*new* X-MEN roleplay [OOC]


Supertastically Enthused
Jun 23, 2013
This is the new thread for the updated interested in an X-MEN roleplay. (Old thread was here: http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?p=46487554#post46487554)

Participants thus far:
tcost(Professor X)

We are discussing the reality/setting in which we want to play in, along with the 'version' of the characters. I mentioned for those that have not read the comics, to familiarize themselves with the 90's Animated Series, because that is the closest representation of the merry mutants. It has not been determined(yet) who will run this, but I'd like for all of us to be on the same page and in agreement before moving forward......and to have all of our core players as well....

Let's continue discussion, questions, concerns and ideas please! :)
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Hehe, I was WAITING to hear on you "Felix80". I had a feeling I was going to get rocked one way or another by what you wrote....based on your knowledge/awareness/and-conviction from what I have seen ;) I like it.

Let's merge threads though.

So we don't CONFUSE people with the start of TWO "NEW OOC" threads on the same day, at the same time, etc......I'm sure you are in agreement with that.

And I stand by what I have said before. For those that are unfamiliar with the comics, which may be one or two people....the animated series "fills them in" quite nicely, as to just WHO these mutants are, and WHAT they are all about for sure!

I like your setting, at the beginning of it all. Very nice. And was actually hoping you'd take some initiative as well.....as I'm not sure how much time I shall have to RUN things versus PARTICIPATING in them ;)

People get to work on your bios then and let's post them in HIS thread, and *ahem* start using that thread from now on(deja vu anyone? *grin*). I'm guessing the youngest of mutants should be 18-ish, and most of the others should be in their 20's(but that's just me thinking aloud). Do whatever you want. I for one just know I want to make GAMBIT older than JUBILEE for instance.....;)

Great picture of her by the way, "shadowlace"!!!