New York Times Beat The Race Drum On Detroit Takeover

Wow! and it use to be such a wonderful city back in..........uhhhh.......never mind. :)
Being from the detroit area, I say bring it on. Can't get much worse. The state tried to avoid this by leasing belle isle, with proceeds going to the city, but Detroit city council voted it down. So you would have had to get a parks pass to get on the island. They cost somethin like 20 bucks a year. Wont break the bank.
Detroit was a pigsty 25 years ago and has been going downhill ever since.

I used to fly up there every third week or so and found out that you had to go way out beyond 10 Mile Rd. to be in an area that might be called halfway civilized. Eventually I took to staying over in Windsor Ont. Beautiful town with some interesting activities and attractions, like the Royal Windsor Ballet. There was a restaurant and lounge on the river there, I forget the name, where you could get good food and some decent Canadian beer. During the summer there was a large deck you could sit out on while eating etc. They had an ongoing pool where you threw in a buck and picked the time that the first gun shots from across the river in Detroit would be heard. I never won the pool, but no one ever had to stay up too late either.


What they need is some competence on their city council.
On this we agree. A mayor that isn't trying to run the city into the ground wouldn't hurt either.

Still beats Flint.

Detroit was a pigsty 25 years ago and has been going downhill ever since.

I used to fly up there every third week or so and found out that you had to go way out beyond 10 Mile Rd. to be in an area that might be called halfway civilized. Eventually I took to staying over in Windsor Ont. Beautiful town with some interesting activities and attractions, like the Royal Windsor Ballet. There was a restaurant and lounge on the river there, I forget the name, where you could get good food and some decent Canadian beer. During the summer there was a large deck you could sit out on while eating etc. They had an ongoing pool where you threw in a buck and picked the time that the first gun shots from across the river in Detroit would be heard. I never won the pool, but no one ever had to stay up too late either.


Once you hit 10 you're in Southfield, which is one of the nicer parts of the metro area. I wouldnt live anywhere south of 12 mile though.
On this we agree. A mayor that isn't trying to run the city into the ground wouldn't hurt either.

Still beats Flint.

Once you hit 10 you're in Southfield, which is one of the nicer parts of the metro area. I wouldnt live anywhere south of 12 mile though.

8 mile was always the cutoff.....remember back when Coleman Young said to the white folk in Detroit that they can "Hit the Eight Mile Rd".

Well when they built 696 that became the new line and for the most part remains such and is equivalent to 11 mile road.
8 mile was always the cutoff.....remember back when Coleman Young said to the white folk in Detroit that they can "Hit the Eight Mile Rd".

Well when they built 696 that became the new line and for the most part remains such and is equivalent to 11 mile road.

Colman was before my time. Shame what he did to fort wayne
What do you mean, ft wayne?

Oh Wayne County?

Historic fort wayne. The 1812 era military fort on livernois and jefferson. Its on the nhs registry. I guess he wanted to level it for riverside condos but couldn't as it was a protected landmark. From what I was told he sucked all the funding out so the place would cave in on itsself. Never got much funding back. Now charity groups are trying to get funding to rebuild and repair the fort
On this we agree. A mayor that isn't trying to run the city into the ground wouldn't hurt either.

Still beats Flint.

Once you hit 10 you're in Southfield, which is one of the nicer parts of the metro area. I wouldnt live anywhere south of 12 mile though.

Southfield was on the ragged edge back then. Used to spend a lot of time there at the EDS/GM headquarters. The area around Ford World Headquarters in Dearborn used to be pretty clean and safe as well.

Southfield was on the ragged edge back then. Used to spend a lot of time there at the EDS/GM headquarters. The area around Ford World Headquarters in Dearborn used to be pretty clean and safe as well.


Ya dearborn is still nice. Most of downriver is too
In Detroit, a mostly black city led mainly by Democrats, the intervention by the state, mostly white and led by Republicans, has been viewed by some as a needless and undemocratic seizure of control.

"Has been viewed by some?" What other way is there to view it?

The financial manager law was overturned by the voters of Michigan last fall. The legislature then went out and passed the same damn law all over again--wait, there's one difference: there's a provision in the updated law which says you can't launch a referendum to overturn it.

Republicans everywhere hate democracy, but Michigan Republicans and Massa Snyder seem to hate it more than most.
It's always racist to show up black incompetence and the consequences of graft and greed, of course the city should be allowed to continue on it's path to "burned out shell," so they can demand more federal tax dollars to steal. You won't be happy until it's turned into a Third World killing field.

Ummm If you drive anywhere outside of downtown or the border areas, It pretty much already has burned/caved in on itsself.

real sad, but like I said, It still beats Flint
"Has been viewed by some?" What other way is there to view it?
It is undoubtedly undemocratic. I tried to explain it to one of Snyder's cheerleaders like this:

It's like if Obama said "I don't like where Michigan is headed, so I'm gonna fire the Governor, abolish the state legislature and send my guy from Washington to run it instead".

The contorted "B-b-b-but it's not the same!" sputtering that followed was hilarious. It's exactly the same, central government thinking it can do a better job than local government, and extending their centralized power. Textbook.

Might or might not be needless, though. Detroit IS a bit of a clusterfuck. Otoh, the track record of emergency managment seems to be pretty bad so far.
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The fucking town is bankrupt, it's been placed in the hands of a bankruptcy lawyer. The city cannot manage itself, period.

That's not the question. The question is if said lawyer will do a better job with the city than it's elected officials did. Will the fixer fix it or will they have trumped local democracy and the principle of decentralization of power just to feel like doers? From what I've heard, emergency managers haven't exactly had a stellar record so far. That said, I might have heard wrong or get a skewed selection of news, since the people talking most aobut it are firmly anti-Snyder. Could you show me some success stories?
That's not the question. The question is if said lawyer will do a better job with the city than it's elected officials did. Will the fixer fix it or will they have trumped local democracy and the principle of decentralization of power just to feel like doers? From what I've heard, emergency managers haven't exactly had a stellar record so far. That said, I might have heard wrong or get a skewed selection of news, since the people talking most aobut it are firmly anti-Snyder. Could you show me some success stories?

You would even do a better job than the elected officials. :)
I'm not usually a scorched earth type but can't we just set Detroit on fire and walk away?
They do that every Halloween, but the stupid fire department keeps putting out the fires. :rolleyes:

If I understand the situation properly they won't be able to afford a fire department if we just wait a while. So I repeat my question. Can't we just burn it down and walk away? The remain residence will disperse, bring criminals with them but they'll be spread out some.