New Blood Ties to Heaven (Closed for Erlind & me)


author, medium, witch
May 11, 2006
New Blood Ties to Heaven (Closed for Lordmikel & me but PM if Wrath interests))

I have an idea about a fallen angel (kind of like a vampire with wings one can only see when he's drinking, or when one of them) sent to redeem himself by protecting the hybrid daughter of a former angelic ''brother'' of his. She doesn't know what she is. Her human mother died in childbirth and she's been raised in foster care. Now that she seems to be showing signs of changing (sensitivity to light since they come out only at night, hyper sensitive senses, feeling like she can sense the emotions of those around her...and unquenchable thirst...) he has been sent to guide her through her change and explain what she is, only he finds himself instantly attracted to her and is torn between his duty and his desire. He doubts the Council of Elders who banished him to spend eternity on Earth will allow him to stay with her but he cannot leave her now that he's become so attracted and in love with her. I want to tell this story with a decent writer who is in it for the long haul and wants to write a beautiful story which happens to have erotic nature and sexual parts to it more than just a wham-bam- thank you maam, thread.

Fallen Angels can not be in the sun.

They drink blood. 'Sipping' Angel blood is necessary for strength, drinking human or animal blood is necessary for nutrution. Older fallen can also eat food but they don't really like the taste of much beyond meat and milk. Blood is best.Most Fallen prefer to drink from one Angel for many years at a time, usually it is tradition to drink from the one who helped them transition. This forms a close bond so it is not an act they take lightly in most circles. Usally it's one 'sip' per day from a fellow Fallen and two to three drinks from a human per month (more if they are only being sipped).

The difference between a drink and a sip: A drink drains the life of the creature, a sip is just draining on them but does not kill them. Fallen 'sip' from one another all the time. A 'sip' can last anywhere from five minutes to five hours depending on the slowness and gentleness of the sipper. It usually leads to a sense if instantaneous powerfulness, enhanced senses, and the rush from the blood often elicits strong sexual urges. Most Fallen follow a 'sip' with sex since both involved become highly aroused from the act.

It is possible not to kill a human when drinking their blood but one must be very well disciplined to only 'sip' them.

Some Fallen work to better the lives of, and protect humans. Some are so despondent from their fall they spend all of eternity trying to punish themselves. Some, are so angry, they become Wraths.

Wraths: Pure chaoitic evil. The muses in the minds of serial killers and psychopaths. The enemy of the Guardians.

Guardians: Fallen who try to redeem themselves by helping protect and guide both humans and other Fallen.

Fallen can procreate. Women come into 'the calling' once every five to twelve years (every woman's exact cycle is different) lasting for about six weeks, and during this time her sexual scent is irresistible to males of all species. She becomes highly sexualized and usually takes a single mate during this period if she hasn't already gotten one before (the strongest male so he can fight off competitors who will literally be willing to die to get to her) and they will mate incessantly during this six week period.

Only 30 percent of Fallen males are fertile. But, they ALL want to mate with a female during 'the calling', it's hormonal. They can't resist. It's a very dangerous time when a woman is in her fertile period. This is usually when the most wars break out among Fallen.

Fallen offspring gestate quickly. A woman is only pregnant for ten weeks. Each week equals a little less than a month of human gestation. The woman is usually in a great deal of pain during this time and often falls into a deep comatose state for the last few weeks of it. The father must be nearby when it comes time for the child to be born. He must sense the right moment to perform the separation ceremony where he slices his mate's abdomen to allow the baby to climb out of the womb. It cannot come out the way human babies do.

They are often born matured to the point of a three month old human but with motor skills well enough to crawl, sit up, and grasp things already at birth. Fallen babies are born much too big to come out vaginally. If a pregnant female does not have help in birthing her child with the separational slice, it will continue to grow within her until it kills her and many have been know to climb out of their dead mother's carcass as malnourished toddlers, having eaten her alive from the inside.

Fallen children mature quickly. They are equivalent to a human five year old child in intelligence and physical appearance after just one year. Between the chronological ages of four and five (Between 20 and 25 in their developmental ages.) they stop aging altogether becoming fully matured Fallen by then.

Fallen can be killed. By tearing each other to shreds and burning the pieces, draining of a Fallen's blood, and by exposure to the sun. Lucifer,called The One by his followers, and also his counterpart, God, are both also capable of snuffing them out at any time but never bother with them.

They feel forgotten even by The One, the original Fallen Angel. Only one out of every ten new Fallen live past their first decade. The learning curve in the real world is far too steep.



Morgan Heathers

Age: 21

Just graduated early with a Master's in Psychology. She is new to Miami, there for several job interviews but feeling ill lately. She has not been able to spend more than ten minutes in the sun any time of day for a week.

Bed ridden with a fever and chills, a growing nausea and sensitivity to light, sound, and really anything... Morgan finds herself wondering if she'll ever make it out to start her new life in a new city. The boxes in her apartment have not even been unpacked. Her fridge sits nearly empty except for last week's take-out leftovers since she's been consisting the past four days on nothing but cornflakes and milk bought from the little mini-mart downstairs...and craving raw meat...She had been sent a box of Omaha Steaks as a house-warming gift from her former foster family and she surprised and disgusted herself by finding the scent of the raw meat enticing beyond belief. She had torn open the package and devoured the raw, bloody steaks within minutes, immediately sick to her stomach afterward and appauled that she'd been so disgustingly drawn to the scent of the raw meat and the taste of the blood as she ate the steaks without bothering to cook them. Of course, nothing, not even the raw steak had stayed in her body for long before she was puking again...

Now, Morgan cannot stomach anything more yet she feels like she's starving. The telephone ringing at four o clock in the morning when she still hadn't had time to give out her new number, startled her awake.

