New definition of woman: "non-man", When will women stand up and say ENOUGH!


Loves Spam
Jul 27, 2022

New definition of woman: "non-man"​

Johns Hopkins University has found a way to avoid acknowledging that women exist: eliminate them entirely from the vocabulary.

In an LGBT Glossary provided by the university to students a range of words related to gender identity and sexuality are defined. As usual, the words are constantly changing and the description warns that there are many more, but a core vocabulary is provided for the enlightenment of students.

J.K. Rowling

Man: no definition needed. Non-man (formerly known as woman): a being definable only by reference to the male. An absence, a vacuum where there's no man-ness.
Every day that women fail to stand up against the Leftist LBGT agenda, or when a woman actually supports that agenda, is a day which proves the narrative... that women are second class citizens with no rights.
Nice attempted distraction tactic. We still recognize that the super rich exploiters are the problem. Did they care about women when they scrapped the right to an abortion across the US? The Republicans and Democrats both salivate over the culture war that flows from Roe v Wade being scrapped. The Democrats think it brings them votes, and the Republicans think it gives them a base of support for more of their nonsense in future. The right of women to an abortion is collateral damage to them.
Nice attempted distraction tactic. We still recognize that the super rich exploiters are the problem. Did they care about women when they scrapped the right to an abortion across the US? The Republicans and Democrats both salivate over the culture war that flows from Roe v Wade being scrapped. The Democrats think it brings them votes, and the Republicans think it gives them a base of support for more of their nonsense in future. The right of women to an abortion is collateral damage to them.

Nice job trying to make me out to be something I'm not by bringing abortion into this discussion.

I don't care if anyone wants to have an abortion. If it's LEGAL where you are, have at it. If it isn't, MOVE to where it is and do what you want about that bun in your oven. This is new news sweety, I've been open and adamant on my views about this.

However, it still stands that EVERY DAY women don't stand up for their right to be recognized as a woman, and EVERY TIME a woman supports the Lefty LBGT narrative that a man is a woman just because he says he is, they prove the narrative that they're second class citizens with no rights.

This is a "woman" problem and only "women" can fix it. Trying to blame men for women not standing up for themselves is a joke. Women can either stand up for themselves or prove that they can't. If they can't then they aren't really "women," they're social constructs subject to the will of men and nothing else.
Incel men who hate women are so transparent when they pretend to stand up for, or care about, a woman's position in society - other than one which makes them subservient to men.

Exhibits A and B: the thread starter, and the fake attorney posting above me. 😘
Nice job trying to make me out to be something I'm not by bringing abortion into this discussion.
LOL. You seem to be claiming to be defending women by attacking trans people. The people attacking trans people "on behalf of real women" are the same people who favour scrapping a woman's right to an abortion. Massive hypocrisy and a distraction tactic from the super rich exploiting us.

I don't care if anyone wants to have an abortion. If it's LEGAL where you are, have at it. If it isn't, MOVE to where it is and do what you want about that bun in your oven. This is new news sweety, I've been open and adamant on my views about this.
That attacks the poorest women, especially those who live furthest away from a place where they can legally get an abortion.

However, it still stands that EVERY DAY women don't stand up for their right to be recognized as a woman, and EVERY TIME a woman supports the Lefty LBGT narrative that a man is a woman just because he says he is, they prove the narrative that they're second class citizens with no rights.
So you think same-sex marriage and relationship rights are bad too? I ask because you say "Lefty LBGT narrative". Would you like to go back to the pre-Lawrence v Texas days (i.e. illegalizing homosexuality in 13 and a half states) so that people aren't focusing on the super rich exploiting them?

This is a "woman" problem and only "women" can fix it.
The legal right to an abortion is a woman problem. And as I said before, the anti-choice people tend to be the same ones moaning about "trans agenda" today, the same people who were moaning about gays and bisexuals 20-50 years ago. They don't care about women at all. Their real aim is to divide and rule, and distract the population from the crimes of the super rich billionaires with "culture war" stuff.

Trying to blame men for women not standing up for themselves is a joke. Women can either stand up for themselves or prove that they can't. If they can't then they aren't really "women," they're social constructs subject to the will of men and nothing else.
I'm not blaming men. I'm blaming the same old politics of Democrats vs. Republicans and Liberals vs. Conservatives who forment a culture war to divide us instead of passing laws to help the mass population. Get universal healthcare free at the point of use, get a $40 per hour minimum wage etc. instead of endlessly arguing about guns or abortion or "trans rights".
Every day that women fail to stand up against the Leftist LBGT agenda, or when a woman actually supports that agenda, is a day which proves the narrative... that women are second class citizens with no rights.
No. Any second a woman doesn't support the LEft is a day when they show they are and want to be second class citizens. Something is seriously wrong with your soul.
Women need to be slapped around and it takes a man in a dress to have enough balls to do it.

