New Teen Fetish in Japan: Eyeball Licking


Hello Summer!
Nov 1, 2005
Well, here's one for the fetish category. Not only weird, but, of course, leading to a lot of cases of conjunctivitis. From here:
Warning: don't read this if you're eating, prone to sudden bouts of queasiness or unable to even think about Un Chien Andalou without simultaneously bursting into tears and dry-heaving. Believe me, I'm speaking from experience here.

Because this is an article about oculolinctus, an eye-licking fetish that is currently sweeping across the schools of Japan like, well, like a great big dirty bacteria-coated tongue sweeping across a horrific number of adolescent eyeballs.
That's disturbing?

We live in a country where young girls are being raised to consider a blow job the new "good night kiss"

I'd rather see them licking eye balls.

This country has an odd habit of looking around the world and shaking their heads with disdain.

Look in the mirror, our culture (and that is a grave misnomer) is pathetic.
Welsh Miners used the technique for getting dust and stuff from a fellow-miners eye.
This fad reminds me of the old joke with the punch line "I'll keep an eye out for you." :D
I like when she thrusts the tip of her tongue through my pupil and wiggles it. :p
That's disturbing?

We live in a country where young girls are being raised to consider a blow job the new "good night kiss"

Where on earth did you get this idea? Are you actually suggesting people raise their daughters to do this?

You're right, that is disturbing.
Aren't these the same people who have one of their scientists synthesizing 'food' from the protein in human excrement? I'm sorry. People are surprised?