A gruff voice at the other end when she answered said simply, "Morgan, right?"

"Who is this?" she asked.

"I'm coming over. Someone needs to explain why you feel so badly lately." then with an abrupt click the phone call ended. She'd never learned who the caller was, how he knew her number or who she was, or that she'd been ill.

She spent the next hour alternating between searching her tiny apartment for hidden cameras and throwing up cornflakes into the toilet.

The knock on the door came sooner than she'd anticipated.

The slight, petite, redhead moved slower than she wanted, finding a baseball bat beside her bed...she moved closer to the door wielding the bat. ''It's the middle of the night and I don't know a damn person around here so I am NOT answering this door. Whoever the hell you are, go away before I call the cops!'' She said hoping it sounded braver and stronger than she felt. She knew she probably looked ridiculous standing there all pale and sickly, some sweaty strands of red hair plastered to her face and neck. Morgan was wearing nothing but pink panties and an ex boyfriend's Miami Dolphins jersey which made a short, tom-boyish nightshirt on her. Her long, cream toned legs were bare and in the light from her microwave's digital time display coming from her kitchen she glowed in a ghastly green halo surrounded by darkness. ''Go away!'' she repeated, wondering who this guy was and how he knew so much about her.
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A tall man with short dirty blonde hair and a solid build stood with his arms crossed at the top of a rocky outcrop in the desert. The man seemed like he was in his earlier thirties, but a rough life had taken a toll on him. In truth he was much older. He had been looking out at the stars for hours without moving. The swirl of lights filling the sky could only be seen like this out in the desert and other remote places anymore. They reminded him of a simpler time when mankind was young. The dangers had been no less great then, but things at least had been simpler.

Leather jacket and faded jeans had were not traditional angelic battlegear, but that was what this man was, an angel sent to earth to battle the forces of evil and earn his place in heaven. The weathered angel stood over what was now the grave site of an archdemon he had helped slay over fifty years ago. A creature of such evil and power it had been that someone had to be chosen to watch over it. The fallen that now stood looking out at the stars had been the most patient and disciplined of that band that had defeated the creature that he had volunteered to stay knowing he was best suited. Besides, he liked to watch the stars.

“Rafael, you old war dog. Stop standing there being stoic and give an old friend a hug.” The sudden break of the long silence came from a short cheerful blonde haired woman whose voice had always reminded Rafael of light bells. The angel turned to his old friend and a slow smile crept over his face. Strong arms enveloped her smaller frame, but when the larger angel stepped back his gruff countenance had returned.

“Rachel, why are you here?” At six foot two, Rafael towered over her and did not look happy. Too often Rachel liked to ignore direr truths in favor pleasant distractions, but if she had come all the way out here to see him the older fallen knew it was too important to let that happen. Rachel looked away and seemed to become nervous, not a quality she was known for.

“We need you to come out of retirement to teach a young fallen. She really needs someone who …”

Rafael cut her off with a single solid word, “No.” The fallen had been known for many things in his time patience, discipline, prowess in combat, and a strong sense of duty, but he had never taken a charge.

“My work here is important. I’ve stopped two cults and a demon out here in the wastes that would have brought the demon back. We lost too many fighting him to do it again.”

“Three incidents in fifty years, old man. It’s time to come out of retirement.”

“My place is here.”

“She’s Remus’s daughter.”

The argument stopped and Rafael fell back into his silence. Remus had been a true friend to him. They had fought side by side for centuries. The man had understood when Rafael chose to stay behind after the battle here and had disappeared afterwards in the course of some mysterious covert work. And as far as the old warrior knew his friend had never taken a lover.

“The council just found out about her. She’s only half fallen and is already starting to change. She needs somebody or things are going to get real bad. The council decided you would want to be the one, because of Remus.”

Rafael nodded and moved past Rachel down the rocks towards the Jeep she’d taken to get to him.

“Fill me in.”

* * *

Rachel had given him a crash course on modern history, technology and culture. If any of it had surprised or even truly interested the angelic veteran he hadn’t shown any sign of it. The journey was a long one, but they only stopped for gas didn’t sleep. Heavily tinted windows made traveling during the day possible if still uncomfortable. When they got close Rafael put his new phone to use and called to ensure Morgan, his new charge, would be where they expected.
Rachel had provided an old army duffel with everything he would need for the modern world. His spear would prove to conspicuous outside the desert so it was traded for a heavy caliber hand gun. Smart phone with important contacts already added in. Modern money and paperwork included to allow him to pass through the world unbothered by mortal authorities. Clothes were to replace some of his more dated wardrobe and allow him to blend in more easily.

When they reached his destination Rachel wished him luck and they parted ways. It was hard to tell how far along Morgan Heathers would be in her change and how much time he had to gain her trust. When he knocked and was met with frightened threats Rafael could hear his old friend in his voice. Remus had been a warrior like him and while a little rash he was always ready to defend his own. The fallen opened the apartment door. It had been locked but under his touch the door simply opened. Rafael quickly scanned the room. Empty box labeled “Omaha Steaks” by the trash, a home half unpacked from a recent move and Morgan herself were what his keen eye picked out as things of importance.

A look of fear and defiance was worn on a young beauty in a desperate state. Long creamy legs were obscured by any clothing and her hair was a brilliant red that truly suited her even in the state it was in. She was filled was fear and a disaster was ready and waiting to finish her off, but she still managed to be a vision of beauty to him. Rafael mentally wrenched himself from examining her and turned his attention to more pressing matters.

