Need moms pic

nope just the avatar but I am sure your hairy tits are great too lol
What! What?
Why do you think people have naked pictures of their mothers? Do they have albums or are they just lying around?

'Oh shucks guys remember that time at Uncle Bill's last Christmas when we all gathered around and took naked pictures of Mom, that was a barrel of laughs'.


Read this loser's profile. Brand new member (yesterday), Young, Virgin. Wants women. If he wants women he needs to go out and find them in RL, not beg for photos here.

Three threads all asking for pics.....he obviously knows nothing about Lit or life. Needs to go away and come back when he has grown up a little.

hey the kids just a horny teen that hasn't got a clue... but you have to laugh at his candor.

your replies were so freekin funny i almost pissed myself
Obviously the family reunions are where he goes to meet women. :eek:

What! What?
Why do you think people have naked pictures of their mothers? Do they have albums or are they just lying around?

'Oh shucks guys remember that time at Uncle Bill's last Christmas when we all gathered around and took naked pictures of Mom, that was a barrel of laughs'.
