New brain nugget: On personal responsibility


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls, children of all ages, big, little tall and small. I invite you once again to take a walk down my synaptic pathways and into the mind of me, your friendly neighborhood madman.

Step right up and don't mind the puddled grey goo on the floor, mind where you wander, or the mind goblins will get you.

On personal responsibility

It seems to me that humanity has lost touch with the simple concept of personal responsibility. You know, being able to step up and admit your faults as well as your strengths. Taking credit and blame for your actions and decisions. etc.

For instance.
How is it that the manufacturer of a product is responsible for the use of that product by an individual? case in point the recent law suit down here in florida against a gun manufacturer that resulted in a 1.2 million dollar payout because it was said to be partly the gun manufacturers fault... a gun is a tool, how it is used is up to the user.
We as a society seem to wish to litigate everything, to spread blame for actions accross as broad a base as possible. so as to lessen our personal responsibility.
Steal a car? must be a video games fault.
Beat your children? you must have been abused too.
Rape a woman? you must have been lonley all your life. or your mommy didnt pay enough attention to you.
Kill your children by drowning them in a tub? you where depressed.
Snipe people at random? society must have ostracized you for your secret gay life.

When do people stop giving reasons, and start accepting the burdens of their own decisions and actions?


On to drugs, I personally detest them, and dont use them. however I could care less if you do, so why not make them legal? if something affects only you? who cares what you do. I might not choose to socialize with you but thats just a consequence of the choice to do drugs. Now, so long as you don't involve other people. should you drive intoxicated or drugged up and smash someone with the car. then I believe you should stand trial with charges added on top of whatever it is you did. because you KNEW that the drug would mess with your ability to reason, you should have taken proper precautions as to not be in a situation like that. again a personal responsibility thing


Freedom of speech is all fine and dandy, say whatever it is you like to. but why do it anonymously? why can't you own up to what you say?

and thats it for this brain nugget.

LittleKateEyes, is there any way to turn that AV around? :D
see when you two post to my threads, I always switch from "thinking"mode to just plain lust.
Ok, I'm right there with ya on thought pattern 1 and 3 but #2 leaves some pretty big openings there. Why stop at drugs? Why not eliminate traffic signs... As long as I'm not crashing my car into you why should you care how fast I drive or if I stop at intersections? Why not legalize pretty much everything? As long as no one is getting hurt who cares?

Mind you, I don't disagree with the idea of legalizing drugs (I'd actually encourage that step..) but the chain of logic used leaves lots of big holes. :D
ma_guy said:
Ok, I'm right there with ya on thought pattern 1 and 3 but #2 leaves some pretty big openings there. Why stop at drugs? Why not eliminate traffic signs... As long as I'm not crashing my car into you why should you care how fast I drive or if I stop at intersections? Why not legalize pretty much everything? As long as no one is getting hurt who cares?

Mind you, I don't disagree with the idea of legalizing drugs (I'd actually encourage that step..) but the chain of logic used leaves lots of big holes. :D

yeah it does, but I don't see whether or not someone decides to drop X as any of my business. now whether they decide to DRIVE after it, well then they have the potential to affect me, so it becomes my business.