“You don’t need to fear me, Morgan. My name is Rafael and I was a close friend of your father’s. Have long have you been craving raw meat?” His voice was even and cool. Right now Morgan needed to know two things, that everything would be alright and that he understood what was happening to her. He tried his best to convey these things to her in his voice.
Morgan shook her head in the darkness as the latch lifted itself and came out of it's slot, the other lock, sliding aside, and the door opened, the person behind it, an impossibly tall biker-dude, looking, thug, stepped inside, letting himself into her apartment like it was an everyday occurrence, walking into homes uninvited. ''No, no, stay back.'' she murmured but he interrupted her with his comment about her father and his question about raw meat which made her blush.

''You don't know my dad.'' she countered. ''Anyone can claim they know my dad. Nobody knows who he was. He and my mom...look, I'm adopted, I don't have any ties to my real dad. She never said to anyone who he was and she died when I was born. So, don't pull that crap on me. You probably are some crazy stalker and found out somehow I'm adopted and thought that would be a great line to gain my trust....Fuck you!'' she yelled, growing more angry than panicked now.

She held up her bat with more confidence than before, waving it in the air a bit. ''I know how to use this. I have a pretty good aim. Don't come any closer.'' she warned, taking a step back and wishing she could remember where she'd last left her phone. ''If you don't leave now I will call the police.'' She warned again.

As she took one more step backwards she stumbled, misjudging where she'd left her vacuum cleaner and tripping awkwardly over the hoses, losing her balance and falling backwards completely, dropping the bat and landing painfully with a crack of the back of her head on the tile floor.

He was close to her within milliseconds and she was nervous, especially now that she was prone and as another wave of painful nausea was coming. He smelled really good, fantastic, like, unbelievably delicious and comforting all at once...It was disconcerting. He was hot cocoa during a snowstorm, firewood smoke from a cozy campfire, newborn baby's breath, lavender fields, freshly picked apples after a wash, the smell of rain after a thunderstorm, the smell of coconut and saltwater on a sunny beach, he smelled like freshly cut grass and new paperback novels, strawberry ice-cream and freshly baked cookies...He smelled like all of these things and the more comfort her body felt in his nearness the more freaked out it made her.

She lay there, prone, like a beetle on it's back and he was leaning over her, looking down with an expression of pity mixed with...what was that look, hunger? Fear? How could this dangerous looking dude fear her? and she tossed that last thought aside, must not be she was sure she'd puke again any second Morgan groaned and hissed, ''Leave me alone!'' through her teeth while she curled up into a ball.For a moment she thought she saw the fuzzy image of wings silhouetted behind his body, wrapping around them both almost like a privacy screen of feather...No, Morgan shook her head and cleared her vision, the hallucination of what she thought were wings had disappeared the moment she refused to believe they were there. This man was close, too close. It made her so nervous... He reached down to her and she was scared again but then the primal urges were stronger and she bent down toward the floor, throwing up bile and spoiled milk beside his enormous shit kickers, wishing she'd had the nerve to have done it right on HIM.
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She looked almost nothing like her father, but she did have that same fire Remus held in him. Afraid and broken down and still ready to crack his skull with a bat if she thought she had to do it. Rafael knew he could have stopped the weapon, but that might have caused even more mistrust. He wanted to smile at the strangely familiar scene that reminded him so much of his brother in blood, but he knew that also could only breed more mistrust. One thing Remus hated more than anything was not to be taken seriously when the situation demanded that level of solemnity.

It would be too easy right now to make the wrong decision and drive her away forever. The council would not send another and it wouldn’t help if they had to do it. Rafael knew that if he could not gain this young woman’s trust a painful death would be the best outcome she could have. At worst another would find her and she would become twisted with pain and hate. She would fall to Wrath and he would one day be forced to kill her himself.

Then the simplest thing happened and it caused so much fear in Rafael. Morgan tripped. And the fallen wasn’t afraid she would be hurt, but how he reacted. Without a moment’s consideration he tried to catch her. He didn’t quite manage to catch her, but the instant she was on the ground he was at her side and there was this moment between them. It felt like looking out into the sea of stars on a desert night or sitting at the beach as the sun set over the ocean on a quiet evening. The moment was peaceful and right in the midst of the chaos of the situation and she made it feel that way. How could he be this girl’s mentor? How could he be her mentor when he felt this way? How could he teach her to defend herself when all he wanted was to protect her in that single strong moment?

Rafael gathered himself and decided he needed to back away from her. He was too close and it wasn’t helping things. In a fluid motion the gruff angel stepped up and away from her, taking with him the bat he snatched from her loosened grip.

“You aren’t calling the police,” he told her trying to detach himself from these feelings without sounding too threatening. “And I’m not leaving either. You know something terrible is happening to you and no one can explain it, but I can. You’re whole life you’ve had times like this if less dramatic. Felt someone with you when you knew with certainty no one was there. Maybe you had that feeling of dread before a catastrophe that no one could have predicted. You were always well liked enough, but still never really felt like you belonged anywhere you’ve ever been. You’re different Morgan and it may be scary and you may not want it, but you are. If you want to find out why then I’m the one who can tell you.”
She was wiping vomit from her lips with her sleeve, feeling awkward and strange, crawling toward the bathroom where she could brush her teeth, wash her face, drink some water...try to feel normal.

He spoke again and the room rumbled. Her own bones reverberated and vibrated when he spoke. She didn't like the way her weak body reacted to him. She was pointedly ignoring him as he lectured about being different. Of course she was different. Orphans never feel like they belong, classic child psych... She looked up at him in the mirror. He stood in the doorway, still talking, asking her again about the meat and she stopped, toothbrush hanging from her mouth and their eyes locked. She felt something there, he DID know things about her, she could sense it quite plainly. But, how? Spitting and rinsing, and spitting again. Then she turned to Raphael, ''You say there's an explanation for how sick I feel? I'm...different...Are you also this way?''
She was too smart to listen to him even if he was telling the truth. The girl was trying to ignore the massive man that had mysteriously opened a locked door. Rafael grew more desperate with each moment , at this point he wasn’t even sure she was listening. Then suddenly he could see a look of recognition in her eyes reflected back at him in the mirror.


