Need to Serve (CLOSED)


Sweet submission
Jul 10, 2012
Closed for jonny1878

Sasha shivered against the cold metal of the cage as she lay her naked body curled into a ball on the ground. They had changed her made her something other than what she was. She closed her eyes remembering what it was like before they had taken her. She had been a good cop with the local PD and she had just been promoted to detective when she had been abducted. She had had friends and enjoyed being around them when she wasn’t working.

How long had she been here had they given up on her? Sasha had no idea how long she had been in this hell hole but she knew that she would rather die than be forced to endure more experiments and torture. They had changed her some how tried to make her something she wasn’t. The pain and need grew inside her. She knew what would ease it, she would have to serve the them but she refused to and that brought the pain. The more she refused the more the need to serve grew along with the pain of refusing to do so. She knew she had to have been here for awhile she had seen many of the women and girls that had been caged around her die and more brought in. She had no idea why she had lived.

Suddenly the door to the lab flew open and they rushed in thoughing thing distroying the lab. Sasha was confused, cold, hungry, and naked she stay curled up watching trying to comprehend what was going on. They grabbed a few of the girls that remind. One looked in on her and watched her for a second.

“This one is about to die she is no good to us just another failure. Let’s go.” He said in a harsh voice.

Sasha didn’t move but shivered in pain and hungry and cold. She didn’t know how much time passed before the door flew open again but this time the people who came in carried guns and flashlights into the darkened lab. Orders were shouted and something about what was going on seemed familiar to her but it wasn’t clicking in her brain. A man with a gun approached her caged and she backed away in fear. He cursed and moved away a female taking his place.

“Sweety we’re here to help okay?” The woman asked but Sasha didn’t answer.

The woman motioned someone over and they began picking the lock to the cage. Sasha faded in and out as they worked the next thing she was really clear about was the woman crouching next to her and covering her with a blanket. She tried to flinch away but no longer had the strength in her body. One of the men came up and carefully lifted her as everything went black.

When next she woke Sasha realized she was in the hospital and her head was more clear than it had been though some of the pain still existed inside her. A woman came into the room and she reconised her as the woman from the lab who freed her.

“Hello it’s good to see you finally awake. I’m Agent Lisa Turner.” Lisa said.

Sasha nodded and hesitated before speaking. “I’m Detective Sasha MacGregor.”

Lisa nodded and then sat beside her and explained that she had been resuced from a lab where experiments were done to genetically alter females trying to make the perfect submissive. Lisa was straight with her and told her no one had yet to survive even after being rescued. She explained that Sasha was malnutisured and would have to stay in the hospital but when she was released they would take her to someone they hoped would help.

“Even though the genetic altering can’t be undone it is our hope that with training and studing you maybe able to live and have a fairly normal life.” Lisa told her.

It was three more days before Sasha was released from the hospital. She had been brought clothes and left to dress before they were to leave and head to meet the man everyoe hoped would help and save her. She brushed her long reddish brown wavey hair away from her face. She applied light make-up to her lush lips and a light pink eyeshadow over her turquise blue eyes. She wore a short black skirt and a pair of purple flats that matched the low cut purple sweater she wore. The clothing made her a bit uncomfortable but she held her head high as Lisa lead her to the car and they drove out of the city. Sasha napped in the car for how long she was unsure but when they stopped she could tell hours had passed. They pulled up in front of a stately house that was huge and a bit grand. Looking around Sasha saw it was fairly isolated. Lisa told her they had told the man a bit about what had happened but still they didn’t know if he would help her yet or not. They got out of the car and headed for the door where Lisa rang the bell. Sasha looked down at her feet as she waited nervously.

'How did I end up like this?' Gregg thought to himself as he slowly woke up and pushed himself up on his elbows. If his parents or his old friends could see him now, they would never believe that he was the same guy that they once knew.

He had made it through high school, and even then that was a struggle. Nobody ever thought that he was going to be a success at anything but sport. This made it all the more surprising when he turned down sports scholarships from multiple colleges to take up an altogether more surprising career. He had joined the army.

