author, medium, witch
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New Blood Ties to Heaven (Closed for Lordmikel & me but PM if Wrath interests))
I have an idea about a fallen angel (kind of like a vampire with wings one can only see when he's drinking, or when one of them) sent to redeem himself by protecting the hybrid daughter of a former angelic ''brother'' of his. She doesn't know what she is. Her human mother died in childbirth and she's been raised in foster care. Now that she seems to be showing signs of changing (sensitivity to light since they come out only at night, hyper sensitive senses, feeling like she can sense the emotions of those around her...and unquenchable thirst...) he has been sent to guide her through her change and explain what she is, only he finds himself instantly attracted to her and is torn between his duty and his desire. He doubts the Council of Elders who banished him to spend eternity on Earth will allow him to stay with her but he cannot leave her now that he's become so attracted and in love with her. I want to tell this story with a decent writer who is in it for the long haul and wants to write a beautiful story which happens to have erotic nature and sexual parts to it more than just a wham-bam- thank you maam, thread.
Fallen Angels can not be in the sun.
They drink blood. 'Sipping' Angel blood is necessary for strength, drinking human or animal blood is necessary for nutrution. Older fallen can also eat food but they don't really like the taste of much beyond meat and milk. Blood is best.Most Fallen prefer to drink from one Angel for many years at a time, usually it is tradition to drink from the one who helped them transition. This forms a close bond so it is not an act they take lightly in most circles. Usally it's one 'sip' per day from a fellow Fallen and two to three drinks from a human per month (more if they are only being sipped).
The difference between a drink and a sip: A drink drains the life of the creature, a sip is just draining on them but does not kill them. Fallen 'sip' from one another all the time. A 'sip' can last anywhere from five minutes to five hours depending on the slowness and gentleness of the sipper. It usually leads to a sense if instantaneous powerfulness, enhanced senses, and the rush from the blood often elicits strong sexual urges. Most Fallen follow a 'sip' with sex since both involved become highly aroused from the act.
It is possible not to kill a human when drinking their blood but one must be very well disciplined to only 'sip' them.
Some Fallen work to better the lives of, and protect humans. Some are so despondent from their fall they spend all of eternity trying to punish themselves. Some, are so angry, they become Wraths.
Wraths: Pure chaoitic evil. The muses in the minds of serial killers and psychopaths. The enemy of the Guardians.
Guardians: Fallen who try to redeem themselves by helping protect and guide both humans and other Fallen.
Fallen can procreate. Women come into 'the calling' once every five to twelve years (every woman's exact cycle is different) lasting for about six weeks, and during this time her sexual scent is irresistible to males of all species. She becomes highly sexualized and usually takes a single mate during this period if she hasn't already gotten one before (the strongest male so he can fight off competitors who will literally be willing to die to get to her) and they will mate incessantly during this six week period.
Only 30 percent of Fallen males are fertile. But, they ALL want to mate with a female during 'the calling', it's hormonal. They can't resist. It's a very dangerous time when a woman is in her fertile period. This is usually when the most wars break out among Fallen.
Fallen offspring gestate quickly. A woman is only pregnant for ten weeks. Each week equals a little less than a month of human gestation. The woman is usually in a great deal of pain during this time and often falls into a deep comatose state for the last few weeks of it. The father must be nearby when it comes time for the child to be born. He must sense the right moment to perform the separation ceremony where he slices his mate's abdomen to allow the baby to climb out of the womb. It cannot come out the way human babies do.
They are often born matured to the point of a three month old human but with motor skills well enough to crawl, sit up, and grasp things already at birth. Fallen babies are born much too big to come out vaginally. If a pregnant female does not have help in birthing her child with the separational slice, it will continue to grow within her until it kills her and many have been know to climb out of their dead mother's carcass as malnourished toddlers, having eaten her alive from the inside.
Fallen children mature quickly. They are equivalent to a human five year old child in intelligence and physical appearance after just one year. Between the chronological ages of four and five (Between 20 and 25 in their developmental ages.) they stop aging altogether becoming fully matured Fallen by then.
Fallen can be killed. By tearing each other to shreds and burning the pieces, draining of a Fallen's blood, and by exposure to the sun. Lucifer,called The One by his followers, and also his counterpart, God, are both also capable of snuffing them out at any time but never bother with them.
They feel forgotten even by The One, the original Fallen Angel. Only one out of every ten new Fallen live past their first decade. The learning curve in the real world is far too steep.
Morgan Heathers
Age: 21
Just graduated early with a Master's in Psychology. She is new to Miami, there for several job interviews but feeling ill lately. She has not been able to spend more than ten minutes in the sun any time of day for a week.