The guardian smiled glad to finally have some measure of success even if it had been nothing he had done. Hard eyes stared back at her and a decision was made that she would see the truth if he spoke it plainly.

“We are angels,” he told her calmly, “rather you are a half angel on your father’s side.”

He let the words sink in and readied himself before for another fit of rage and denial, and for the possibility of her acceptance. He would stay quiet and let Morgan work it out for herself.
Morgan heard the words.
She stood still for a moment and absorbed them, took in his whole demeanor, tone of voice, body language, as he said these ridiculous words.
It seemed unbelievable to her. She laughed. She laughed harder than she had in her whole life. Literally, falling onto the floor laughing until tears streamed down her cheeks. But, then the tears became less those resulting from laughter as from real fear and pain. She looked up at him. He hadn't moved. She filled the long moment of silence when the laughter had died down with one statement. ''You really believe that, don't you?'' He seemed such a serious personality for such fuzzy-wuzzy sentiments about angels or even half-angels, believing in such childish nonsense...So, why deep down inside did a part of her hope he could somehow make her believe it too?

This thought, of course, punctuated by searing pain in her innards which made her curl up in a fetal position and scream in agony. Her itchy shoulder blades were becoming truly painful as well and she felt like millions of shards of glass were breaking through the skin on that part of her body.

Morgan cursed out loud and tasted blood on her lips. Her bottom lip was bleeding from a cut she realized she'd caused, biting down, her incisor teeth suddenly feeling oddly shaped, longer, deeper in her jaw, and razor sharp almost like those one would imagine on a gothic fiction vampire...and she began to get scared again. ''What's happening?!'' she screamed.
While Rafael had never mentored a young fallen or a half fallen for that matter, he knew exactly what needed to be done. Still, he was worried. The angel had never been the most compassionate of men and wasn't sure how to treat her as she shuddered in agony on the floor. He took a knee by her side and put an arm around her.

"You're closer than I realized. Your body can't handle the change." She wasn't believing anything she said anyway so he didn't continue. She would see soon and things would be easier hopefully. The hulking man beside her found himself wishing he could spare her this, but there was no way. He simply settled for reminding himself the experience would make her stronger.

He could almost feel her heartbeat and it was quick and erratic. Soon it would slow and eventually stop and then he could do his part. He could bring a new fallen into the world.
Vision tunneling, Morgan felt her breathing quickening and hear heart-rate along with it, soon she felt as if she were a fish out of the water, drowning in every breath of air her lungs refused to expand to take in. She was frightened and yet couldn't risk the breaths it would take to get truly upset... Her muscles spasmed as she curled even tighter into a ball, the ''shards of glass'' sensation on her back intensifying. Was that the sound of cloth tearing? She was horrified to realize her baggy jersey was being torn from the inside by something growing out of her shoulder blades, something very big, apparently. As she gasped for another breath she saw in her peripheral, just a quick flash of white, glistening...something, and it was wrapping around her from behind...''Wings?'' she heard herself whisper in disbelief.

She had no time to turn her head to check or listen to Raphael's reply. She'd passed out within one heartbeat. And the second heartbeat after that last breath was her last one ever.

A sensation of panic became awash in total serenity and calm. She was falling, or felt like she was falling, through a rainbow of colors and a myriad of lovely imagery which was all things she found soothing and loveable. The ''falling'' sensation evolved to become a ''floating'' feeling and Morgan liked that better.

Her path brought her to a kind-faced red haired woman who smiled at her, hugged her (she smelled like vanilla and roses and Morgan's heart leaped at how comforting this was) The woman whispered to Morgan, ''No, my baby. You cannot stay here, not yet. You have a higher calling.''

Morgan didn't want to leave the woman but a gentle shove brought her back to her original flight path and soon she was back to falling again.

The pull to earth was impossible to resist no matter how Morgan tried to reascend. Slammed painfully back into the cumbersome form of her dead human body, Morgan was horrified to feel and hear Raphael crouched over her as if he was biting at her!
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Rafael was knocked back as suddenly beautiful soft wings burst violently from Morgan’s back. His own wings were wrapped around him and hidden from sight and weren’t half as impressive as hers. His were almost a dull gray and had a certain roughness to them, but Morgan’s seemed almost bright and perfectly soft. The angel looked on in an awe he did not think his charge would have been capable of inspiring in him, he watched her fall. Two fingers found her throat and he felt the last dying beat of her heart. It was time.

Feeding on humans wasn’t uncommon and young fallen needed to feed from their guardians, but it had still been a long time for Rafael. Spending so much time out in the wild recently he had fed mostly on animals preferring not to risk harming the children of men. This is what he had been needed for however. He only hoped Morgan would not hate him for this new life he now brought her into. I a quick violent motion sharp unnatural teeth sank into the dying flesh of her neck. She tasted sweet with a feeling of hidden strength he had not known for centuries. Rafael drank deep and tasted of his charge completing the first of two acts that would bind them together.

Blood gently trickled from the wounds in her neck when the angel pulled away from Morgan. Now was the moment of truth for him. He had never taken a charge before and had rarely seen a half breed in his long life. Rafael hesitated wondering if she for all her bravado would be strong enough. Then he banished the thought from his mind and set to action. A blade nine inch blade was drawn from beneath his coat, handle and edge all one piece of dull gray steel. He rested the weapon against his own wrist and took a deep breath. A blur of motion pulled the blade away and let the crimson stream begin flowing down his arm. It hurt, but many worse wounds had befallen the soldier before. Gingerly he touched blood soaked flesh to her lips and hoped the council had chosen wisely in him.
The scent of his blood was overwhelming. Morgan found as he put the gash in his wrist before her face she almost leapt for his arm, taking it weakly in both hands but gripping hard as she tried to comprehend the need to taste this scent coming from her psyche, so primal... She moaned in response, not liking this new side to herself at all, and she tentatively poked her tongue out to taste at first. She was expecting the metallic taste she had been familiar with as a human...but this was nothing like that at all. It was sweet to her taste-buds, sensuously delicious!

