New! Looking for opinions (22/M)


Jul 20, 2013
This week me and my significant other have decide to explore a season of exhibitionism and openness in our lives. We are both new to lit, and looking to hear what people think about what we have to offer. I know I'm thrilled about the prospects, she's excited and nervous... This whole this is wonderfully overwhelming...

I know I'm appealing to a smaller demographic here as a male poster, but I'd love to hear what people think. The ladies here put a lot out there, and sometimes it's nice to even the field just a bit. Drop me a line and let me know what you think of this first round. I feel like it's a bit bold, but it was inspired by a rather hot afternoon the other day:
Elija, Let me say It feel awesome to have you to be the first one to post in my thread. Your's is one of my favorites. You, like my lover, really know how to get men going. You said you wanted to see more.... what more do you want to see?
Elija, Let me say It feel awesome to have you to be the first one to post in my thread. Your's is one of my favorites. You, like my lover, really know how to get men going. You said you wanted to see more.... what more do you want to see?

I love to see pictures of men in boxer briefs while their cock is hard, both covered and also seeing the tip of it poke out of the waist band.
Give me just a few... I just may have a sample of exactly what you are talking about...
I love to see pictures of men in boxer briefs while their cock is hard, both covered and also seeing the tip of it poke out of the waist band.

Elija, it was intoxicating taking some of those pictures of his gorgeous cock. The whole time between I was gagging and slurping his length like a sugar stick.
BAck from a float trip

Got some sun, and had a great time! How's everyone doing?
How's everyone. This has been a hell of a day. I was thinking about taking some pics, does anyone have any suggestions of anything they'd like to see?