Bed ridden with a fever and chills, a growing nausea and sensitivity to light, sound, and really anything... Morgan finds herself wondering if she'll ever make it out to start her new life in a new city. The boxes in her apartment have not even been unpacked. Her fridge sits nearly empty except for last week's take-out leftovers since she's been consisting the past four days on nothing but cornflakes and milk bought from the little mini-mart downstairs...and craving raw meat...She had been sent a box of Omaha Steaks as a house-warming gift from her former foster family and she surprised and disgusted herself by finding the scent of the raw meat enticing beyond belief. She had torn open the package and devoured the raw, bloody steaks within minutes, immediately sick to her stomach afterward and appauled that she'd been so disgustingly drawn to the scent of the raw meat and the taste of the blood as she ate the steaks without bothering to cook them. Of course, nothing, not even the raw steak had stayed in her body for long before she was puking again...
Now, Morgan cannot stomach anything more yet she feels like she's starving. The telephone ringing at four o clock in the morning when she still hadn't had time to give out her new number, startled her awake.
A gruff voice at the other end when she answered said simply, "Morgan, right?"
"Who is this?" she asked.
"I'm coming over. Someone needs to explain why you feel so badly lately." then with an abrupt click the phone call ended. She'd never learned who the caller was, how he knew her number or who she was, or that she'd been ill.
She spent the next hour alternating between searching her tiny apartment for hidden cameras and throwing up cornflakes into the toilet.
The knock on the door came sooner than she'd anticipated.
The slight, petite, redhead moved slower than she wanted, finding a baseball bat beside her bed...she moved closer to the door wielding the bat. ''It's the middle of the night and I don't know a damn person around here so I am NOT answering this door. Whoever the hell you are, go away before I call the cops!'' She said hoping it sounded braver and stronger than she felt. She knew she probably looked ridiculous standing there all pale and sickly, some sweaty strands of red hair plastered to her face and neck. Morgan was wearing nothing but pink panties and an ex boyfriend's Miami Dolphins jersey which made a short, tom-boyish nightshirt on her. Her long, cream toned legs were bare and in the light from her microwave's digital time display coming from her kitchen she glowed in a ghastly green halo surrounded by darkness. ''Go away!'' she repeated, wondering who this guy was and how he knew so much about her.
I have an idea about a fallen angel (kind of like a vampire with wings one can only see when he's drinking, or when one of them) sent to redeem himself by protecting the hybrid daughter of a former angelic ''brother'' of his. She doesn't know what she is. Her human mother died in childbirth and she's been raised in foster care. Now that she seems to be showing signs of changing (sensitivity to light since they come out only at night, hyper sensitive senses, feeling like she can sense the emotions of those around her...and unquenchable thirst...) he has been sent to guide her through her change and explain what she is, only he finds himself instantly attracted to her and is torn between his duty and his desire. He doubts the Council of Elders who banished him to spend eternity on Earth will allow him to stay with her but he cannot leave her now that he's become so attracted and in love with her. I want to tell this story with a decent writer who is in it for the long haul and wants to write a beautiful story which happens to have erotic nature and sexual parts to it more than just a wham-bam- thank you maam, thread.
Fallen Angels can not be in the sun.
They drink blood. 'Sipping' Angel blood is necessary for strength, drinking human or animal blood is necessary for nutrution. Older fallen can also eat food but they don't really like the taste of much beyond meat and milk. Blood is best.Most Fallen prefer to drink from one Angel for many years at a time, usually it is tradition to drink from the one who helped them transition. This forms a close bond so it is not an act they take lightly in most circles. Usally it's one 'sip' per day from a fellow Fallen and two to three drinks from a human per month (more if they are only being sipped).
The difference between a drink and a sip: A drink drains the life of the creature, a sip is just draining on them but does not kill them. Fallen 'sip' from one another all the time. A 'sip' can last anywhere from five minutes to five hours depending on the slowness and gentleness of the sipper. It usually leads to a sense if instantaneous powerfulness, enhanced senses, and the rush from the blood often elicits strong sexual urges. Most Fallen follow a 'sip' with sex since both involved become highly aroused from the act.
It is possible not to kill a human when drinking their blood but one must be very well disciplined to only 'sip' them.
Some Fallen work to better the lives of, and protect humans. Some are so despondent from their fall they spend all of eternity trying to punish themselves. Some, are so angry, they become Wraths.
Wraths: Pure chaoitic evil. The muses in the minds of serial killers and psychopaths. The enemy of the Guardians.