Morgan now decidedly clamped her mouth down on his wrist and began sucking in earnest, drawing mouthfuls of sweet blood into her mouth, lapping at his wound with her tongue like a kitten would a saucer of milk. And, as she did this he seemed to swoon, he looked positively horny from this. As she grew stronger with every drop drunk she had to admit she herself felt odd stirrings from this strange intimate contact. She would have stopped to wonder about that if she wasn't so damned thirsty!

As Morgan drank she felt the pain in her gut decreasing and the itchiness in her gums increased exponentially as her teeth seemed to elongate, piercing his flesh as she drank even more deeply. He sank down and lifted her form closer to him, holding her against his muscular chest, Morgan was too intent upon the drink to care how fragile she felt in his grasp at the moment. She drank, and drank, and drank until she blacked out, still attached to the wrist like an infant at the breast.

The warmth spread throughout her body as she dreamed, in and out of consciousness, reality seemed to drift and swirl around her. She felt her hunger subsiding and a new aching need began. Her cunt felt like it had a heartbeat all it's own. She was more damp in her panties than she'd been in ages, and all this from a little drink of blood?

The warmth throughout her body from this powerful blood made her head spin and it made her throb, achingly sensitive in places she had not expected. All she could think about was wanting more blood and needing something to fill the emptiness of her pussy as much as she needed her stomach full of more sweetness...

She moaned huskily, grinding herself on the body which still held her close, drunkenly frustrated by the clothing blocking her from the contact she sought. Eyes still closed, "Mmmmmmm...." was all she could manage to say.
Had it ever felt like this? Rafael was losing his grip in the experience of having Morgan drink from him. She had already been a gorgeous half naked young woman, but something about the feeling of having her feed from him pushed the whole situation into another realm completely. The hulking man was filled with a carnal lust and even let a low quiet moan pass his lips as her teeth sank further. In. By the time she finished feeding the angel’s mind was in a haze and his thick cock strained desperately and obviously against his pants. That brilliant red hair. Those soft beautiful wings. The perfect gentle curve of her form huddled up against him.

Never in his life had Rafael felt quite like this. He’d been infatuated with his own mentor ages ago, but nothing had happened. Two special centuries had been spent with someone very special to him, but strangely he had never felt the intensity that seemed to exist here. He was sent to mentor this girl and before spending an hour with her all he could think of was sex.

Rafael looked down as Morgan rubbed against him teetering on the edge of unconsciousness. He caught a glimpse of her panties between the remains of the jersey she wore and they were soaked through. She wanted it too. Suddenly, the angel shook his head violently and reasserted his vaunted control over himself. He picked up the half breed in his arms and carried her small form into her bedroom. Laying her down on the bed, the angel pulled a blanket over her. Whatever would happen between them it seemed wrong for it to happen now in this way.
She was in her bed and she pulled at him desperately while he tried to pull away from her, to leave her there. ''Nooo....don't leave me!'' she whimpered, reaching out to him, the sun she felt her whole world would now be orbiting...

He seemed unsure of what to do. He looked like he wanted to stay but was afraid. Of her?

Morgan smiled, her eyes fluttering closed again, so heavy, her eyelids, she was so tired...''You want to be near me as much as I want you to...Just stay, lie here with me...tell me more about...what I'm becoming, have become...please, please...''
Morgan had a way of penetrating everything and seeing the truth and she was right. He did want to stay with her and do much more than that and that would normally be reason enough for the angel to walk away, but she was right about another thing. She was his responsibility and leaving her alone and confused would only serve to lead her down the path of corruption. He stayed.
She moved over for him and Rafael sat down on the bed with his back against the headboard. Comfortingly, he placed a large arm around her smaller frame. Even just lying here with her like this felt so good. Would they feel like this when the effects of his blood on her wore off? The angel had to wonder.

“To protect man from the forces of Hell and keep him on the right path, the father sent down some of his angels to live on earth. We call ourselves the fallen and hope by our actions here to earn our place in heaven. Your father was a Fallen, Morgan, and now you’ve inherited some of his strength and his legacy. You’ll have to feed from me until your body finishes adapting and can find nourishment other places, but we have a while to wait for that. I know you weren’t expecting this Morgan, but I can already tell this life will suit you well.”

Without really thinking about it Rafael pushed some strands of hair out of her face. Her skin was soft and even that small touch made him ache with want.
A shaky sigh escaped her at his touch. She actually shuddered, trying to control herself and these...urges...She absently rubbed her hand along his chest, her fingers had found a patch of hair beneath his shirt and stroked the softness of it...but then she blushed and let her hand fall to her lap...and beside her lap was his...She looked down at it and was sure she saw the outline of a huge bulge straining against his fly. It took most of her energy and self control not to reach over and unzip, freeing his monster and put it into her mouth to suck him off...Before she knew what she was doing she'd found her hand stroking the fabric there, once, twice...then she mumbled an apology and pulled her hand into her other one, clasping both to her chest as he pulled her into his comforting embrace. He began talking again and she tried to listen to his words and stop trying to touch him.

It was all so strange. Just an hour ago she'd hated and feared this man, now she couldn't get close enough to him. She was tired and almost felt inebriated. Morgan knew she needed to find some focus before falling asleep and she should not, would not fuck a matter how tempting he was...