The only time Gregg had ever felt comfortable at school was in training, with the structure and discipline. He felt like this what he needed to be at his best, and he decided that going into the army, he would be entering into the most disciplined profession possible and that seemed to suit him down to the ground. He never would have guessed how much he would excel in that environment though. He gained promotion after promotion and found that after only a few years, he was no longer the one taking instructions, he was giving them. Gregg had taken on the role of Drill Sergeant, he trained all of the new recruits, bringing them up to standard so that they were ready to serve for their country. He soon gained a reputation for being a fair instructor, but one who you did not say no to, to say no was tantamount to desertion as far as he was concerned and he would not tolerate it.

That had all changed though, when one recruit in particular had taken particular offence to his methods. The recruit kept on refusing, so Gregg kept pushing him further and further until the point where he was dismissed from the army for improper conduct. Gregg thought his life was over, the one thing he had ever been good at, and now it was taken away from him. Yet here he was, sitting in one of the 8 bedrooms in his own manor house, with more than he ever dreamed of.

It had been 7 months after his dismissal that he had first got the call. A company called saying that they were looking for obedience training and had heard he was the best. He agreed on the basis that he didn't have any better offers on the table. 'I've from from training soldiers to training dogs' he had thought. How wrong he was.

Along they had come with a beautiful girl, wanting to be trained to be more submissive for her "Master". He had been a bit wary at first, but he was told that there were no restrictions on the training he could put her through and that he would be paid handsomely, how could he say no. That was three years ago now and he hadn't looked back. He had trained countless girls for countless masters, helping them to bring out their more submissive side, and in some more difficult cases, creating that submissive side first. He had never imagined it but he had to admit he loved his job.

Just recently he had gotten a call which offered a slightly different prospect. They told him that a lab had been trying to genetically modify girls to be the perfect submissives and their experiments were getting more and more dangerous. His contact said they had rescued one girl and that she was fighting the submissive urges and that fighting them was killing her. He hated the whole idea of what had happened but he wasn't sure if he could help them. Still he said that he would meet them and see what he could do.

The morning had arrived and he heard the bell ring. He quickly pulled on a black shirt and some jeans and checked himself in the mirror. Since leaving the army, he had let his look change a little, growing out his hair and allowing himself the stubble that he was never allowed in the army. Satisfied with his appearance, he slowly walked down the stairs and answered the door.

"Hi, How I can help you?"
When the man answered the door Sasha kept her down but she felt the pain and pull deep inside her. It was always harder for her in the presence of a man but she had to learn to live with this she had no wish to die at the age of 26.

“Gregg I presume.” Lisa said sticking her hand out to shake. “I’m Agent Turner and this is Detective Sasha MacGregor. We were told you would expecting us.” She finished with authority.

Sasha peaked up at the man timidly knowing from everything she had been told that this was her only hope. When she peeked up at him she almost lost her breath. He was stunningly attractive just a little rough around the edges just the type of man she would have went for before she had been taken. She stuck close to Lisa’s side unsure what to say or do. She looked back down at her feet hating the fear she felt at the unknown. She nibbled her lush bottom lip with straight white teeth.

“May we come in?” Agent Turner asked her hand resting lightly on Sasha as if the other woman understood she needed support at this time.
Gregg shook the offered hand and looked over the two women standing at his door. This was a different first meeting to any he had ever experienced. Normally the girls, though submissive, had chosen to be here and introduced themselves to him. This time though the girl he saw seemed very shy. She was almost hiding behind Agent Turner, stealing glances at him like a school girl caught looking at her crush.

Gregg turned and gestured for them to follow him into the first room, just inside the hallway. He heard the front door shut behind them and he seated himself in a arm chair, offering them the sofa which was positioned directly opposite them.

As they went to sit, he tried to catch Sasha's beautiful blue eyes, but she seemed to be avoiding eye contact at all costs. Instead he looked to Agent Turner and directed her questions towards her instead

"It's nice to meet you both, but may I ask you what it is you hope I will be able to do for Miss MacGregor?"
Lisa patted Sasha’s hand reassuringly before she spoke and Sasha was thankful for the gesture.

