New Guy Question: Politics, religion, news, and of course sex


Dec 16, 2012
So, while obviously Literotica is primarily concerned with the Erotic, I am looking for a general message board community of insightful adults, so would this community serve that dual purpose?

I guess I am asking: How kosher is discussion about non-erotic and sometimes contentious issues on this site? Or is this not the place for that? Not that there is anything wrong with just leaving the world at the door and being sexy, just want a feel for the unwritten rules of the group.

Sorry, but controversial issues aren't allowed on the GB. This is a sex only forum.
A cursory review of the threads on page 1 to this board should provide you with an answer to your question.
Welcome to lit. Yes you can talk about non-erotic things on the general board, but erotic things are always welcome. Take a look around and see what you think of the posts.:D
I assure you I am not a troll or an alt. I was on this site once maybe 5 years ago, but can't recall what my username or email was, so I made a new account.

And I have no interest in trolling.
So, while obviously Literotica is primarily concerned with the Erotic, I am looking for a general message board community of insightful adults, so would this community serve that dual purpose?

That would be a LIT oxymoron...