New Utah NSA center requires 1.7M gallons of water daily to operate

Bert Notorius

Literotica Guru
Aug 26, 2004
the frickin' story

More secrets, more water? The NSA data center in Bluffdale could require as many as 1.7 million gallons of water per day to operate and keep computers cool.

can you say light water reactor?
the frickin' story

More secrets, more water? The NSA data center in Bluffdale could require as many as 1.7 million gallons of water per day to operate and keep computers cool.

can you say light water reactor?

circulating? right? contained...

usable - as water - though temporarily heated?

i don't want to read a long assed story that tells me that this...
exotic golf course
recirculates a man made lake or two...?

my car recirculates a couplagallons? alot, like...
so what? i refill it like... once a year...?

1.7 million new gallons a day? i don't think so...

a few thousand gallons recirculated several times a day?

a gallon cycling at the speed of light?


hey look...
a mylar balloon!
{gsgs comment-Middle of nowhere, with no water ? Not good.}

The data center will house 1 million square feet of computers and employ 200 people to analyze information to prevent attacks
on the nation’s computer networks.

MIDA asked that the property, which is on unincorporated land in Utah County, be annexed into Bluffdale so it could have
a reliable water supply for cooling its computers. If it were not part of the city, the center would be considered a "surplus priority"
customer of the city, meaning its water supply would be cut if there were a shortage.

The city will not receive any additional tax money, as the property is owned by the government, but Pickell said it will mean creating
an additional 3 million gallons of water storage that would aid firefighting efforts.

He said the annexation plan was supported by Lehi, Saratoga Springs and Salt Lake County. Utah County filed a late response,
raising objections.

Bluffdale Councilman Rod Flannigan said Utah County indicated it would not approve an annexation of land in the county without
a resolution, and has not indicated it would issue one. He questioned whether that would affect Bluffdale’s annexation plans.