Morgan bit her bottom lip and felt the scraping of the new elongated incisor teeth nearly break her own skin with their sharpness. She focused on that, and formed this observation into a question with cloudy difficulty as sleep tugged at her conscious mind. ''These teeth...they're for drinking, drinking blood, right? But, I mean, it's like vampires almost, only we're...angels? I don't get it. There surely isn't such a thing as both...''

He chuckled and at first she was annoyed by the sense that he was going to mock her ignorance but she realized it was a warm laugh, just the kind a parent would do if their child said something adorable. He had been a friend of her fathers, after all. She supposed he looked at her as child like and naive. This both comforted and disturbed her simultaneously as she waited for his response to her query.
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All Raphael could do as her fingers lightly stroked his bulging pants was watch. He could see the lust in her eyes and wanted so badly to fulfill that need of hers. A dozen licentious images flooded his mind of what he wanted to do with and to her. The angel could almost hear his charge moaning and begging for more. That’s when Rafael snapped out of the haze of lust and pushed it back down deep inside him to fester. She was his student and it was his job to protect and teach her, not exploit her for his own baser instincts. He realized Morgan had found restraint as well bringing her hands back to her chest.

Her innocent question held the naivety and intuition that Rafael was coming to expect from her and he couldn’t help, but give a light hearted chuckle. She put him so at ease it was almost frightening.

“Vampires are angels fallen to earth just like us, but they’ve lost their way and become corrupted. The Wraths are what happens when one of the guardians cannot accept their role and let’s anger and spite overcome them. The difference between us and them is the difference between shadow and light, good and evil, and God and the Devil. I was so afraid I would drive you too that.”

After his last statement Rafael stopped and stayed quiet. He hadn’t meant to share that much with her. He rarely shared much with anyone even his fellow guardians. To be open with someone who was essentially a stranger was unheard of for the old warrior and he wasn’t sure how he felt about it. Regardless of what the moment meant though he was glad to have her at his side right now. The warmth of her young supple form next to him was reassuring somehow.
Morgan felt the understanding begin to sink in as she also let the aching exhaustion wash over her. Snuggling close to Rafael, the only thing in the world she felt connected to at this moment as her consciousness rose to float away somewhere in an in-between world of fuzzy thoughts and emotions, she fell asleep. It was one of those deep, delicious slumbers of the truly tired. Sunlight was creeping through the blinds when her eyes finally fluttered open.
Finally, mercifully, Morgan fell asleep. Rafael left the newly winged half angel to sleep in her bed, certain it would be a bad idea to stay as much as he wanted it. He wanted to wake up next to her and bring her out of her dreams with a gentle this. No. It was best he leave.

Instead, the large man slept fitfully on the couch in the living room. It wasn't that the sofa was uncomfortable, he had slept in much harsher environments, Rafael simply never slept well anymore. It had been more than a century since he'd slept through the night and it hadn't been good before that. He suspected it was simply a part of having existed on the earth for so long, but he couldn't be certain and had never asked any of his brethren. Sleep did eventually come though for a few brief broken hours.

It was before dawn when the angel awoke. First he took apart the weapon he'd been given, cleaned it, and examined his ammunition and two magazines. One thing he'd liked about the old way was that when the angels had made a spear or sword it never broke. Guns were so unreliable if meticulous care wasn't taken in their maintenance. The parts of the gun were reassembled until it made a weapon again and it was slid into a shoulder holster hidden by his jacket. Rafael scoured his new equipment and used his phone to familiarize himself a little more with the world. If he was to train this girl it wouldn't do to attract the attention of every demon this side of the continent.

The sun eventually rose and when the angel felt his charge he rested enough he entered her room. Her eyes were open.

"Good. You're already up. Get dressed. Training starts today."

With that he walked back out and closed the door. Rafael realized the feelings of desire from the night before had quieted if not disappeared. He hoped Morgan had not had more of a change of heart than him.

Rafael noticed one more thing different from the night before. A set of keys had been pushed under the apartment door. Snatching the keys off the ground, the angel looked out the window and smiled. Rachel really knew how to set a mentor up right. A heavy cruiser of a bike rested outside on the street. One way or another, this would be a good day.
Annoyed, and with a gnawing hunger in her gut and aches in every inch of muscle on her body, Morgan slowly moved to sit up in her bed. She grabbed clothes without really looking. It seemed Rafael had no intention of waiting for her to shower first or had ever heard of breakfast.

Morgan grumbled as she dressed in a pair of black jeans and two layered tops of purple tank beneath grey shoulderless sweatshirt with a bedazzled rhinestone skull up the right side. Her clothes were not impeded by her wings which seemed to fold against her body beneath them and become almost insubstantial, invisible to the human eye. She ran a brush through her long red hair and slipped on a headband with teeth that held her hair in place and kept the sleek band from slipping out of her smooth, ginger locks and sliding off of her head.

Even though she'd only been about two minutes in getting up and ready he was still gone by the time she'd padded out of her bedroom, slipping on a pair of socks, hopping on one foot, then the other, to do so while still moving, and sliding her feet into a pair of black cowboy boots she found so comfy she wore them almost daily. Swearing softly under her breath Morgan stumbled toward the door he'd left ajar. ''What?'' she asked, not expecting an answer since he was so far away he likely never heard her complaining as she went.

He was outside before she could even collect her thoughts. The light from the sun, low on the horizon, was painful and she squinted, stepping back from her door as she called after him, ''How do you DO that? Doesn't it hurt you?''

He grimaced, then grinned, pulling a pair of trendy looking woman's sunglasses from the pocket of his jacket and tossing them at her. Morgan caught them in mid-air, her reflexes surprisingly quick now, even to her. She put them on and sighed as they seemed stronger than normal sunglasses and made the sunlight now reasonably tolerable. Although, staring directly at the sun still made her eyes tear and her skin felt itchy and a little tight in places touched by it. ''This reminds me of vampire stories. But, I haven't read much on angels.'' She commented.

