Neo-con criminal Conrad Black pimped by Rush Limbaugh


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
The convicted criminal and neo-conservative con-man Conrad Black is being promoted by Rush Limbaugh as a great example of "conservatism."

Lets take a look at what this convicted fraudster and globalist neo-con turd actually believes as he expressed on Limbaugh's show this week:

...And it has to be said that there were some serious mistakes made in the Twenties, too. I mean, you had the mistake of isolationism, you had slamming the gate on immigration, and then you had the toleration of the stock market bubble that was instrumental in producing the greatest economic depression in world history.

And President Hoover -- though, he was a very brilliant man in many ways and a fine man -- produced an economic policy that was the worst that could have been found: Raising taxes, shrinking the money supply, and raising tariffs...

He's pro-interventionism in overseas wars, pro-unlimited and unending open shores immigrationism, and against tariffs which seek to protect the jobs and livelihoods of American workers.

Sadly, a typical neo-con turd. Conrad, when you neo-cons can even deliver election victories again, maybe people will want to listen to you despite the harmful idiocy of your beliefs but you can't even do that anymore. Just go away.
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The convicted criminal and neo-conservative con-man Conrad Black is being promoted by Rush Limbaugh as a great example of "conservatism."

Lets take a look at what this convicted fraudster and globalist neo-con turd actually believes as he expressed on Limbaugh's show this week:

He's pro-interventionism in overseas wars, pro-unlimited and unending open shores immigrationism, and against tariffs which seek to protect the jobs and livelihoods of American workers.

Sadly, a typical neo-con turd. Conrad, when you neo-cons can even deliver election victories again, maybe people will want to listen to you despite the harmful idiocy of your beliefs but you can't even do that anymore. Just go away.

So Renard claims to be a paleo-con? :confused:
Well? You know the paleocons can't.

We most certainly could. We never even get to run candidates.

Are you actually saying that immigration reduction, fair trade, and bringing the troops home from overseas aren't winning issues? :confused:
The GOP has proven its neo-con views can't win elections. They've never run a Buchananite candidate in a general election, so you can't say an America First populist wouldn't do at least as well if not better than the neo-con losers.

Bush the elder = neo-con loser
Dole = neo-con loser
McCain = neo-con loser
Romney = neo-con loser

See a pattern?
We most certainly could. We never even get to run candidates.

Neither does the Socialist Party USA or the Green Party or the Working Families Party or the Constitution Party or the Libertarian Party . . . which does not mean that if they could run candidates those candidates would win, more likely it means the opposite.

Are you actually saying that immigration reduction, fair trade, and bringing the troops home from overseas aren't winning issues? :confused:

The last must be one because Obama won on it, but the others . . . apparently not.
Sorry, friend. Common sense tells us that the big three issues would resonate with the public, that is immigration reduction, stopping interventionism overseas, and fair trade.

These issues are the ONLY way to save America, and that's why the neo-con filth were installed into the GOP frankly decades ago. To prevent America from being saved.
Sorry, friend. Common sense . . .

. . . dictates the Austrian School of Economics, by its own stated, formal, mathematical, nonfalsifiable-by-economics standards; and yet it remains complete worthless bullshit, and you know it too. You say that immigration reduction and fair trade are issues that should resonate with the public, but you know perfectly well that they don't.
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. . . dictates the Austrian School of Economics, by its own stated, formal, mathematical, nonfalsifiable-by-evidence terms; and yet, despite "common sense," the Austrian School of Economics remains complete worthless bullshit, and you know it too. You say these issues should resonate with the public, but you know perfectly well that they don't.

I know perfectly well they would if they were presented to them, without media slander. How could they not? Its the most basic patriotism in people's souls. Putting their own country FIRST!
I know perfectly well they would if they were presented to them, without media slander. How could they not? Its the most basic patriotism in people's souls. Putting their own country FIRST!

"Media slander" comes only from the right nowadays, you fool.
Neo-cons have run the GOP into the ground, severing it from its historical America First heritage.

Its time for them to take a hike. If Limbaugh is drifting back into full blown neo-conservatism, he needs to go too.
Conrad Black is a criminal slimebag. No surprise he supports mass immigration, unfair trade, and foreign wars. :mad:
But, there is nothing worth preserving in that heritage.

Yes, there is. It goes back in part to George Washington.

What specifically don't you agree with about those three points? How could ANYONE disagree with them in ANY way unless they are an evil person?
The neo-cons are scum who hijacked conservatism for their own destructive agenda. For them at this late date in history, having been proven wrong, to still demonize America Firsters is repulsive.

But, let's get down to specifics, Conrad. America's Golden Era, in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, coincided with a period of low immigration and protective economic policies. Sadly, we were dragged into foreign wars and a lot of young Americans were killed but two out of three ain't bad. How do you argue against that, Conrad? :confused:
Its mindboggling to me that the neo-cons are still trying to steer the rotting corpse of the conservative movement, the movement THEY killed, in the neo-con direction.

Now, with Obama embracing neo-con policies like "free" trade and foreign wars, not to mention mass immigration the likes of which human history has never before witnessed, the GOP would have the perfect opportunity to return to its America First policies and be a true alternative to the status quo.
Let me add some context.

Black made the statements against immigration limits, tarriffs, and non-interventionism in the 1920s in an attempt to equate those policies with slavery and the lead up to the Civil War in the 1850s. He implied a "moral" equivalent between the expansion of slavery into the western territories prior to the Civil War and the America First policies of the 1920s. The statement was outrageous, had no rational argument behind it, and was simply a rotten neo-con attempt to casually demonize America Firsters by equating their beliefs with slavery even though the America First movement had its roots in the free soil opposition to slavery (the right wing of the free soil movement), hence its traditional presence in the GOP.