New Casting Call for the Belgariad by David Eddings


Jan 10, 2002
Ok People, I am trying to do a recasting for the Belgariad by David Eddings. We tried it before , but sputtered after only a few posts. I would like to try this again. Anyone interested?

Hey Chewey,

You know I'm in this one. Gotta to rethink who shall I play though...

:D Z
Ok Z, how about if you take Belgarath and I will take Beldin. That way we will at least have a good way to start the thread off. I think that the original threads premise that Belgarion and C'nedra had been abducted and that C'nedra escaped but has amnesia is workable. I thought that having the demons be the antagonists will still work too. Now we just need some more players.


One of the things I liked the best about the Belgariad was the use of nations, economics and politics as opposed to races. What about a story line about a shift in political alliances based on changing economics as the catalyst.

1) Discovery of a new source of wealth that disrupts previous alliances, Perhaps Sendaria, Nyissa and the murgo kingdom form an alliance.

2) The Ulgo's are deserted by UL and become evil, aligning themselves with the nyissans and begin a war

I would stay out of Mallorea as I didn't like the Mallorean anywhere near as much as the belgariad.

Just thoughts for your storylines, sorry to intrude!
Chewey - sorry I havn't been around recently but If this gets restarted I'm in - I've Pm'd you with my e-mail addy so could you let me know?

I'll play velvet liek I said or whichever other charecter is needed (not Ce' Nedra though - I don't think I could pull her off)
Ok People, looks like we have some interest. I will try to get the thread up and running by the weekend. If anyone has any specific characters that they want; please post here.

I would like to join

I would like to join this group. If you can, I would like be be ethier silk, Zakath or barak. I considered being one of the twins but I would need someone else to be one. So just email me if You have an opening and when you plan to meet.
Ok looks like we are starting to flesh out a roster here.

Chewey - Belgarath
Zircon - Undecided
MM - Polgara
Petrel - Velvet
Dave - Barak or Silk

Anyone else? I would love to see Zircon as Silk, I think it would be a good fit. Anyone else interested before we start? If not, then I will try to get this up and running on Friday.


If someone else wants to be silk, I'll stick with Barak. After all, Barak has to be on this quest.
I forgot to ask about this, how about a creature designed (probably by torak) to kill socerers? It may be kind of stupid, but then again, it would explain how say if Belgarion was kidnapped.
Hi everyone,

Chewey, I wasn't too sure about Silk, since I'm not confident enough to pull him off. But Silk will do if no one else wants him.

Now, lets see... the setting is the Belgariad or Mallorean or both?

Both would be better, since that would explain Zakath's entrance. Dave, in the last thread I had Zakath make a tour of Cythol Murgo to visit Urgit. Then onto the Isle of Wind for an official visit with Belgarion. He left Cyradis behind, and I explained it because she was pregnant :D. Take Zakath if you want it, or Silk or Barak.

I'll prolly take Durnik... if no one else wants him :D

And then, here's a suggestion: All the other Chars not taken, the main ones anyway, can be NPC (e.g. Mandorallen, Lleldorin, Sadi, Beldin, etc)

That is fine Z. I am thinking of starting this thread similar to the way that the other one started. I think that would be the best way, hell, I may even plagurize my own start lol.

Ok Ladies and Gentlemen, the main thread is started is up and running under the title of Belgaraths Journey. Iwill have control of Beldin and Belgarath at this point. I suggest that we all may want to take a second character to keep the thread moving. Its up to you if you want to do that or not. If you do not , then like Z suggested, we can use them as NPC's.

Umm ok, where did everyone go? Come on guys and gals , this happened to the last thread .

Hey chewie I talked with maid and she says that the others have been rather busy So who know when they will be able to respond. So be patient and have faith in them. They'll come thru.
Hi guys,

I'm on for while only... Posted as Durnik... :D

Sorry about the delay

Would like to join, please

Would it be possible to take a character for this thread? I am somewhat experienced in writing in this format, and am not unfamiliar with the characters. If there is any character you would wish to see added, please let me know. I have no problem with anyone or anything that would be useful to the story.

Welcome to Lit. Choose any characters from the Belgariad or Mallorean. Unfortunately at this time, everyone is having a downtime, a hiatus, so to speak. Hopefully things will pick back up...

Current Players :

Chewey - Belgarath
Zircon - Durnik
MM - Polgara
Petrel - Velvet
Dave - Barak

Again, welcome to Lit.


I would like to play Bel-Garion/Garion depending on when the thread is set. Please let me know when things kick off.
Actually, the thread for this has been started as Belgarath's Journey. The premise of the thread is that Belgarion is missing and we have to find him. So I am not sure Goodguyy, if you would be able to play Belgarion, we were planning on keeping him as an NPC for the thread purposes. There are still plenty of other characters available.