He was approaching a huge brand new, and very expensive looking motorcycle and she came a bit closer to him, locking her door behind her and putting her keys into her own jacket, a grey leather bolero. She didn't bother with her phone. It had not been charged since she'd gotten sick and nobody would call her anyway. Pointing to her exposed cheeks, neck, and forehead, she asked, ''Will the sun always hurt? Can it do any serious damage?''

Her feelings about the night before and the strangely erotic urgings... her lusty behavior after having drunk Rafael's blood, all of those memories...made her feel ashamed and embarrassed. Morgan was trying not to remember much of what had happened during the night however one look in his face as he looked her up and down appraisingly and the embarassment returned again quickly. I can't believe I tried to touch this guy's dick! She thought to herself.

His eyes seemed settled on her chest instead of her face and this was the last straw as she faught down the heat of a blush in her cheeks and she hissed, ''Hey, Asshole, my eyes are up here. I asked a question. Seeing as I seem stuck with you for the next few decades or so I would hope you could answer some simple questions. It's not every day a girl has her apartment broken into and some biker dude tells her he knew her dad, watches her die, bites her, and then makes her drink his blood...I didn't choose this. I'm trying to make the most of it. So, I'd appreciate you using some manners, bro.''
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She asked a lot a questions. It was completely understandable, but Raphael hadn’t had to answer questions like these pretty much ever. He looked over the slender girl that had just the night before had filled him with such lust. He was not unattractive and in fact she had a certain unique beauty to her, but many temptations had crossed his path since he’d lost the woman he loved nearly a thousand years ago and none had truly caused even a second glance from him. It was strange. When Morgan called him out on his staring, the Guardian looked away. Even though she had misinterpreted his intent he still felt a little embarrassed. He decided to fill the moment with answers to her questions.

“You’ve heard all these stories about vampires and a lot fewer about angels for one big reason. We’re doing our jobs and they aren’t. The fallen are charged with protecting the world from the supernatural dangers that humanity can’t handle, physically and otherwise. We’re charged with being protectors for people who need us without them ever knowing. Those of us that can’t handle the responsibility and stray don’t exactly see the importance in subtlety. There’s a physical change too though. Even the Guardians aren’t really supposed to be down here, but in spirit we are still close to God and that protects us. The Wraths lose the protection of God as they reject him and push him away. The sun is worse for them, but it can definitely hurt us both. Too much time spent in it for us is mostly draining, but for them it can do some serious damage depending on how lost they’ve become.”

With the minor deluge of information passed along Raphael got on the bike. It reminded him of his time in World War II. He pulled a helmet out of the saddle bag and tossed it to Morgan before taking the other one. They weren’t likely to be badly hurt in a crash, but it was important to keep up appearances.

“Time to go, little angel.”

For all the terrible things mortals had created for themselves this machine was absolutely wonderful. It reminded him of a descent from the heavens, an intense journey that pushed the limits of their wings. Raphael ignored the speed limits and even past some officers of the law, but none seemed to see them. The city had certainly changed, but Raphael still knew the land. There were some caves outside the city that should have remained undiscovered or at least unused, and they would make a perfect training ground.

When they arrived the large man with hidden wings got off the bike and stepped onto the arid soil. The entrance was a small sliver of an opening beneath a large rock, easy to miss. The entrance was small, but it quickly opened up into a large cavern with several branches going off of it.

“Come on,” he encouraged his pupil without looking back at her. Then he got down on his belly and crawled low to the ground beneath the boulder and down into the earth. As large as he was Raphael barely fit the passage and it was always a welcome feeling to get out into the cavern. Morgan was likely to have an easier time of it. The next step was finding out where his new pupils talents laid. As out of touch with training a newly fallen as he was, Raphael knew not all angels were the same. He got to his feet and waited for Morgan to emerge, hoping she was ready to learn.
The ride on this monster of a bike was fast and dangerous and more adrenaline rush than Morgan had felt in a very long time, probably too long considering her young age. He didn't even ask if she was ok once they stopped out in the middle of nowhere. Rafael just walked toward the caves as if he knew she'd follow. She waited by the motorcycle like an idiot for a full minute before finally giving in and realizing he wouldn't seek her following but she'd need to stick by him for a while until she knew what to do about who and what she was. ''Dammit, Rafael, where are you going?'' she grumbled, watching him drop down to all fours and then lower, belly crawling into the darkness of a hole in the rock wall.

Tight spaces and darkness were not exactly Morgan's idea of a good time. She once went with a foster family (one of the long ones who'd kept her around for a few years) on a trip to Paris and was super excited to see the Eiffel Tower only to end up never making it to the observation deck because the employees of the monument kept cramming people into the little glass elevator which would get them there and she felt more and more tense and nervous the more people got into the thing.

Just when she was being touched by tall strangers on all sides and she thought the lift couldn't get any fuller they shoved in another family, five extra bodies, crushing Morgan in the midst of a massive, immobile wall of stranger's bodies from all angles. She couldn't see or feel anyone she knew. She felt more alone than ever in that crowd and being so far from an exit she couldn't get out of was literally freaking her out! Morgan had screamed and sobbed until the people ended up all exiting the elevator and letting her out.

Once she'd calmed down she realized her foster father had been right beside her all along and that everyone was looking at her as if she were totally bonkers. She'd felt really dumb, but also totally uninterested in trying again. She never saw the city of Paris from the Eiffel Tower. She'd waited down below with the foster father who'd been nice enough to decline and let the foster mom and the other kids go up on their own, saying he'd seen it all before when he was younger anyway.