“Gregg Sasha was abducted 11 monthes ago by a group doing genetic altering to make ‘the perfect submissive’. No female who has under gone this experiment has lived rather they were rescued or not. Without surviors it’s hard to get to this group of people. Sasha was rescued from a lab about a week ago. When we found her she was malnurished and close to death. While it would be perferred that she have counciling her life is more important at the moment. It is our hope that with your help Sasha can not only live but lead a fairly normal and happy life. We don’t know much about what was done to her or how it affects her we thought it best for that to come from her trainer. I hope you understand it is no exageration when I tell you this is life and death for Sasha so we want only the best for her. Rather or not you choose to take her is of course up to you.” Agent Turner said in a confident voice.

Sasha shivered as Lisa talked flashes of what all had happened to her flashing through her mind. Lisa had told her that they couldn’t help her if she didn’t talk about it and what she needed. Logically Sasha knew this but emotionally the thought of reliving it all again, she was sure would kill her. She still had a hard time believing she had been there almost a year. That she had been no more than a lab rat. She knew the time was coming in moments where she would have to at least sum what she had been through if not go into detail. Still she avoided Gregg’s eyes but still could not stop herself from peeking nervously at him. If he decided to help her she knew Lisa would be leaving her alone with this man.
Gregg never took his eyes off Sasha for the whole time Lisa was talking. It was important to him to see how she reacted to what was being talked about, to see how much she had been influenced. Already he could see that she was extremely nervous even thinking about it, not surprising given the traumatic experience which he knew she had been through.

When Agent Turner had finished talking, he stood up and strolled over to the fire, turning his back on them to give him time to think. It was becoming clear that she had been through an awful experience, and he was definitely keen to help with the situation. The problem was he still wasn't sure exactly how he could help because he didn't have any details on what was done with her. He was confident that he could make most people submissive, but could he make somebody accept the submissiveness which has been forced upon him.

He turned back towards the two woman and thought carefully about how he worded his response "Well Agent Turner, I would love to help Miss MacGregor" He said, noticing the slight smile from the agent "But, I will only be able to know if I can help her if she tells me exactly what was done to her". He got the reaction he expected to this, silence. "I realise it will be difficult" He continued "But before I can begin to help, I need to know the situation fully". He sat back down and awaited their response.
Sasha swallowed refusing to look up now Lisa patted her hand she handn’t talked about what happened to her to anyone. She knew now the time was upon her she wished she felt more secure more safe. Lisa’s little pats weren’t helping now. Sasha rose and walked to the window and stared out sightlessly as she began to speak in monotone shutting the world out as she fell back into time.

“There had been women disappearing in my district and a lot of us were working double time to figure out what was happening. It was mostly street women but still it was a big concern. I got an animous tip one night and mt partner had already left for the night. I figured it was fluke but couldn’t risk that it wasn’t so I went out to check it. When I got to the warehouse nothing seemed out of order but still I looked around. As I got to the back of the building I felt a sting in my neck. The next thing I knew I was waking up naked strapped down to a cold medal table. There was a bright light in my face I couldn’t make out my surroundings blinded by the light. A shadowed face leaned infront of the light and told me he was happy I was wake. The next thing I knew I heard machines start off.”

Sasha paused for a moment taking in a deep breath rembering the sound and the pain that followed. “It felt like I was on fire like my insides were being pulled from me. I don’t know how long I or the procedure lasted before I fainted back into blackness. When I woke again I was still naked but I was in a steel cage. It was always so cold in there so cold you thought you’d never be warm again. There was also still a pain deep in the pit of my stomach. I didn’t understand it at first I thought I would die from the pain. There was no windows, no clocks, no natural light, no way to tell how much time passed. When they came back to me they explained that the pain I was feeling was no my need to serve.”

She paused again pressing her hand on her lower stomach were the pain was even now. “I fought back at first not wanting to give up but the pain only got worse. They kept working on me beatings, lashings, rapes over and over til I stopped fighting. They didn’t get what they wanted from me I didn’t serve I became lifeless that’s what they said, I was a lifeless fuck toy. The rapes stopped but the beatings increased. They fed me less and less as time went on. One day they came in and took the 3 other girls destoring everything. They said I was as good as dead and left me there until Agent Turner found me.”

