New here.....


Sep 30, 2002
....and this is my first post. Although, I wish it was under better circumstances.

I guess I should start off by saying that I've been a lurker here for over a year. Lit is such a cool place to hang out. Lot's of really cool people. But, I came here mainly for the stories and beautiful women. It's just a fun way to pass the time.

Anyway, it's been a month and 3 days since my wife of 13 years decided she was better off without me. It came totally unexpected and is definitely the hardest, most excruciating thing I've ever had to deal with. I still stuggle to get through the day and to maintain some kind of emotional balance.

I say all that to say this.....this forum has helped me greatly. I've been able to live vicariously through the members of this board. Although it's been 35 days since I've experienced any intimate contact, this board has opened the door of my mind and created a fantasy world that has kept me sane.

Thank you all for that.
Curiously verbose first post, but welcome and as long as you don't piss in anybody's cereal you'll probably find that you haven't pissed in anybody's cereal.
Thank you

pretty_lil_stranger said:
((hugs)) Glad you are finding comfort here. I think a lot of us do that.


Thank you so much. It's appreciated.
Welcome to lit, may you have all the girls swamp you that you wish.
LukkyKnight said:
Curiously verbose first post, but welcome and as long as you don't piss in anybody's cereal you'll probably find that you haven't pissed in anybody's cereal.

I'm not exactly sure how to take that. But, my post was "verbose" because I feel like I know a lot of the people on this board. Thanks for responding.
Wow. You lurked for a year and still decided to register and post.

You are my hero.

Welcome to Lit.
ARaynes said:
Welcome to lit, may you have all the girls swamp you that you wish.

Thank you very much. Such a wonderful wish to have.
Welcome (officially) to Lit.
If sex, jokes and chat can mend a broken heart,
you'll be okay in no time. :)
Thanks but....

bluemuse said:
Wow. You lurked for a year and still decided to register and post.

You are my hero.

Welcome to Lit.

.....I'm nobody's hero.

I appreciate your response.
Unregistered said:
I'm not exactly sure how to take that. But, my post was "verbose" because I feel like I know a lot of the people on this board. Thanks for responding.
Zoiks and zounds, you've come unregistered... get thee logged in.

Now then, if you've watched for over a year you must have SOME notion of how to take me? :D
Re: Thanks but....

Wyldsilas said:
.....I'm nobody's hero.

I appreciate your response.

We are all heros to somebody, darlin. And my welcome was sincere....;)
Welcome aboard! If you've been lurking for a year then you probably know the ropes. PLAY NICE! :)

Mona said:
Welcome (officially) to Lit.
If sex, jokes and chat can mend a broken heart,
you'll be okay in no time. :)

It is definitely helping so far. But, sometimes I fear that my heart is shattered beyond repair.
Now that the marriage is over, can you look back 13 years and see whether or not the problem was there all along, but you just didn't see it?

And you've been lurking for a YEAR? Man, it's like finding out the kid across the street has has a telescope trained on your bathroom window for a year. Ya freak.

Freaks are welcome.
Welcome, Wyldsilas. I hope you continue to find comfort in us, and that you'll feel welcome enough to take part a bit.