No. Any second a woman doesn't support the LEft is a day when they show they are and want to be second class citizens. Something is seriously wrong with your soul.
Yes. She needs to realize that she is a "second-"class citizen and get to the back of the bus.

Women are not sufficiently rainbow. Support your oppressors bitches!!!
As long as we're making up names I'll go with "faux female" or alternatively, "pseudo-woman."
LOL. You seem to be claiming to be defending women by attacking trans people. The people attacking trans people "on behalf of real women" are the same people who favour scrapping a woman's right to an abortion. Massive hypocrisy and a distraction tactic from the super rich exploiting us.

That attacks the poorest women, especially those who live furthest away from a place where they can legally get an abortion.

So you think same-sex marriage and relationship rights are bad too? I ask because you say "Lefty LBGT narrative". Would you like to go back to the pre-Lawrence v Texas days (i.e. illegalizing homosexuality in 13 and a half states) so that people aren't focusing on the super rich exploiting them?

The legal right to an abortion is a woman problem. And as I said before, the anti-choice people tend to be the same ones moaning about "trans agenda" today, the same people who were moaning about gays and bisexuals 20-50 years ago. They don't care about women at all. Their real aim is to divide and rule, and distract the population from the crimes of the super rich billionaires with "culture war" stuff.

I'm not blaming men. I'm blaming the same old politics of Democrats vs. Republicans and Liberals vs. Conservatives who forment a culture war to divide us instead of passing laws to help the mass population. Get universal healthcare free at the point of use, get a $40 per hour minimum wage etc. instead of endlessly arguing about guns or abortion or "trans rights".

Basically this long winded rant just shows that you have no idea who I am, what I stand for, or anything else about me. Instead you project your hate onto me as if it's a proven fact.

It's not uncommon or unexpected from those who do nothing more to inform themselves than read headlines which pander to self interest.
No. Any second a woman doesn't support the LEft is a day when they show they are and want to be second class citizens. Something is seriously wrong with your soul.

I am a lawyer, I have no soul.
Basically this long winded rant just shows that you have no idea who I am, what I stand for, or anything else about me. Instead you project your hate onto me as if it's a proven fact.

It's not uncommon or unexpected from those who do nothing more to inform themselves than read headlines which pander to self interest.
You said "Left LBGT narrative" in a negative sense. What do you mean by it if not wanting states to illegalize homosexuality again? And why mention L, B and G if it's only about trans issues?

And I'm simply amazed at those who think that they can take a position of standing up for "real women" while they favor removing the nationwide right to a legal abortion for all women. Enough is enough of this nonsense.
Yes. She needs to realize that she is a "second-"class citizen and get to the back of the bus.

Women are not sufficiently rainbow. Support your oppressors bitches!!!
Women collectively are sufficiently rainbow, they are the ones who back them every day. They are second class citizens but the Left champions fixing that.
He is strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.

Why isn't there a cry and a hue in men's sports over women who believe they are men?
You said "Left LBGT narrative" in a negative sense. What do you mean by it if not wanting states to illegalize homosexuality again? And why mention L, B and G if it's only about trans issues?

And I'm simply amazed at those who think that they can take a position of standing up for "real women" while they favor removing the nationwide right to a legal abortion for all women. Enough is enough of this nonsense.

OH MY GOSH, you went off because you think I "said something negative..."

Really? That's what motivates you to post stupid crap? That you think "someone said something"?

And apparently whatever you think was "said" you apparently didn't bother to read in the first place because you're still spouting bullshit about how I'm anti-abortion.

Basically, you need to sit down and shut the hell up because all you're doing is embarrassing yourself.

As for the rest: Women need to stop sitting on the sidelines and stand up for their rights to be women instead of a subset of the LBGT genderbender fantasies. No one else is going to do it for them so they better put down the bon bons and get off the couch.
He is strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.

Why isn't there a cry and a hue in men's sports over women who believe they are men?

Because no one gives a shit about the "guy" who comes in last.
As for the rest: Women need to stop sitting on the sidelines and stand up for their rights to be women instead of a subset of the LBGT genderbender fantasies. No one else is going to do it for them so they better put down the bon bons and get off the couch.
And what rights are these, in your opinion?