Sasha finished her statement feeling the cold again as if it would never go away, as if she would never be warm again. She didn’t turn around to face the room again but continued to stare sightlessly out the window feeling alone, cold, and scared.
Gregg sat in silence listening intently to everything that Sasha had to say. No matter how difficult it was for him to hear, he knew it must be a million times harder for this young woman to divulge to him, a near stranger. His eyes never left her for the duration of her speaking, not wanting to look at Agent Turner while Sasha spoke. He could hardly believe that such a thing could have happened, yet something about the chilled monotone of Sasha's voice left him in no doubt about anything she had to say, nobody could make that up.

When she had finished talking, he almost wanted to walk over to her and hold her, but he knew that he couldn't do that. Instead he went to a window across the room from Sasha and stared out too, thinking about how he would reply to the request which he had been faced with. He could not see anyway that he could say no, how could he not at least try. He just needed to come up with a plan of how to help, and more importantly, how to put it to Sasha.

He walked slowly back to the sofa, opposite Agent Turner and lowered himself into it, preparing his reply. He looked towards Sasha as he started to speak "It seems to me Sasha, that the procedure that was attempted, was most definitely successful. They have implanted the submissiveness in you to such a degree that it is painful not to follow your new instinct" He didn't see any movement in Sasha at the moment, no reaction to his words "I do think I can help you though, but it is not going to be easy all the time. The only way in which you are going to be able to live a remotely normal life, is if you learn to embrace your new submissive side. That is where I come in, I will take you in, and train you to slowly accept the submissiveness until we get to a point where you are comfortable and pain free" He took a breath having finished what he needed to say "Do you have any questions?" He asked
Sasha listened vaugely as Gregg talked and took in his words. She had a ton of questions really but no idea how to voice any of them. She didn't say anything just kept staring out the window still detached. Her biggest fear was training. She fear it would be just like what "they" had done to her. Slowly she turned to face the room again and for the first let her unique blue eyes meet his for a few moments before she spoke.

"Isn't training what I've already done? That's what they called it training ya' know." She said in a soft whimsical voice.

She turned back to look out the window her hand on her stomach clutching at the pain that increased there from the defiance she felt. God what she wouldn't give to be warm and pain free again.
He could sense the fear in her voice as she spoke, the worry that she was just going to be letting herself in for even more punishment. He knew that he had to convince her, he was becoming increasingly aware that he may be her only hope of living a normal life, and despite himself, he was already beginning to care a little about this woman stood in front of him.

His biggest surprise so far came when she looked directly into his eyes, she had shyly avoided all eye contact so far, but now she looked at him and he held her stare. Gregg had always felt that eye contact was vital in any conversation and he strove hard to keep it here as he formulated his response. She turned again as he was about to speak, but he continued anyway, letting her stay as comfortable as possible.

"I can promise you that it will not be like the things you have suffered, I would not wish to put you through such an experience, nor would I be capable of doing it" He started "The training of which I speak will be designed to allow you to open yourself up to the submission at a better rate. I won't say that it will be easy, at times you will find it very hard, but if you persist with me, we can ease that pain inside you and help you feel normal again, but only if you work with me Sasha"
Sasha took a deep breath staring out the window thinking remembering what her life had been like before all this hell had come down her. She was quiet for a few minutes just staring lost out the window in a world of her own. Two questions forming over and over in her mind, could she trust him?, and what was she willing to do to stop being victim. To her the answer seem to go hand in hand. According to the agency Gregg was the best there was at this sort of things and she knew she'd sell her soul to the devil himself to stop feeling like a victim. She wanted, if nothing else, to have a semblence of her old life back.

"Okay." She said in her whimsically defeated voice turning around to look him in the eye again. "Yeah okay I'll try."

She sucked in a breath to gain her courage and walked back over to where Lisa sat and sat back down beside her nodding her head again as if to convience herself she could do it.

