new here Hello!


Mi può aiutare?
Jan 23, 2003
Good evening. I have been reading such wonderful stories here, I decided it was time to introduce myself. Hi. I am Anna. I would like to thank you all, supporters, writers and admin people that make this site. Excellent!Good Evening!

Hello and you're very welcome. It's wonderful people like you we write for and whose comments are the fodder for us to feed our muses so we can continue. *s

May I invite you to join us? Please do. If you'd like I'd be pleased to participate in one with you. If you'd select a genre, consentual/non consensual/historic/etc we can discuss a basic plotline in PM (see the PM button below) and write away.

Either way do join us and write one for yourself to live out one of your fanasies.
Yes, please do join us there's only one thing we like better than reading each others posts and that is playing with each other.


prometheus 2
You're not married to a deceased alcoholic writer of horror stories are you? Live by the sea?

No, my dear Dr.. Although I seem to be giggling like a mad woman at your post. As for the sea.. We call it the Erie Canal.

PhoenixPrime01 - thank you for such a kind invitation and welcome. I must really do some research within these pages before I take the plunge. I do not know exactly how to proceed.

My mind whirls with erotic thoughts and desires. Hidden fantasies waiting to be unleased and explored. I don't know if I am up to the challenge of writing something that others would want to read, much less be a part of.

But, I will persist.

And prometheus 2 - Thank you so much for your kind insight and offer of assistance. It is greatly appreciated.