He'd bought Morgan her first cup of coffee that afternoon while they waited for the others. He told her about his college years and his semester in France. Morgan had a hard time picturing the bespectacled, greying,half-bald man as a young, foolish and cocky college student but she knew, of course, everyone had been young once. It was the first time they'd ever really talked on their own before. It felt almost like an awkward teen and her real dad would feel, almost, except Morgan never let her guard down so far as to really feel anyone was her real family. She wanted to make sure they all knew that she knew her place was just to the side, somewhat on the outside, happy to be let in for a while...the pound puppy... Her hands shook that afternoon as she tried to take sips from the cup and act cooler than she felt inside while she listened to her step father reminisce while she reflected on the episode from the elevator. She never wanted to feel so stupid or so afraid again. And, to this day she was not sure what had caused the panic attack, the crowding, the people...

...As she crawled into the hole, the darkness enveloping like a stifling blanklet of hidden ways to die...Morgan realized it had been the cramped space...Her breathing came in shallow peaks and falls as she tried to focus on crawling forward and down and not freaking out. Hearing Rafael's voice beckoning in the distance helped a little. At least she wasn't going to be crushed to death all by herself...

...As she slid down a foot or so, feeling very penguin-like, she realized the hole opened to a large cavern. Coming down to stand on trembling legs she looked back at the hole and the tunnel she'd just been in. It wasn't as long as it had felt when she was inside. Perhaps, she needed to stop freaking out so easily and start to trust this guy a bit more. ''We're in a cave...Is spelunking an angelic sort of pastime?'' She joked. ''May I ask what we're doing here?''
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Just as it couldn't seem to get darker, it finally began to get lighter. Not sunlight, but the natural light of the cavern. The cavern they were entering was huge, the top of it darkened still, but a light luminous throughout the cavern allowed for them to see.

"Here we train." He said quite simply as he looked back at his protege. "We tend to work better during the night and in the dark. Course finding a god place to do certain things can be problematic, thus we are here. No one around, no one to bother us." He looked at her, studying her for a second. He finally asked a simple question. "Except for what?"
Morgan shrugged, she didn't know really what she was being asked. ''What would bother us here? Other Fallen or something?''

She didn't like the mysterious attitude he had around him. ''You could just explain things to me and not make me have to guess, you know. You don't seem very accustomed to talking normally. Do you Angelic types not talk much? Was my father this, '' (douchy?) She thought but at the last second said instead, ''...aloof?'' She asked, not saying what she was actually thinking. That this was just a tactic to scare her into letting him hold all the power in their relationship.

As he led her into the darkness she could see it actually wasn't all that dark once her eyes adjusted. The mineral composition of the wall seemed to luminesce a little bit with the passing of them. When she reached out to touch the wall it left a blue-green handprint for about three seconds after she took her hand away. She did this with her finger now, painting glowing trails on the wall which dissappeared after seconds passed. ''Cool! I think it glows with heat from our bodies!'' Morgan exclaimed.

Rafael nodded as if he knew that already and this was child's play. Again, she found herself shrugging. There was more on the walls, carvings, crudely drawn people, animals...and something more...''Those figures...They look like they have wings, like us...'' She traced glowing lines with her fingers over the ridged edges of the carvings, seeing it better the more she focused. ''Who made these?'' she asked in a whisper. She felt like she was seeing something more important than she initially realized.
Rapheal thought on it for a moment. "How is it you say, truth is in showing, believe what you see, proof is in the pudding? So many cliches, but the truth is still there, people can talk all they want, but sometimes they need to see to believe."

He snaps his fingers and suddenly he was simply gone. "Now as for why we are here, there are many reasons for that. One so we are not disturbed, by anyone. Two so we are not seen, this would be difficult to explain would it not." His voice seemed to be coming from the very shadows themselves, completely surrounding her. Sounding in her ear sometimes light a light caress or distant as well, almost an echo.

He seems to walk out of the shadows a few feet away from where he was before. It is difficult to say, "Hey, shadows are your friends until you really see it. So yes, sometimes information will be a bit slow in revealing. Besides have you ever taught someone something without a handbook, it isn't like everything is written down with cliff notes."

But he finally does look up at the walls. "Well handbook no, but there is some history up there." He begins to walk along the pictures and finally points to one. "That is your father."
It was crude but yet artistic, the one Raphael pointed to was carved using a bit of perspective, so he was larger than the other winged people in the picture, and the details were more discernable....Waves of long hair seemed to blow back from his face as if windblown by the force of this angel's descent toward the fore of the picture. He was muscular, his build classically masculine, triangular, with broad shoulders and chest and rippling stomach muscles which made her cringe to imagine she would find attractive had she not just been told this beautiful creature was a relation of her's. Her father had definitely been a looker. She leaned closer to look at the face. Morgan could make out the shape of his lips, remarkably like her own, and his straight nose, the eyes were carved in such a way they looked as if they followed the viewer wherever they moved. It was hauntingly beautiful and yet disturbing simultaneously. There was no color in the picture save for some black charcoal or paint, maybe dried blood with something else to make it darker...''It's really a depiction of my father? What color were his eyes and stuff?''

Morgan turned to face Raphael and added, ''Someone once mentioned to me that my mom had red hair, like me. But, I never got more information when I asked for it. I don't know anything about either one of them. I know I killed her... Nobody knew why she wouldn't stop bleeding. They tried everything but she still died about twenty minutes after I was born. Sometimes...sometimes as a kid I thought I had dreams about her. I don't know if anyone really can remember as far back as their own birth but I had some dreams, really vague, fuzzy ones, where I can remember parts of her, her face, a bit blurry, her nipple...I think she must've fed me once before she died. I think I even knew her voice...but...well, even if I imagined it all. It felt pretty good as a kid to think I could remember my mom a little. But, I don't know anything about him, my dad. What was he like?''