"Okay then it seems your both willing to give it try. Gregg we will be wanting to keep a close eye on her progress to see hgow she is coming along as well." Agent turner said looking at him as Sasha again bowed her head again.
When she took so much time, Gregg started to think that she was going to reject the proposition, something that she was completely within her rights to do. He knew that she wasn't being forced to do anything but he was hoping that she had enough sense to do what was right.

Finally she turned around and spoke, in that heart breaking broken voice. She had agreed and Gregg allowed himself a little smile, thinking to himself 'this girl has been through a lot, but she has the sense to try what is needed'. He looked towards her and saw her head bowed. He knew that she wasn't entirely happy with the choice that she had taken but he thought that he could turn her around given time.

"Of course Agent Turner, you can feel free to check back on us at any time, though I must insist that you inform me of when you are going to be coming" He said to the agent before turning back to Sasha "Sasha, I think that it would be wise to start right away, I suggest that you take up residence here and that as soon as Agent Turner leaves, we talk about what is going to happen" He quickly looked across at the agent before looking back "are we in agreement?"
"Yes we are." Agent Turner quickly agreed with Gregg.

She turned back to Sasha, "I will bring in your duffle then I will leave. Remeber I am only a phone call away if anything at all happens and I will come to visit soon and check on you."

Sasha just nodded silently remaining seated as Lisa rose turning back to Gregg. "There is a duffle with a few things for her I will get that for yall then I will be out of your." She said heading for the door.

Sasha sat her head still bowed but stole peaks from under her lashes of the man that held her future in his hands. She knew she had much to learn or it could well be her death rather than her future she was facing. A tingle of nerves traveled up her spine even as the pain in her stomach continued to presist taking all her strength to let her sit still without curling up in ball of pain.
Gregg followed Agent Turner to the door as she went to grab the duffle, leaving Sasha alone for a few minutes, letting her digest the situation a bit and straighten her thoughts out a little. He took the bag from the agent and gave her some quick assurances over what would happen with Sasha and confirmed that she could come and check up on them as often as she felt necessary. He did however give her a warning that he would be able to work better with her if they were left largely alone, at least in the beginning.

When the agent left, he made his way back into the room to see Sasha looking decidedly uncomfortable, a sight which he did not enjoy. He sat down opposite her and when she looked up, he gave her a little smile.

"Agent Turner has left now" He told her "But I have all of your things here". He studied Sasha a little more now. She was still nervous, that much was clear, but she was starting to try and take in her surroundings a little more now he sensed, now that she realised she would be staying here. He cleared his throat to get her attention fully before speaking again "I know that you will have a lot of questions running around your head now, and I think its better if you ask them, so that we can make a start, so is there anything that comes to mind?" He asked
Sasha nibbled her lip as she looked at him she noticed that when they spoke he seemed to prefer her to look at him which was diffrent from before as she was never to make eye contact. He was right of course she did have questions she just wasn't really sure how to voice them or if they made scense. She looked down again for a moment trying to gather her thoughts before looking back up at him.

"I dunno. I do have a lot of questions but I'm not sure how to voice them all or if they even make scense. I suppose the main question though is what are the rules?" She said her voice no longer monotone but still sad as is spoke in her whimsical voice.

She went to start glancing around the room again taking in the decorations and furnature and how nice everything looked. She wandered if she would have a room of her own and if so what would it look like and would it be her own space. She didn't know just sat and waited for his answer about the rules. Finally she looked back at him figureing maybe he wasn't answering because she wasn't looking at him again.
Gregg found himself smiling to himself as she looked up to meet his eyes. It was only a small step, but his silent insistence on it has seemed to work already. He looked across at her, making sure to look deep into her eyes

"Well you seem to have worked out rule one, if I am speaking to you, you must always look into my eyes, otherwise you will be punished for it" He started, noting that she kept the eye contact all the time he was speaking "The other main rule which I have is that you must obey anything I say, whatever I tell you to do, you must do" He didn't think she would like this, but it was the most important thing she would ever have been told

