New writer, Incest/Taboo, needs editor


Jul 28, 2013
This is my first story. The beginning is based on a conversation a friend overheard a long time ago.

The spelling shouldn't be too bad, but punctuation is a weak point for me.

Please ensure you have switched on your Private Messages. Go to User CP (top left of this page), click on Edit Options (in the left hand column), and then tick Enable Private Messaging in the second box down. Make sure that the next box down (Receive Private Messages only from Buddies and Moderators) is NOT ticked. Finally click Save Changes at the bottom of that page.

Also, you need to give wordage and a category to have much of a chance of getting an editor's attention.
Thanks for the replies.

I took care of the messaging part, I think.

The category is Incest/Taboo, I'm not sure about the wordage. Probably about 1200-1600.
Thanks for the replies.

I took care of the messaging part, I think.

The category is Incest/Taboo, I'm not sure about the wordage. Probably about 1200-1600.

What's the computer count? If your program doesn't have a computer count, you probably don't have a program that anyone can work with.
I found it.

The first part of what I have written is almost 3500 words. That is 2 chapters, or parts.