Guardians: Fallen who try to redeem themselves by helping protect and guide both humans and other Fallen.
Fallen can procreate. Women come into 'the calling' once every five to twelve years (every woman's exact cycle is different) lasting for about six weeks, and during this time her sexual scent is irresistible to males of all species. She becomes highly sexualized and usually takes a single mate during this period if she hasn't already gotten one before (the strongest male so he can fight off competitors who will literally be willing to die to get to her) and they will mate incessantly during this six week period.
Only 30 percent of Fallen males are fertile. But, they ALL want to mate with a female during 'the calling', it's hormonal. They can't resist. It's a very dangerous time when a woman is in her fertile period. This is usually when the most wars break out among Fallen.
Fallen offspring gestate quickly. A woman is only pregnant for ten weeks. Each week equals a little less than a month of human gestation. The woman is usually in a great deal of pain during this time and often falls into a deep comatose state for the last few weeks of it. The father must be nearby when it comes time for the child to be born. He must sense the right moment to perform the separation ceremony where he slices his mate's abdomen to allow the baby to climb out of the womb. It cannot come out the way human babies do.
They are often born matured to the point of a three month old human but with motor skills well enough to crawl, sit up, and grasp things already at birth. Fallen babies are born much too big to come out vaginally. If a pregnant female does not have help in birthing her child with the separational slice, it will continue to grow within her until it kills her and many have been know to climb out of their dead mother's carcass as malnourished toddlers, having eaten her alive from the inside.
Fallen children mature quickly. They are equivalent to a human five year old child in intelligence and physical appearance after just one year. Between the chronological ages of four and five (Between 20 and 25 in their developmental ages.) they stop aging altogether becoming fully matured Fallen by then.
Fallen can be killed. By tearing each other to shreds and burning the pieces, draining of a Fallen's blood, and by exposure to the sun. Lucifer,called The One by his followers, and also his counterpart, God, are both also capable of snuffing them out at any time but never bother with them.
They feel forgotten even by The One, the original Fallen Angel. Only one out of every ten new Fallen live past their first decade. The learning curve in the real world is far too steep.

Morgan Heathers
Age: 21
Just graduated early with a Master's in Psychology. She is new to Miami, there for several job interviews but feeling ill lately. She has not been able to spend more than ten minutes in the sun any time of day for a week.
Bed ridden with a fever and chills, a growing nausea and sensitivity to light, sound, and really anything... Morgan finds herself wondering if she'll ever make it out to start her new life in a new city. The boxes in her apartment have not even been unpacked. Her fridge sits nearly empty except for last week's take-out leftovers since she's been consisting the past four days on nothing but cornflakes and milk bought from the little mini-mart downstairs...and craving raw meat...She had been sent a box of Omaha Steaks as a house-warming gift from her former foster family and she surprised and disgusted herself by finding the scent of the raw meat enticing beyond belief. She had torn open the package and devoured the raw, bloody steaks within minutes, immediately sick to her stomach afterward and appauled that she'd been so disgustingly drawn to the scent of the raw meat and the taste of the blood as she ate the steaks without bothering to cook them. Of course, nothing, not even the raw steak had stayed in her body for long before she was puking again...
Now, Morgan cannot stomach anything more yet she feels like she's starving. The telephone ringing at four o clock in the morning when she still hadn't had time to give out her new number, startled her awake.
A gruff voice at the other end when she answered said simply, "Morgan, right?"
"Who is this?" she asked.
"I'm coming over. Someone needs to explain why you feel so badly lately." then with an abrupt click the phone call ended. She'd never learned who the caller was, how he knew her number or who she was, or that she'd been ill.
She spent the next hour alternating between searching her tiny apartment for hidden cameras and throwing up cornflakes into the toilet.
The knock on the door came sooner than she'd anticipated.
The slight, petite, redhead moved slower than she wanted, finding a baseball bat beside her bed...she moved closer to the door wielding the bat. ''It's the middle of the night and I don't know a damn person around here so I am NOT answering this door. Whoever the hell you are, go away before I call the cops!'' She said hoping it sounded braver and stronger than she felt. She knew she probably looked ridiculous standing there all pale and sickly, some sweaty strands of red hair plastered to her face and neck. Morgan was wearing nothing but pink panties and an ex boyfriend's Miami Dolphins jersey which made a short, tom-boyish nightshirt on her. Her long, cream toned legs were bare and in the light from her microwave's digital time display coming from her kitchen she glowed in a ghastly green halo surrounded by darkness. ''Go away!'' she repeated, wondering who this guy was and how he knew so much about her.
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