"The procedures you have undergone, have been designed to make you want to follow orders, except your brain at the moment does not want to. That is what I intend to change, I am going to train you to accept orders, but only from me. This brings me to the final rule, you must refer to me at all times as Master, starting from now". He looked at her and waited for a reaction
Sasha was a bit agitated by his rules and the mention of punishment made her flinch inwardly. The thought of punishment reminded her of the beatings and rapes and she wanted to bolt from the house and run after Lisa and tell her she had changed her mind. All of her being wanted to protest at calling this man Master and she knew he was waiting for her response but sstill she looked away as she debated with herself on rather or not this would actually work. She worked hard conviencing herself this was diffrent it wasn't the same as before no mater what and tried to remind herself that the agent wouldn't have left her somewhere unsafe.

"Yes ........... Master." Sasha managed to say even if the words sounded like they were torn from her as she looked back up at him.

She did her best to hide her nerves but so far it seemed much like before and suddenly she was more apprehencive about where she would be staying here at this big house. Her mind kept flashing back to cages from before and she tried to fight them back she knew she would rather die than be locked away in a cage or dark room again. That was another thing that bothered her since she had been freed she couldn't be in the dark or without a watch or clock it seemed those two thing where her reminder that she was now free.
He instantly saw her reaction to the word punishment, a reaction that he was expecting and he would have been surprised if she hadn't reacted like that, but he knew that she would come around to it eventually. He needed to reassure her, even if just a little. He looked at her with what he hoped was a comforting look as he spoke

"I know you are worrying about what this entails, but I will once again promise you that this will be nothing like your previous experience, I'm here to help you"

He stood up then and walked towards the door "follow me" he said "I'll show you where you'll be staying".

He didn't wait for her, he knew she would follow so he just set off along the corridor. He opened the door onto the room and waited for her. The guest room he kept was one of his favourites in the house, and he hoped she would like it, it was important that this part went well. The room was large and light. There was one large bay window which took up most of the wall facing outwards, this window brought in a lot light on a morning, and there was a window seat in it to enjoy the view. The room was painted a light lilac colour, with matching colours all around. In the centre of the room was a double bed and to the side was a large wardrobe and a desk with a comfortable chair. He waited for her to come along to see if it was to her liking.
Sasha rose from the couch and silently followed Gregg from the room she stayed a bit behind him moving slow and cautiously through the house. She studied the walls and floor making sure she knew the way and would remeber everything she saw. When a few minutes later she stepped into the room with Gregg she gasped in shock. The room was amazing. It was light and open and feminie and everything she could ever have hoped for. For a few moments she let her joy show until a thought unbidden crept into her head. Maybe this wasn't her room after all maybe there was another room connected to this one where she would stay. If this was her room and he knew how much she liked it he might take her away from it. She really didn't like either sceniro so she banked her excitment.

He just stood there in the middle of the room and she looked around with a lot less enthusiasm now than she had before. Finally she looked up at him and waited for him speak having picked up from his actions and what he had said before that he wouldn't speak if she wasn't looking at him. Even though she found it hard and going against what had been beat into her for the last 11 months she made the effort. She looked at him and waited not sure what was going on.
Sasha's reaction shocked Gregg. When she stepped into the room, he saw the excitement and happiness he expected to see. He had designed this room to be a place his guests would like, specifically female guests. He had expected to see her eyes light up, and for just a second, he saw this. But then he saw the excitement in her die, as if she was trying to hide it. Try as he might, Gregg could not work out why she had killed the happiness, so he carried on with what he was going to say.

"This is your room Sasha, your space to do with as you like" He smiled at her, keeping her eye contact "There is no lock on the door and other than when you are following orders from me, you are free to move around the house as you wish".

He thought he saw a little happiness to return to her now, had she possibly feared imprisonment still, despite his assurances. He was starting to see just how much psychological trauma this poor girl had been put through and how much of a task he was going to have in teaching her to trust and obey.

"My only rule with regards to this room is that I am allowed to come into it at any time, another reason for not having a lock. I will not need to come in when you are not here, but if you are in the room, I will be able to enter at any time" He knew that this was one part she would not be entirely happy with, but he needed to start getting her used to giving away some control and this was a small first step towards that "Is that okay Sasha?"