me or us, I should say...what do you feel is the difference between those "emotions" or do you feel they are the same?
bashfull said:
Ahh...but can you define the two? And the difference? I think we all "feel" the difference, but to actually dissect it...

and btw...come here and give me a hug and kiss, darlin'!

Giving you a long soft deep kiss....holding you tight. Good afternoon sweetie :)

And once I get my mind off of kissing and hugging you, will give into your desire to actually dissect the differences.

Honey123 said:
There is a difference, yet all are related:

When you are Sexual it determines the play, the contact between two beings. You feel sexual - you have a [sexual] attraction to someone -- this is physical..a physical act feeling.

When you are Sensual, you are more into the actual physical sense of being sexual with another person - it's physical but more of a sense then as an actual physical act or interaction as being sexual

Then you have feel it, you are it, you want to be this way with another person -- it's more emotional, but it takes you to each of the other are senuous, you feel sensual and thereafter become sexual.

Each is interwined with each other.

I really loved how you showed the interwoven nature of the three words Honey.

I was curious and looked up the definitions of the words as well, but none seemed to grasp what we are trying to describe here. It can be difficult to put feelings into words and we have gone beyond the realm of the physical here to words that touch us on very deep levels, beyond the thinking mind.

I did see one definition of sensuous that I liked though. Sensuous as an adjective, taking delight in beauty. I loved that b/c I believe that is what we do with the stories here. Bash paints a beautiful, sensuous, sensual, sexual picture with his words and I know I take delight in the beauty of it.
Mysticcal said:
I really loved how you showed the interwoven nature of the three words Honey.

I was curious and looked up the definitions of the words as well, but none seemed to grasp what we are trying to describe here. It can be difficult to put feelings into words and we have gone beyond the realm of the physical here to words that touch us on very deep levels, beyond the thinking mind.

I did see one definition of sensuous that I liked though. Sensuous as an adjective, taking delight in beauty. I loved that b/c I believe that is what we do with the stories here. Bash paints a beautiful, sensuous, sensual, sexual picture with his words and I know I take delight in the beauty of it.

Thank you Mysti...

And I agree totally. In one word..Bash is SENSUOUS.
Aurora Black said:
May I add "yummy" to that description? :cathappy:

Yes...and I just read your you know I love that line from Bull Durham as well???

And especially the part when he clicks off her garter and she says "Oh, My!"
Runs in from the rain....

Mysticcal said:
I really loved how you showed the interwoven nature of the three words Honey.

I was curious and looked up the definitions of the words as well, but none seemed to grasp what we are trying to describe here. It can be difficult to put feelings into words and we have gone beyond the realm of the physical here to words that touch us on very deep levels, beyond the thinking mind.

I did see one definition of sensuous that I liked though. Sensuous as an adjective, taking delight in beauty. I loved that b/c I believe that is what we do with the stories here. Bash paints a beautiful, sensuous, sensual, sexual picture with his words and I know I take delight in the beauty of it.

See? I thought this would be more difficult to describe than initially thought. While I think we can all "feel" the definitions, how do we explain them? Leave it to me to make things difficult...though I do love awakening the mind and not just the body.

Myst~I like your definition...but now you need to define "beauty".
Honey123 said:
Yes...and I just read your you know I love that line from Bull Durham as well???

And especially the part when he clicks off her garter and she says "Oh, My!"

I never saw the movie, but when I saw this quote I had to use it because it reminded me of Bash. *blushes, hides under desk* :D
Honey123 said:
Yes...and I just read your you know I love that line from Bull Durham as well???

And especially the part when he clicks off her garter and she says "Oh, My!"
I love that part of the movie. Very, very sexy. :)
Aurora Black said:
I never saw the movie, but when I saw this quote I had to use it because it reminded me of Bash. *blushes, hides under desk* :D

Oh my. Do ya'll really think I am this sensuous? This romantic? Or are ya'll just humoring me?
bashfull said:
Oh my. Do ya'll really think I am this sensuous? This romantic? Or are ya'll just humoring me?

I never lie about the stirrings of the flesh.
bashfull said:
Oh my. Do ya'll really think I am this sensuous? This romantic? Or are ya'll just humoring me?
Why do you think we would be humoring you? No, we're not humoring you. Bash, the way you describe every detail, the way that you weave the words together, creates not only a picture but a physical reaction - it's not just seeing what you write, it's feeling like you're there that makes the difference. Feeling the droplet as it falls from the ice, hitting skin, your own muscles contracting in anticipation. Sure, there are more graphic ways to put it, but that would lower it from sensual to sexual. I don't think there's a woman here who, when given the choice, wouldn't choose the sensual experience 9 out of 10 times. Sure, raunch is nice on occasion, we all admit that. But there's much more involved in a sensual encounter. And you have a very good way of capturing that. :kiss:
Honey123 said:
Yes...or when he is painting her toenails!

Great movie...
Yes . . . that one's great, too. Love that movie. Might have to stick the dvd in tonight and watch it again. :)
Bash, you started this thread in 2004 and I have been following it since your first "musing" and I think that if you scrolled back up, you'd see many of us have been here that long.

One thing has been a constant and that's everyone is in agreement as to how wonderful you write.

You must also know it's not just the words that make the man, but the man that makes the words...and he makes them work right.. :kiss:
Honey123 said:
Bash, you started this thread in 2004 and I have been following it since your first "musing" and I think that if you scrolled back up, you'd see many of us have been here that long.

One thing has been a constant and that's everyone is in agreement as to how wonderful you write.

You must also know it's not just the words that make the man, but the man that makes the words...and he makes them work right.. :kiss:
Very well said, Honey. I agree.
Wow...thank you ladies! I am....well, I am speechless...such wonderful honorifics from such lovely ladies...I truly do not know how to express my sincerity...

:kiss:s :rose:s
bashfull said:
Wow...thank you ladies! I am....well, I am speechless...such wonderful honorifics from such lovely ladies...I truly do not know how to express my sincerity...

:kiss:s :rose:s

Well, you could find a way to tie your musings together to create a full story to tantalize us further. Mmm, yes. :devil:
Honey123 said:
Bash, you started this thread in 2004 and I have been following it since your first "musing" and I think that if you scrolled back up, you'd see many of us have been here that long.

One thing has been a constant and that's everyone is in agreement as to how wonderful you write.

You must also know it's not just the words that make the man, but the man that makes the words...and he makes them work right.. :kiss:

And I just thot you were merely encouraging me to write as a newbie, darlin'. Thank you.
bashfull said:
And I just thot you were merely encouraging me to write as a newbie, darlin'. Thank you.

What are friends for, Bash...

Now...more musings or else I will have to spank you ;)
Honey123 said:
What are friends for, Bash...

Now...more musings or else I will have to spank you ;)

Hmmmm....never been spanked...but for you...go ahead!
bashfull said:
Oh my. Do ya'll really think I am this sensuous? This romantic? Or are ya'll just humoring me?

I agree with what all the other lovely ladies have said about you. And I just know you are every bit as romantic, raunchy, sensual and sensuous as you write. Somehow I see you sitting back, closing your eyes, living or reliving the scene in your mind and finding the words to bring us into that space with you.

I think there is also a real respect and honor in you towards women. I always get the feeling of being treasured as I read your words. That is such a wonderful thing to portray.