never piss off a woman

Should we look on the bright side and say at least it wasn't her heel?
OH DEAR GOD!!!! That's horrible! It almost makes me want to cuddle up to some man's crotch and swear I'd never do that!
Riles said:
See, I figured you'd agree. *grins*

Hello you!
hello to you too....and if it had been the heal i am sure a general anesthetic would not be out of order...say for at least a week or two;)
i have never put anyone here on ignore but if any of you use that as an av you'll be the first. that shit's illegal in 28 states and strongly frowned on in all the rest.
that's .... that's .... just ... owwww. Poor fella.

Though may have to put that one on my hard drive to send to the more annoying men when they try cybering me or those that just generally piss me off (a rarity but *shrug*). *me evil* ;)
That picture is just soooooo wrong.

At least have the good taste to use black pumps. That red shiny shit is just tacky.
That's an av for the artist formerly known as Outsider. I don't think anyone else here has the balls to use it. No pun intended, honest!