New Story: Another high school story

Ha! Since I wrote that last post, you have changed the wording back once again to be about a stepfather that doesn't exist. Change it immediately, or I will change it and block you.

Is there some way to block threads from pest authors? Oh please tell me there is!
I'm not actually sure that it works, but there actually is a way. On the "story status" page, next to "permissions" is a link to " block writers", which seems to let you block people. Seems to work...
Of course they can always just take up a new name if they're really determined. From fakeout001 to tnadnuder for instance.
Of course they can always just take up a new name if they're really determined. From fakeout001 to tnadnuder for instance.

That change was forced due to one being banned. which Torg himself told f-o was an accident.

The writers can always change genders; If you can do it with characters in mid-sentence, why not do it with yourself? (I mean "change genders"... Please type with both hands.)